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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Airplane food?

    You'll be amazed at how little you need to eat in that period of time and it's totally manageable to take it with you. When you are closer to your flight and see what you are eating, it will be very easy, I'm positive.
  2. You are REALLY dating yourself with those choices. (Get it? Dating yourself? See what I did there???)
  3. So, explain to me how you are "not" losing.
  4. "Only" 13 pounds in 19 DAYS? That's NOTHING to be disappointed about. Yes, if that great of a success disappoints you, stay off the scale.
  5. As soon as they are comfortable!
  6. I agree with all of the above. It's time to go in before you get worse. Keeping you in my thoughts!
  7. LipstickLady

    Sleeves and Martial Arts

    Oh no! I am not tough enough for MMA fight. HA! We do mixed martial arts with an emphasis on TKD, a bit of Karate, Jujitsu and Hapkido. I also teach Women's self defense including pins, throws and take-downs, so I was really worried that, like you, I would lose a lot of mat time. I went a little slower because during my surgery, the doctors found and removed a large piece of my liver because they found a growth (benign). I was a little freaked out so I didn't push myself and that's ok. I really didn't want a random kick to the stomach that would make me miss more time so slow and steady was my motto. Plus, with so little calories going in, I really didn't have a lot of extra to expend. I did my poomse, solitary sparring, a lot of walking on the mat during class and gentle stretches to keep myself loose.
  8. LipstickLady


    Beef jerky. 1oz 80 calories, 13 gr protein.
  9. LipstickLady

    I lost what?

    I have lost seven aluminum ladders.
  10. LipstickLady

    Sleeves and Martial Arts

    ME! I am a training instructor for mixed martial arts and had my sleeve done 5/16. Per doctor's orders: First three weeks, no participation. Next three weeks, light participation, no jumping kicks, no spinning kicks, no sparring. After 6 weeks, kicking was fine, no contact sparring was fine. I started back at full force at my three month mark. I am feeling 100% fine and my kicks have improved greatly 72 pounds down!! You will be fine!
  11. Girl, those not only fit perfectly, but if I was a betting woman, I would guess that you will be in 18s before you know it. They look awesome!!
  12. The first surgeon I went to insisted that the best thing for me was bypass even though I told him that I was absolutely not interested in that at all. He grudgingly said he would sleeve me if I insisted, but every visit, he rammed bypass down my throat. I am NOT a band revision, but he could give me no good reason why bypass was better than sleeve other than his thought that I should want to dump if I ate bad things. Uhmmm....no. I want to live a fairly normal life. I am not a huge sweets eater, but I do want to have a bite of cake or a scoop of ice cream from time to time. His nurse was a bypass recipient and she was also extremely pushy about having bypass over sleeve for the same reason. When I told her my feelings on it, she acted as if I was nuts and just like the doctor, told me that dumping was desirable. WHUCK!?!?!! I changed doctors and I am SO glad I did. SO GLAD. Edit to add: I was 4 months into a 6 month process and had to start all over. Still glad I did it.
  13. I am 3 1/2 months out and for dinner tonight I ate 1 oz of grilled pork loin. It was about 4 or 5 finger nail sized bites. Lean Protein fills me up really fast. For lunch today, I was out with friends at a Mexican restaurant. I ate the meat from the taco, about 1/8 cup of the Beans and two tortilla chips. I made this (MAYBE) 1/4 cup of food the whole lunch, so it was a lot of bites and I know I overdid it. My food ability varies wildly, but I can rarely eat more than 7 or 9 baby bites, using a baby spoon or cocktail fork. Probably 2-3 bites in my pre-sleeved life. It's pretty pathetic, but I'm thrilled.
  14. LipstickLady

    Diet plans. I need help :(

    I'm totally new at this at only 3.5 months out, but I find that to be successful at anything, I simply go back to the basics. Log into myfitnesspal.com if you have an account, or start one, find some Protein Shakes or bars you love, toss all the crap food that has accumulated in your home and replenish with meat, cheese, greek yogurt, almonds, basically everything you started eating when your sleeve was newish. Get in your 64 oz. of Water, limit yourself to 900 calories (or whatever you losing threshold was) and make sure every bite that goes into your mouth is full of protein. Hit your 75-90 gr of protein a day, make sure your carbs and fat are low and stay away from refined sugar. My plan is still very basic. An egg or a yogurt or a Protein Shake for breakfast, lunch meat and a string cheese for lunch, and a lean protein and a bit of veggies for dinner. My Snacks are beef Jerky, almonds, cheese, Oh Yeah bars (sometimes these are lunch), yogurt, FF/SF pudding... Get the right nutrition and get in your 5 miles or 10k steps a day and you should get your body back adjusted to the original way of eating when you were newly sleeved! You can totally do it!
  15. LipstickLady

    Ye Olde Head Case

    We need to work on that. You are a beautiful person with a wonderfully warm smile and you need to focus on what you love about yourself. I challenge you to look in the mirror every day and be kind to yourself. Negative self talk is so defeating and drives such bad behavior. Tell me something you love about you. :wub:
  16. LipstickLady

    Diet plans. I need help :(

    I am a planner and a tracker. I think it's ingrained in me from years of WWs. I am also pretty boring as an eater for Breakfast and lunch, eating pretty much the same every day with a few variations. Are you trying to maintain, lose more, hit certain caloric or Protein goals? I am sure you will get lots of suggestions if you name your goals with your nutrition plan (so much better than diet plan! HA!) so those who are doing as well as you can help! Congratulations on your awesome success!
  17. LipstickLady

    Ye Olde Head Case

    Where do you live? I think I might have to come out there and beat you. For realz.
  18. LipstickLady

    Rawhoo - eating raw as a sleever

    Sigh... I'd suggest that you ask what you REALLY mean with more clarity rather than fuss at those who try to help. I make raw recipes all the time, but I honestly hesitate to share because I rarely answer you the way you want me to and I am far too old to be talked to as if I am an idiot.
  19. LipstickLady

    Blue Shield Denial - so upset

    I asked for the medical plan details specific to WLS be sent to me. They emailed,mailed and faxed it. I wanted the requirements in hand so I was relying on mysel, not the doctor or the caseworker assigned to me by BCBS.
  20. LipstickLady

    Do you think one slice...

    Oh em gee! I am three and a half months out and I love(d) pizza. I took a bite of my daughter's crust last week (think the size of a computer key), chewed well and swallowed. Blurrrrp! Wouldn't go down and I couldn't eat anything else till the next day. Yay!! Boooooo!! Yay!! Boo!! (That's how I feel about that!)
  21. You are 45 years old. It's time to listen to *your* inner voice instead of your mother's. Yes, you love her and you want to make her happy, but not at the detriment of your own happiness. She has no power over you unless you give it to her. Why are you giving it to her? (Spoken with a smile. Promise.)
  22. Looking at your stats, you are starting out at just a few more pounds than I did and you are a wee bit taller. I am 42, so we are close in age, too. I am three months out and 71.4 pounds down. It works. I do recommend you move more starting now, even if it's just walking. You want toned muscles and to be stronger overall, I assume. Plus, it's fun feeling your progress when you can do one more lap or ten more sit ups or 5 more minutes on the elliptical...

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