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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Head Hunger, you b@$t@rd

    Get naked and flap your arms. That should start the jiggles just fine.
  2. LipstickLady

    Head Hunger, you b@$t@rd

    Get naked and jump up and down in front of a mirror. Kills my appetite every single time.
  3. LipstickLady

    WLS Cover-up Story

    I told people that NEEDED to know that I was having surgery for whatever reason that it was for "girly" things (truth--I'm a girl). I tell them I am doing a medically supervised high protein/low carb diet (truth), exercising a lot more (truth), I am measuring/logging everything I eat (truth), and that I cut out a lot of the bad stuff (truth-- my tummy!). I tell the truth about how much I've lost, too. All that long drawn out subterfuge would make my head spin and quite possibly explode. When someone asks me a personal question that I don't want to answer, or one that is rude, I simply smile as if they are an idiot and respond with, "Now why in the world would you ask someone that?". Shuts 'em up every time.
  4. My 27 day stall broke when I added calories. I was averaging 500-650 a day (with an 850 calorie limit) and now I am eating 650-900 with a 1000 cal limit. I've lost 6 pounds this week breaking my stall.
  5. My 27 day stall broke when I added calories. I was averaging 500-650 a day (with an 850 calorie limit) and now I am eating 650-900 with a 1000 cal limit. I've lost 6 pounds this week breaking my stall.
  6. LipstickLady

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Ain't this some sheet! My busiest work season is NOW so squeezing in 150 miles is going to be rough. I took Thursday "off" to spend the day training at my martial arts school. I did two classes, taught a kickboxing class (I run the entire time so I can teach and still sweat), went on a long ass jolk (my ridiculous jog/walk -- it's really a joke) and took the pup for a romp. I was so stinking excited to check out how much lost time I had made up only to find out that .... MY FITBIT BATTERY DIED. It logged NOTHING. I am a bit OCD so if it's not logged, I cannot/will not guesstimate. I get a big fat zero for that day. That said, the scale is moving and my calves are looking pretty good, so that's a win!
  7. LipstickLady

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    Ain't this some sheet! My busiest work season is NOW so squeezing in 150 miles is going to be rough. I took Thursday "off" to spend the day training at my martial arts school. I did two classes, taught a kickboxing class (I run the entire time so I can teach and still sweat), went on a long ass jolk (my ridiculous jog/walk -- it's really a joke) and took the pup for a romp. I was so stinking excited to check out how much lost time I had made up only to find out that .... MY FITBIT BATTERY DIED. It logged NOTHING. I am a bit OCD so if it's not logged, I cannot/will not guesstimate. I get a big fat zero for that day. That said, the scale is moving and my calves are looking pretty good, so that's a win!
  8. LipstickLady

    movie munchie idea

    I am not a big movie goer but when I do go, I cut beef Jerky up into finger nail sized pieces and munch on those because I am a salty person. I bought some of these yesterday thinking they might be good for a sweet treat. I will let you know! http://www.bariatricchoice.com/wonderslim-bariatric-protein-mini-crisps.html
  9. LipstickLady

    movie munchie idea

    I am not a big movie goer but when I do go, I cut beef jerky up into finger nail sized pieces and munch on those because I am a salty person. I bought some of these yesterday thinking they might be good for a sweet treat. I will let you know! http://www.bariatricchoice.com/wonderslim-bariatric-protein-mini-crisps.html
  10. And really, is a fluctuating number (and I bet it's a small difference) really worth worrying about? Go play with your kid, girl! We can Celebrate 199.8 when it happens.
  11. And really, is a fluctuating number (and I bet it's a small difference) really worth worrying about? Go play with your kid, girl! We can celebrate 199.8 when it happens.
  12. LipstickLady

    Ice: Breakfast, lunch...n possibly dinner

    I vomited or viciously pooped out everything for several weeks post op and had NO appetite. I lived and you will, too. Listen to your body. Get in your fluids. Move as much as you can. You will be fine!
  13. LipstickLady

