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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I have found that post op, I am more me than ever before. I never knew how much my size, my weight, my food addiction and my obsession with diet was masking who I really am. Just like the weight, it all slowly crept up on me muting the real me very slowly but in a very real way. Now I wake up every morning ready to be out in the world, thrilled to pick a pretty outfit instead of whatever will mask whichever body part I'm obsessing over, not fixated on where I might eat (or avoid if I am doing WWs, Atkins, fat free, etc.), not worried if my hair isn't perfect because God knows I needed something to detract from the size of my ass, wanting to be SEEN by people instead of hoping I didn't run into someone I haven't seen in months...I could go on for ages. I liked the fat me for who I was on the inside. I was always confident and happy. Now, though, I am thrilled with ME and the excitement I have as I evolve into a new, healthier being is just overflowing into obnoxious giddiness. Every minute of the day....
  2. I am 5.5 months out and I get in about 40 gr on a good day. Working on improving!
  3. LipstickLady

    Any food addicts here?

    I have no doubt that what you are saying is true. I have no doubt that my ability to fall back into my food addiction still exists, that it is just laying dormant for now. I have no trouble admitting that I am thrilled that I have had so many eating "disabilities" since my surgery; puking, sticking, dumping, discomfort for no apparent reason. I am scared to death of those "punishments" going away. I am learning to look at food in a completely different light, as nourishment instead of NEED. Will this last forever? Doubt it, but a girl can dream. I am happy to stay scared, too, it will keep me on my toes. I can tell you this... I always admired the women who started WWs with only 10-15 to lose even while hating them for it. I swore to myself if I ever got the chance to start over at a healthy weight, I would fight my fat while I had only a handful to lose. That's a promise to myself I intend to keep. My weight has always been a struggle and will always be a struggle. I've lived with it for 42 years, I hope to live with it for 42 more. I just hope to struggle on a much smaller scale. I love you, too.
  4. I started a month before I had to. Didn't do liquid, but I did 1 protein shake a day, broth based soup and salad for lunch, veggies and protein for dinner. I stayed under 1500 calories and lost 20 pre-op.
  5. LipstickLady

    Any food addicts here?

    I dare say there are MANY food addicts here and almost every story is that of one, whether they own up to that addiction or not. For me, the removal of my stomach has taken away 95% of my NEED to eat mass quantities of food because it HURTS. Eating more than a few bites is uncomfortable and makes me want to vomit. At least once a week or so, I do have to vomit because I have one bite too many or something gets stuck. Those times are getting fewer and farther in between, thankfully, and I am finding myself dreading eating even when I feel physically hungry. What's really bizarre is that I don't mind dreading food, as I am slowly starting to see it more as nourishment than anything else. I still battle head hunger from time to time and a need for sweets/carbs/fatty foods/etc. but I am so physically uncomfortable when I indulge, it's getting SO MUCH easier to defeat the "need". This has been a great tool for me to get my food addiction under control. I don't feel as if I need therapy, but I certainly think that's an awesome tool to go along with this if one does.
  6. LipstickLady

    Talk me off the ledge!

    I flicked a booger in the cheesecake and in the brownies. You're welcome.
  7. LipstickLady


    Yup! I dare say ALL of us have gone through it. It will pass.
  8. LipstickLady


    Eat slower, recognize your "full" faster (by taking smaller bites and eating slower -- I had a terrible time with this), tums and Prilosec.
  9. Gas? Your gall bladder? Call your doctor when you can and check back in with an update!
  10. I doubt it. I don't think one can feel his/her liver shrinking or growing. Are you exercising more? Maybe you have gas from something you are eating/drinking? Take a GasX and see if it goes away after a few tootles.
  11. You should tell her that he doesn't but that your BFF's husband does. VERY MUCH.
  12. It will get easier around day 4. It's my experience that the first three days are the worst and then it's all doable. Drink as much Water as you can, chew gum and brush your teeth and use mouthwash ALLLLLLLLL the time. Nothing tastes good after a big old swig of Listerine. You can totally do it!
  13. LipstickLady

    Check me out

    Hot momma!
  14. LipstickLady

    Sleeve doubles in size after 1 year?

    I am drinking a Starbucks venti skinny latte right now. At 160 calories and 16 grams of protein, it's totally a great choice, although an expensive habit.
  15. LipstickLady

    What did you tell people?!?!?

    I disagree with you completely. I find it quite offensive that several people here find my desire to keep my decision private reflective of "shame", see it as a "lie", say that I am "hiding", etc. My decision to have WLS surgery was a very personal one. I was not defined by my fat before and I will NOT be defined my my surgery now. I do not feel like discussing my weight loss, my diet, my restrictions, the process, etc. with everyone who is curious, who just doesn't understand, who knows someone who had it, who has a mother/brother/bff/cousin's neighbor's girlfriend's cat's vet who is thinking about it, etc. I don't feel that I need to be the topic of every conversation about dieting nor do I want to be watched under a microscope just because I've done something that people do not understand nor are familiar with. I've told the people who need to know, I've told the people who I want to know and I've told a few random people who I thought would be helped by the information. I feel no need to tell anyone else, any more than I feel the need to shout to the world that I am on my period, that I pooped all over the delivery table with my second child, that my left boob is a half a size bigger than my right, etc. It's MY body and I will not allow those of you who decide to tell your story to the world make me feel bad about choosing not to.
  16. I stick with Red Lobster cheese biscuits. They are owned by Olive Garden so that makes them Italian, right?
  17. Oddly enough, some people have considered me quite annoying in the past. I have no idea why as I am pretty darn close to perfection. That said, my sleeve has has taught me some really cool tricks that seem to get on the nerves of my family, for reasons I just cannot fathom. First, they seem to barely tolerate my habit of hopping on and off my scale 5-10 times several times a day and shouting out, "Now I've lost 2 ounces, now I've gained 4 ounces, this time I am down 3, ooops, now I am up 4!!!" or whatever my undecisive scale seems to want to weigh me at. Instead of getting a new, more accurate scale, I consider this step exercise and the freedom to choose my weight for the day. They are especially unamused at my insistence of telling them how much a "movement" might have weighed if I am lucky enough to have one. My second bad habit is stalking strangers through the store, staring at their arses, and asking whomever with me if mine is as big/small/round/high/perky/droopy as whomever my current victim's might be. One kid finds it creepy, the other (who obviously loves me more) is much more helpful but often runs around to look at my arse then the other person's causing me to wonder if anyone might be noting this strange behavior. Mr.Lipstick has taken to asking me if I care if he checks out the hot blonde/brunette/random Hooter girl/etc. instead of the middle aged mom that much more resembles my persona. My newest habit is picking up random pairs of pants at home or the store and and exclaiming, "LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!! Can you believe that MY ASS fits in these??!!?!?!!! THEY LOOK SO SMALLLLLLL!! I must go try them on right now just to make sure." as if my ass suddenly grew six inches since taking off said pants 5 minutes ago. I constantly amaze myself. Every single day. I love this sleeve.
  18. LipstickLady

    Baby Food

    Canned tuna, chicken, salmon... Add mayo or Greek yogurt and run through a food chopper to purée. Soft scrambled eggs, hummus, guacamole, cream Soups, pudding with Protein powder, cottage cheese, cream cheese, refried Beans.... Tons of options without torture.
  19. LipstickLady

    Baby Food

    Gross! There are plenty of tasty adult foods you can have. Skip the baby gak.
  20. I got watered down juice and ice chips. Puréed at week three.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
