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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I am super busy this time of year (as is everyone) with school activities and my business, and the shorter days seem to really make me feel the crunch. Plus, the chillier it gets, the more I want to snuggle on the couch with my pup and a trashy novel. My family still wants to eat, so it's time to pull out the crock pot! The more elaborate the meal, the more prep I do at night. Today's recipe is seriously an open and dump but a family favorite: 3-4 chicken breasts 2 cans pinto Beans rinsed 1 jar of your favorite salsa 1 can of Rotel 1 can of corn drained. Dump it all in and cook on low 8-10 hours. Shred chicken with two forks. Serve with chopped onion, sour cream, cheese, chopped avocado and chips as toppings. SUPER easy and low carb friendly! Please share your favorite WLS recipes!
  2. Bluuuuuuuuuurp!! I trust you but I just couldn't do it. <3
  3. Do you Brown the beef before putting in the crock pot? Sent from my VS986 using the BariatricPal App I did.....but if you buy really lean ground chuck you can simply dump it in there raw. RAW GROUND BEEF IN THE CROCK POT???? I just threw up a little.
  4. I must have an AWESOME resting b!tch face because I was never treated differently fat or skinny. I was never bullied about my weight nor did I experience any negativity (excluding my own internal dialogue). I didn't tell many people about my surgery and not one person asked me if I had it as I lost weight. People did ask what I was doing to lose the pounds and I simply told them that I was working with a doctor (true), following a high Protein low carb diet (true) and moving my a$$ a lot more (also true). If/when follow up questions were asked, my tone made it very clear that was the end of the discussion. Period. The few times people carried on an unwelcome conversation I simply told that that I was bored of talking about my weight but I'd be more than happy to talk about theirs. Oddly, the discussion ended abruptly. I've recently started a new business - one that is very socially oriented - and my industry is often inundated with food deliveries, drinks, business lunches, cocktail hours, etc. For the first time (and I am 3.5 years out), people are noticing my smaller portions and my bizarre eating "behaviors" (like eating the meat out of a sandwich only, not grabbing a drink with lunch, skipping the dessert, etc.). This business if VERY people oriented and we are extremely focused on the details of people around us, so it's a bit startling at times. I've learned to grab a drink, a snack, a cookie, and then ignore it. I am open about my low carb ways so that's cut down on that conversation and now I get to hear about their latest and greatest diet attempts. People love to talk about themselves so it's easy enough to kindly steer the topic away from me and to them. These folks never knew me as a fatty so their questions/comments come from a different place than those who watched me lose, so it's definitely a different situation. The more causally you handle these situations, the easier they are. Most of the "treatment" we receive is all in our heads. IN MY OPINION.
  5. LipstickLady

    Halo Top ice cream

    I am 3.5 years out and have been in maintenance for over 2.5 years. I've heard of Halo ice cream but I've not tried it, nor do I really plan to. I was never a huge sweets person, but if I did indulge, ice cream was definitely my dessert of choice. Life is already filled with temptation at every turn, I see no need to purposefully bring another into my life. In reading this thread, I have two "issues" for lack of better word. First and foremost, I am not sure why one would even consider buying ice cream of any sort at only two weeks out. I applaud your thought process of talking to your surgeon before eating it but just the fact that you brought it home gives you license to eat it regardless of that conversation when you hit a weak moment. Why have that little carton of yum whispering to you in the freezer when you should be concentrating on changing your habits? Along with that, you now have all this "validation" that it's OK for you when really, it is NOT AT ALL IDEAL at your stage in the game. You have people telling you how delicious it is and even one telling you that "most people cheat" so you can too. (Insert HUGE eyeroll here.) Later maybe, but not now. My second "issue" is that fact that there is still the thought process that food is a "treat". That's a road directly back to Fatty Mcfatpants, a place I never want to revisit. A treat is a concert tickets and fitting comfortably through the crowd and in your seat. A treat is a new pair of skinny jeans in the single digit sizes. A treat is newly found collar bones and hip bones. A treat is fresh flowers on the kitchen table or a new trashy novel to enjoy on the next rainy day. A treat is a session on treadmill or a hike up a mountain without losing your breath immediately. You aren't a dog. Food is no longer a "treat" and what exactly is it "rewarding"?
  6. LipstickLady

