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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


  2. LipstickLady


    The only foreign object I want implanted in me:
  3. LipstickLady


    I got'cher sweet spot, lady! :ph34r:
  4. As much as it pains me to say this, I agree with BUTT-er about the fruit. Too much sugar, too little bulk, too high in calories.
  5. At six months out (tomorrow!! WHAT!?!?!), meals don't work very well for me because of my schedule and my tiny eating capacity. I am generally out of the door by 7:03am. (Not 7, not 7:05.) This time of year, I get home around 8:30-9pm between my business, my kids' activities and martial arts. Grazing works best for me and my NUT is ok with it as long as I hit, not exceed, my nutritional values. She is all about 5-7 mini meals and I am OK with that, too! My best grazing bits? beef jerky cheese beef jerky sf/ff lattes nuts (I've cut back on these - trigger food) beef jerky protein bars seafood salad with extra artificial crab leg added in beef jerky protein chips What else...? Oh! Did I mention beef jerky?
  6. So, I've been to this dealer far too many times for issues with my vehicle. Here, you are assigned a case manager so there is consistency with your service and mine has never been particularly customer service oriented. I come in, I am shown to the waiting room with a bit of grunting, one or two word answers to my questions and a long wait time with absolutely zero check ins from him to tell me the progress. My car is (was as of today, argh!) under warranty, so my repairs have been free, but the dealer has never gone above or beyond what I've asked for. Last week I came in because my auto locks are not locking with the remote and I was about to turn 100k. I needed to document the problem so they would fix it free. It was my first visit in about 8 months but they know me here as my car is lettered with my company name and I ALWAYS get comments. My service guy came out with his usual eye roll and sigh until I stepped out of the car. Can we say attitude change? It was so bizarre and seriously the first time I can attribute being treated differently to my appearance. He happily scheduled my appointment even though I was about to roll my mileage and even though the doors miraculously locked as they are supposed to. (Seriously?) Today, he came out to greet me with a smile, opened my car door, offered me a free oil change and inspection, noticed my tire pressure light was on and said he'd take care of it. On top of that, he has given me progress checks three times, told me that he was changing two bulbs that were out at no charge and I suspect my car is getting washed, too. The other guys in the shop noticed that I sell self defense products (stun guns and pepper spray) and I quickly had a crowd of them around me wanting to "play with my toys". Sold three tasers, my car is in order and they didn't tell me a darn thing was wrong after the inspection. Yeah... Not sure how I feel about the change in attitude.
  7. Arts totally stole my KISS ME ASS line. Why do you care what others say? You know what is best for you, you are in charge of your body. You know if you can sustain what you are doing now without the tool as a sleeve. You know your history of gaining/losing. NO ONE ELSE MATTERS. Smile and move on.
  8. I went in for my 6 month check up today and I have lost 75% of my excess weight. I am only 28 pounds from goal and I am down 5 sizes (20 -> 12). I feel great, I look great and I am oh so happy with myself. I can move better, I am exercising because I WANT to and I haven't been happier than I am right now in I don't know how long. So what dumbass move did I make today? I signed up for a Rugged Maniac that's coming to my town in the spring. WOOT!!! I am so excited. It's a 5k with 24 tough and muddy obstacles to conquer. There are walls to scale, fire pits to jump, logs to hop, ropes to climb, mud pits, nets... I am so freaking excited!!! What a HUGE NSV for me!!! Just the fact that I signed up and am ready to go for it tells me how far I've come in my confidence within myself physically and that's thrilling. The fact that my two girls (they will be 14 and 16 when the race comes) are doing it with me makes me giddy. What a wonderful memory this will make for us. I'm hoping hubby joins in, too!! My goal is to get within five pounds of goal by the time the event is here. The obstacles are pretty team oriented and there is always someone there to give you a hand up (or a push up if they are behind you) and it's about having fun more so than it is competitive. I think it would be much easier for someone to give my 150 pound ass up a 12 foot wall than where I am right now. And if I don't need help? EVEN BETTER!!!! www.ruggedmaniac.com If you want to check out pics!!
  9. LipstickLady

    Gah! I Just Want Food!

    Clears only for a month? :faint:
  10. LipstickLady

    How Much Are U "eating"?

    If you can feel it backed up, you are FULL. Measure your food and only consume 1-2 oz at a time for now. Remember to take your PPI as acid build up mimics the gnawing hunger feeling. Slow and careful. Your staples are still healing and you don't want to cause your teeny tummy any issues.
  11. LipstickLady

    Sick Of Compliments And Comments

    This is a huge reason why I chose not to tell people about my WLS. I am a mom, a wife, a successful business owner and a friend. I am a women's self defense instructor and a martial artist. I am a promotions director and an events organizer. I volunteer at a women's shelter, two PTAs, and in classrooms for autistic children. I am a theater mom and a kickboxing teacher. I could bore you to tears with all the things I am that are so much more interesting than the staples in my stomach. I love the compliments but I hate the intense focus on my weight loss. No one introduced me before as the big fat cow, why am I now introduced as the one who lost a fifth grader? I'm happy I did what I did and I wouldn't take it back for the world, but I am ready for this to no longer be the definition of me.
  12. LipstickLady


    If Butter keeps posting pics of BCA, :***I"M***: leaving.
  13. LipstickLady


    I usually get used to things. I'm not this time.
  14. I heard the same. At 5.3 and 264 pounds? Really? I will say I am very hourglass shaped and I fatten up evenly everywhere, so at my largest, I was sizes smaller than many people my height and weight. But no. I was fat. Like a cow. Like a huge honking moo cow.
  15. Yeah, I can't. I have till May.
  16. LipstickLady


    Knock that sh/t off, dammit!
  17. If you can't control it, eliminate it. It's tough, but you can do it. If you are unwilling to do that, try an old trick I learned from WWs. Measure out a teaspoonful into a microwave proof bowl, add 1/2 teaspoon of Water, stir and heat. It will be thin but still full flavor. It will spread well or make a great dip. (I don't know what banders can eat, but I like apples with no skin.) This should eliminate the stuck feeling, too! Twice the pb, half the fat and calories.
  18. Thanks all! I am so excited. I am trying to decide what our team name should be along with what we will wear. I definitely want rainbow fros for everyone on the team. So far it's an all female team from my martial arts school. Ideas?
  19. LipstickLady

    Call me <evil> but...

    Will do! She's a size 18/20. Should I take her my 16s or 14s? J/k... I would never intentionally make one feel bad about their weight. I can think mean, though...
  20. How did I miss this?!? Now I get the title of your thread about NOT chopping off your head! :face palm: Looking great! Cute shoes, too. Want my address? Your husband is welcome to shop for me, too.
  21. LipstickLady


    Hugs to you, Laura-V! Big, sloppy, mushy-gushy ones, too.

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