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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I got super lucky during my two week. I got the worst cold I've ever had and was allowed to take Nyquil and Tylenol PM. I slept for almost 4 days of it. Start licking grocery cart handles, I am sure you can do the same!
  2. LipstickLady

    this may start a riot.

    <cough> <cough>
  3. LipstickLady

    this may start a riot.

    No. That's childish. Haven't you been keeping up?
  4. LipstickLady

    this may start a riot.

    Yes, yes they are.
  5. LipstickLady

    this may start a riot.

    I suspect you like sniffing crotches of people, not people.
  6. LipstickLady

    this may start a riot.

    Because name calling is the epitome of maturity.
  7. Yes. I bought a box about 6 weeks ago and I've not been able to bring myself to eat them. Today I ate one. It was good and i was fine eating it unless I thought about it. When I thought about it, I gagged. It's the perfect snack with great stats but it's freaking ostrich!
  8. I have a confession. I'm semi grossed out, semi ashamed and semi impressed with myself. Today I ate an...
  9. LipstickLady

    Things I will NOT miss about being fat.

    :faint: My answer to that would be, "Do you REALLY need those front teeth!?!?!"
  10. LipstickLady

    Call me <evil> but...

    Y'all are too much. What's really fun is that she lives less than 3 miles from my house and works at a department store right down the road. I stop there often and see here all the time, but she doesn't see me. I would NEVER be mean back because that would make me just as bad as her and I would rather poke myself in the eye with a rusty pole than be anything like her. Just the satisfaction of sashaying my size 12 ass into her home will make me giddy. And then by this time next year.... Size 8? 6? WHO KNOWS!!!!
  11. Awesome!! That's so wonderful.
  12. LipstickLady

    Call me <evil> but...

    None of my in laws know of my surgery and they never will.
  13. No, I *DO NOT* eat and drink at the same time. It hurts, it usually makes me vomit and if I don't vomit, I am in crampy, ugly misery until I belch a nasty, unladylike emission that sounds as if chunks are about to blow. If I eat very little, I can comfortably drink in 30-45 minutes, if I eat even one bite too many, it's an hour minimum before I can even consider sipping. So... How do I eat Soup? I can't eat soup. Soup hurts. Should I strain the soup? Only eat the chunks? I love soup!! It sucks that I cannot eat soup. I WANT SOUP!!! I can handle thicker cream based Soups which are obviously not the best choice, but even with those I have to burp myself like a baby so eat even a small cup. And cereal! I LOVE Cereal. Again, I know it's not the best choice in the world, but every once in awhile, it sure would be nice to eat a bowl of raisin bran so I can actually make a poop more often than once a month. (Yes, I really am full of ****.) I have always liked heavily milked cereal and now if I make it more than slightly damp, it's painful. I can no longer eat cereal. I suppose that's good as it's mostly carbs, but seriously?!??!! It's not a trigger food for me, I like healthy cereals and it's easy. ARGH!!! If we are not allowed to eat and drink at the same time, why does the doc allow cereal and soup!?!?!? And why doesn't my body acknowledge these foods as acceptable per my NUT!?!?!?!
  14. I can drink milk just fine. I am truly just b*tching about my intolerance for foods with liquids, even those that are supposed to be eaten that way.
  15. LipstickLady

    Before and during collage

    Look at you! Beautiful!
  16. LipstickLady

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I'm glad to hear she stood up against it.
  17. My issue is liquid with food. I do love Bear Creek soups, though! Great idea for my soup cravings. I forgot about them!
  18. I am almost 6 months out and have had some food issues from the beginning I have my eating speed and amount down pat, I just have some atypical struggles that I am actually thankful for. Keeps me careful.
  19. LipstickLady

    Got My Date...but...

    Stick to your guns. The 19th. Seriously.
  20. LipstickLady

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Why in the world would she associate with that? I will forever feel fat no matter how small my body is and I can't imagine being around a group the belittles overweight people. I'd feel guilty by association.
  21. LipstickLady

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I would have turned that person's face into a big blob. That's horrible! Fooker.
  22. LipstickLady

    Got My Date...but...

    Tell him no, that you want it on the original date. Be your own advocate and stand strong unless he can give you a great reason to wait. You can do it! Look how far you've come already. I know you are going to be successful.

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