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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I'm alone: I hate this.

    My heart breaks for you. Are you having complications? What's wrong?
  2. You are smoking hot in that dress!!
  3. LipstickLady

    Blue Shield Denial - so upset

    I know it's disappointing, but they are not lenient at all. Start your 6 months while you file and hope for the best, but prepare for a 6 month wait.
  4. WOW!! It's so nice to see that I'm not alone in this last bite nonsense!! Fellow last bite fatties, UNITE!!
  5. LipstickLady

    Pre-op diet ---crash diet?

    I understand why you are asking, I am simply asking what logic there would be behind not doing as you are directed before undergoing major surgery. Looks like yours is right around the corner. Has your NUT/surgeon not given you directions yet? Edit to add: It scares me for you that you are still smoking, too. Most doctors ask that you quit for at least 30 days pre-op. http://www.facs.org/patienteducation/quitsmoking.html
  6. LipstickLady

    1 month after post op loss

    tiger. I lost 20 of that pre op. We seem to be losing at roughly the same rate.
  7. LipstickLady

    Pre-op diet ---crash diet?

    Why wouldn't you do it? Why would you shorten it?
  8. LipstickLady

    weight gain?

    Normal. The sleeve doesn't stop water weight. I'm in the same boat! No period for 6+ years with my iud, post op I had one almost constantly for the first two months and now I am at a full three weeks without one. Ahhhh... I gained about two to three pounds for the first few days of it.
  9. Sounds like you are doing a great job! Just curious...why "can't" you track?
  10. LipstickLady

    Not losing fast enough!

    I lost 22.8 my first month, 11.6 my second, 10 pounds my third, and "only" 3.8 over the last 13 days of my fourth month. This is NOT the miracle speed loss some think it is, it's hard work and good choices, but it's a great tool. I love my sleeve.
  11. LipstickLady

    1 month after post op loss

    I lost 22.8 my first month, 11.6 my second, 10 pounds my third, and "only" 3.8 over the last 13 days of my fourth month. This is NOT the miracle speed loss some think it is, it's hard work and good choices, but it's a great tool. I love my sleeve.
  12. LipstickLady

    weird question

    I'd say yes, with conditions. It's really up to you! I started my preop diet 2 weeks early because I couldn't stand waiting. If you make good choices pre and post op, and you get your body moving now, you should be able to get on any ride you want by summer depending on how you have to lose. (You have no stats listed, so I don't know if you have. 100 pounds to lose or 500. ) Everyone loses at different rates but there is no reason you can't get where you need to be if you dedicate yourself now.
  13. LipstickLady

    Any Va people here

    Perfect! I have a kid at James River so I am through Westchester constantly. Lunch is perfect.
  14. LipstickLady

    Any Va people here

    Dr. Bautista was my surgeon. I was sleeved May 16! I live in Midlothian so not too far from you! Feel free to message me if you need to chat or have questions. One bit of advice...Bautista's older nurse who weighs you in? Double check everything she enters. She had ALL of my allergies wrong, she put me down as a smoker (I'm not) and various other boo-boos that were a pain to fix. Friendly warning!
  15. I'm not a revision. This is a standard leak test for my surgeon. I did think I was going to vomit all over the machine, the nurse and the doctor.
  16. LipstickLady

    Crab cakes as sliders?

    Crab cakes are not a slider for me, either! Do keep in mind that different foods "slide" for some and not for others. Yes, mindful eating is important. I either take 15 minutes to eat or an hour. It's really hard to find that sweet spot. I, too, can eat a lot more over an hour. Unfortunately, it's the only way I can get to the halfway mark on my daily Protein. I am afraid of making this a habit so... Ugh. Such a fine line!
  17. LipstickLady

    Honest Opinion time!

    Great decision! Bet you've never lost 150+ pounds in one day before now!
  18. I totally understand that and I, like most of us here, have been there. My biggest tool for overcoming that is pretty simple, and with the tool the sleeve is, maybe it will be more effective long term. I like to write down all the reasons I want and need to lose weight. I write down every way my life will be better for myself and for my family when I am healthier both physically and emotionally. I buy everything I need for the the time period I am aiming for and then I fill my schedule from morning till night so I have NO TIME to "cheat". Every time I am tempted to, I check my list, look at pictures of my kids and reflect on what I am missing out on by being so unhealthy. Find YOUR motivation and focus on it. You've been through this surgery. You know that in the grand scheme of things, five days is nothing. You can do ANYTHING for five days and you are doing this FOR YOU. What day are you going to start? Tomorrow??
  19. You are going to do great! Check in and let us know how you are.
  20. LipstickLady

    Almost done!

    I doubt that many of us here *PASS*, but the docs say will say *close enough*.
  21. LipstickLady


    Not a fan of boiled peanuts and I live in Virginia. I do love salted in the shell, though. They work fine for my sleeve. I thought the same as you about the boiled peanuts when we passed through Smithfield last week. Too bad I don't like them!
  22. I make one meal with a protein, a veggie (usually salad) and a starch. If someone doesn't like what I make, they are more than welcome to make a PB&J or a bowl of cereal. This has been the rule in my house since my 15 and 13 year old were toddlers. The only exception is seafood. My oldest WILL NOT touch fish of any sort. I always make her chicken with enough leftovers for my husband to take to work the next day.
  23. LipstickLady

    I have a neck!

    It's a pretty neck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