    Attending a wedding @ 6 weeks out

    I love our new folks who talk sense. I really really do.
  7. LipstickLady

    f**king freezing

    @@higher Fur is cultural? Where are you from?
  8. Newbies encouraging newbies to cheat on their post op diet. AWESOME.

    1. OzRoo


      Didn't you know that Some Newbies know more than their surgeons? Sigh .....

    2. KristenLe


      Thank you for the compliments! I don't think it's a knowledge issue - these people have to know they shouldn't be drinking wine at 5 days out or chicken wings at 6 days out - they just don't care - it's ignorance and "I want what I want... mentality". It pisses me off when they're cheered on by others - new and old.

    3. rking


      i LOVE the lip pic. i actually considered doing that for halloween as i am dressing as a black widow. LOVE lipstick!

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  9. Disagree. I got in all my protein and still lost gobs of hair. Happened with WWs, happened with Jenny, happened with the sleeve. The only time I didn't lost a ton of hair was when I did Atkins, no carb, high fat. And the only way one can keep high protein and low cals is with turkey, chicken or fish? Tell that to all the vegetarian sleevers out there who are successful.
  10. False statement? I hate to sound mean, but you have a reading comprehension problem. I never said there weren't other causes, I just mentioned that a lack of protein can cause problems. Instead of calling me a liar, you might do some web searches on the subject of hair loss and protein. How your body reacts to surgery relates to your case, but their are others who would have done better had they followed the recommended diet plans. Who called you a liar? And personal attacks? Seriously?
  11. LipstickLady

    In complete AWE

    @@HoneyBee37❤ GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  12. LipstickLady

    f**king freezing

  13. LipstickLady

    Time off

    I'd say a week off and a week of planned half days due to flat out exhaustion.
  14. Looks like there is no liquid added at all. Am I correct? Correct!
  15. LipstickLady

    Is it too early for eggs?

    What came first, the chicken or the egg?
  16. Seriously the best pot roast ever. No searing needed, use at least a four pound roast or it's too salty and three pepperonicinis is the perfect amount. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/recipe/mississippi-roast-robin-chapman-36577072
  17. So we need to quarter your recipes for normal sized families, @@Dub .
  18. LipstickLady

    Failure, forgiveness & getting real

    I, too, am on the "eat your protein" train. It will keep you full longer, and at your stage in the game, there is no reason to suffer through anything you don't like. Crab, shrimp, beef, edamame, cheese... So many good and tasty forms of Protein out there for sure! Why torture yourself when you can get your protein in in a way that is actually better for your body and much more realistic long term?
  19. LipstickLady

    f**king freezing

    My foot warmer:
  20. LipstickLady

    I swear this place is

    You lucky duck.
  21. That sounds yum!! I wish I loved oatmeal because I know it's good for you. That looks and sounds amazing! I need to try it for sure. This looks great. I need to check on the pinto beans though. I took a nutrition class at our county extensions office and was told not to make pinto beans in the crockpot. It may just apply to dried pinto beans so I need to check. Edited to add: I think I found an answer to my question. I assume canned pinto beans have been pre-cooked. Otherwise, if you use dried beans, read this: http://www.choosingvoluntarysimplicity.com/crockpots-slow-cooking-dried-beans-phytohaemagglutinin/ before cooking dried beans in the slow cooker, especially pinto beans. Yes. Canned. Literally a five minute put together.
  22. Probably around the 6-9 month mark?
  23. LipstickLady

    f**king freezing

    At 3.5 years out, it's not gotten better for me. I keep the heat on once it drops below 73, I use a space heater at my desk and I wear layers all the time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