    Ice: Breakfast, lunch...n possibly dinner

    I vomited or viciously pooped out everything for several weeks post op and had NO appetite. I lived and you will, too. Listen to your body. Get in your fluids. Move as much as you can. You will be fine!
  14. That's awesome! Congratulations. You are doing great. Focus on the big picture, revel in your success and in how good you feel. I bet chasing those ankle biters is much easier now than it has been in a long time and I am sure you look even more amazing than you did when you started. The number on the scale is fun to look at, how you FEEL is what is important.
  15. That's awesome! Congratulations. You are doing great. Focus on the big picture, revel in your success and in how good you feel. I bet chasing those ankle biters is much easier now than it has been in a long time and I am sure you look even more amazing than you did when you started. The number on the scale is fun to look at, how you FEEL is what is important.
  16. Have you taken pictures? Measurements? Please do! I fluctuated between 189 and 192 for all of September. Since I can't quit this diet, I stuck to plan and kept my normal exercise plan; doing my best to get in 10k steps a day, martial arts and kickboxing, a little gym time, nothing strenuous most days with a few really tough days thrown in for fun. Over the last week, I have lost five pounds. Over the month, I have lost an entire clothing size. Pants that were too tight last week were too loose yesterday! What the flippity flip? Amazing! Keep it up, it will happen.
  17. Have you taken pictures? Measurements? Please do! I fluctuated between 189 and 192 for all of September. Since I can't quit this diet, I stuck to plan and kept my normal exercise plan; doing my best to get in 10k steps a day, martial arts and kickboxing, a little gym time, nothing strenuous most days with a few really tough days thrown in for fun. Over the last week, I have lost five pounds. Over the month, I have lost an entire clothing size. Pants that were too tight last week were too loose yesterday! What the flippity flip? Amazing! Keep it up, it will happen.
  18. Easy cheesey! Don't weigh yourself on the weekend! I know that sounds flip, but weight fluctuates every day and all day. It could be Water weight from sodium, or your muscles holding onto it because you are moving more, or simply that you are weighing at a different time of day. I weigh and log daily, but it never bothers me. In fact, it motivates me to stick to plan. If you are doing what you should, no worries! The scale will move.
  19. Easy cheesey! Don't weigh yourself on the weekend! I know that sounds flip, but weight fluctuates every day and all day. It could be Water weight from sodium, or your muscles holding onto it because you are moving more, or simply that you are weighing at a different time of day. I weigh and log daily, but it never bothers me. In fact, it motivates me to stick to plan. If you are doing what you should, no worries! The scale will move.
  20. LipstickLady

    Random rant

    You have three choices then. You can either go and dread it, not knowing what kind of ridiculous comment she may make. You can cancel and feel relieved but continue to be justifiably pissed. You can take back your power and let her know that while you appreciate her concern, you have been VERY successful with your dietary choices and outside input/advice isn't really necessary or appreciated. If you choose option three, you have to say it with confidence and a smile. You don't need to explain or justify your statement. Basically it's a very polite FU without opening the door to further discussion. I usually answer any unwelcome/rude questions with a very wide-eyed, smiley yet sarcastic, "Well now, that's a very odd question/statement to ask/say to someone". And then you smile and move on.
  21. LipstickLady

    Random rant

    You have three choices then. You can either go and dread it, not knowing what kind of ridiculous comment she may make. You can cancel and feel relieved but continue to be justifiably pissed. You can take back your power and let her know that while you appreciate her concern, you have been VERY successful with your dietary choices and outside input/advice isn't really necessary or appreciated. If you choose option three, you have to say it with confidence and a smile. You don't need to explain or justify your statement. Basically it's a very polite FU without opening the door to further discussion. I usually answer any unwelcome/rude questions with a very wide-eyed, smiley yet sarcastic, "Well now, that's a very odd question/statement to ask/say to someone". And then you smile and move on.
  22. LipstickLady

    Gluten free protein powders?

    According to google, there are tons out there. Here are some from GNC, most are also Casein free. http://www.gnc.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=12316500&cp=12312424
  23. LipstickLady

    Cant eat poultry ?

    I can't do scrambled but I can do over easy, poached or hard boiled. Deviled eggs are awesome!
  24. LipstickLady

    Cant eat poultry ?

    Me. Exactly!

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