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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I smell funny?

    I smelled like a jar of filthy dirty pennies. No matter how many times a day I brushed my teeth, my breath reeked. In the morning, our bedroom had to be aired out from my all night exhalations. Soooooooo disgusting.
  2. LipstickLady

    I smell funny?

    Ketosis! It will go away soon enough. Well, not really soon enough, but it will go away. It's disgusting but normal.
  3. LipstickLady

    She got mad!

    VSG porn....
  4. LipstickLady

    She got mad!

    She started to cream?!? I TOLD you that you are a hottie!
  5. I didn't read your whole post, but I'm pretty sure you're dead on the head.
  6. LipstickLady


    If you have a complication and you need an X-ray, MRI or cat scan, you can have no metal and the doctors need a clear view. No jewelry.
  7. LipstickLady

    I don't like meat

    Do you eat tofu?
  8. LipstickLady

    Ordering at restaurants?

    I have two teen girls and my husband. I usually just ask for an extra plate and I take a few bites of whatever they are having. If I am out with people who wouldn't be amused by my thievery, I order a side salad with added protein or an app. Kids' meals work at places like Chipotle where the dish is just a mini adult version, but as I cannot eat chicken, there usually aren't many ME friendly choices. Don't overlook the SIDES menu, too. I can usually order a side of veggies and ask another diner to ask for an add on of protein to their dinner. Always look at the menu online before you go so you can plan ahead and order seamlessly with everyone else, especially if you are with people who don't know. Last option? Sometimes I don't eat at all. I no longer feel the need to eat just because it's meal time. If I am not hungry, I don't eat. Instead, I get a cup of coffee or (gasp!) a bloody mary, and sit back and enjoy the compnay.
  9. This is an old habit of mine that I have to avoid at any and all costs. Secret eating was my downfall and something that I excelled at. You know that old saying "Go big or go home!"? I would go BIG and *then* I would go home. When I had my surgery I vowed that I would never closet eat again. I won't feel guilty about the choices I make and I will eat whatever I choose, but I am going to do it publicly and I am going to own my decisions. Please know that my little verbal vomit is not at all in judgement or admonishment of you. This was something that I needed to be open about and take ownership of for me. :wub:
  10. I ate candy last night and I am paying for it in gnawing hunger feelings this morning. Eh...Halloween is once a year and it's back to business today!
  11. LipstickLady

    I stop losing wieght

    Just keep getting in your protein and you liquids, move your body and stick to your fat/calories/carbs as outlined by your doctor. The weight WILL come off. I stalled for 30 days and it was frustrating, but I was losing inches even though the scale wasn't moving. If you stick to plan, you will lose.
  12. Sounds like acid build up. Are you taking your acid blocker? You need to! That's what I feel like when I forget mine. Excess acid will also mimic hunger "pains". Keep that in mind!
  13. LipstickLady

    this "candy " is almost too good to be true!

    I saw this product on Shark Tank. Last thing I need is ANYTHING with a laxative effect. UGH..
  14. Duh. I was told to end it, you know.
  15. LipstickLady

    Zomg! Why didnt you guys tell me about thi?s?

    I'm a Virginian transplanted from Ventura. I have a Tractor Supply right across the road and there are no tractors anywhere near where I live. It's bizarre. They do have great prices on guinea pig supplies, though!
  16. LipstickLady

    Zomg! Why didnt you guys tell me about thi?s?

    I may be the only person who does NOT like this stuff. It's OH SO GROSS!! I love bacon and I love jerky. I eat both almost every day. I do NOT love bacon jerky. It's way too smoky tasting and it's so soft, it's borderline gooey. Blurp. I like my bacon crispy and the smell of smoke flavoring makes me gag. Not a fan.
  17. Sh!ts about to get real!
  18. Welcome to the club!?!? Girl, I was a founding member of this club!!
  19. So because you are a b!tch every day, I can't be one as well? Hmph. Does that have anything to do with when your surgery was?
  20. For you. When you choose to air your laundry on a public bulletin board, remember that people will respond with their opinion, whether you like it or not, whether you agree with it or not or whether they are welcome or not. Fact.
  21. Snickers. I see what you did there.
  22. LipstickLady

    What's your poison!

    I like a diet cranberry with vodka or a bloody mary. I do like wine over ice and a hard cider, also over ice. I get tipsy entirely too fast, but it goes away even faster. It's really weird.
  23. I'm in a great mood! What's to be angry about when you are sporting new size 12 slacks and can walk in heels comfortably all day.
  24. Girl, I've pissed off three people I didn't give birth to today already. Don't sit too close to me, you might get hit with something.

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