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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    What Is Skinny Anyways?

    For now, I have no interest in plastics. That said, after my brain surgery, I swore off WLS saying I would never have surgery again unless they dragged my half dead body into the OR without my knowledge and look at me now. I'm 42 years old and I am OK with the thought that I will never be what I once was in a bikini. I am never going to have anyone beg me to be the centerfold of a skin mag (unless it's literally a SKIN fetish mag). I may never again wear short shorts and braless would only mean a peek show from somewhere around my waist. My husband loves me just the way I am and he's happy to have a warm place to park his parts. If we were ever to split and I was to reenter the dating world, whatever new guy I stumble upon would have to learn to like me the way I am as well because I'm not changing for any man. My body has carried me through some really great times, really tough times and has put up with a whole hell of alotta abuse from me and is still strong and healthy DESPITE me. I don't know if I want to roll the dice with anesthesia again, but I will never say never. If I did anything, I would love a boob lift, but they make great bras for that. A tummy tuck maybe? I don't know if I have enough skin for that. A leg lift would probably be my most needed job, but it sounds so painful and I am a big wuss, so... First I need to find 100% happiness in ME and I am getting there. I first need to figure out what I'm looking for before I'll be able to find it. Or will I get really lucky and stumble on it?
  2. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Not helping, Lynda. :wub:
  3. LipstickLady


    I want deets on the leg lift, CGJ!
  4. LipstickLady

    What Is Skinny Anyways?

    I asked my NP at my 6 month check up what my goal was. I almost hugged her when she said the surgeon doesn't set one and really doesn't even like to discuss it until at least a year because of the way our bodies evolve with age, weight loss, childbirth, etc. They don't go by BMI, weight or even clothing size because until you get there (wherever that elusive there might be), you really don't know where THERE is. I knew I picked the right practice because that is exactly how I have felt all along. My original goal was 160. Now that I am within a stone's throw, I changed it to 150. Then I asked myself WTH and am saying 149 so that I am actually in the 140s , somewhere I've not been since college. I'd have to be in the 130s to be a healthy BMI but BMI can suck it. That number means nothing to me once I am no longer obese. Only 3 pounds to go until I am overweight and I am thrilled. So...my goal is to find "there" wherever there may be. Will it be skinny? I hope I think so! Will it be healthy? FOR SURE!
  5. LipstickLady

    What Is Skinny Anyways?

    I wish I could shite...
  6. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    I am afraid my over abundance of self confidence was a huge part of why I packed on the pounds. I never saw myself as enormous as I was. I got the surgery for the "right reasons" - to be healthy - and I am so happy that I did. Now that I am HEALTHY, the egotistical part of wanting to look as fabulous as I feel and as fabulous as I've always thought I was is kicking in and just like I didn't see myself as fat, I don't see myself as where I am now either. Will the REAL Slim Shady please stand up?
  7. LipstickLady

    What Is Skinny Anyways?

    So my definition of skinny is what some would find "normal" or fit. To me, the girls from 30% down are skinny. The 30% girls is voluptuous but I bet she looks skinny in jeans and a t-shirt. Some may consider her borderline, but with the camera adding poundage, I would be happy to be her plus a little. My BMI is 30% now and let me say, I don't look anything like that. HA! I am the same hourglass shape, but girl, if I looked like that, I would walk around naked ALL.DAY.LONG. I, too, would be happy at 25% in this set of pictures. I would move to a nudist colony and live on the beach at 15-17!
  8. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Oh lord!! I can't even imagine being skinny! I'm just trying to feel NORMAL sized. :faint: So what is skinny anyways?
  9. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Wait...that's not a bad idea... How could I advertise that on Craig's list without looking like a total creeper?
  10. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    I do. All of my bestie sorority sisters live within a half hour of me and we get together twice a month or so. I do have a few I ask and I know they will be brutally honest, which I love. Unfortunately, that's not convincing ME and my fat brain yet because I need to see it and I can't. Short of making a line of women who are size 14, 12, 10 and about my height stand next to me while someone takes pictures at all angles so I can go over them again and again, I am clueless of how to fix this head o'mine!
  11. LipstickLady

    Double Post. Ignore This One!

    Why are all my posts doubling??
  12. LipstickLady


    No, they really aren't.
  13. LipstickLady


    The Book Thief was great. The Fault in Our Stars had so much hype that it didn't stand a chance to live up to it. I did like it, though.
  14. LipstickLady


    Teen fiction is far better than the shitted we had when I was a young doe. The Divergent series is great. If you've not already, make sure you read Life As We Knew It. My favorite book in a long time.
  15. LipstickLady


    Gotcha, Wags!
  16. LipstickLady


    I'm going to see it tomorrow night with my 13 year old and my 15 year old. Can't wait! Mrs.Butter can come with, but she will have to sit between my eldest and her boyfriend for me.
  17. I still feel like a newbie, though.
  18. For me, normal means being able to get through the day without thinking - no, OBSESSING - about what I am going to eat next. (Check!) For me, eating normal means I can go to a restaurant and eat what I've ordered happily without looking at what everyone else is eating, dying for a taste and wondering how I could get a bite without looking like the pig that I am. (Check!) For me, normal means getting one small plate of food and eating it slowly while actually enjoying it instead of inhaling it like a spit shined Hoover. (Check!) For me, normal means being able to have just a smidge of cake or a taste of ice cream with the will power to not take another and then another and then another. (Check with the caveat that this one may trip me up later.) For me, eating normally means that my choices are 90% healthy and 10% yummies that hold little nutritional value instead of the other way around. (Check with the above note.) For me, normal is not binge eating on a regular basis or eating secretly while being ashamed of myself. (Check and a promise made to myself from my pre-op day forward.) I know my normal will always involve tracking, planning, reminding myself to slow down and enjoy the moment, etc. I know I will never eat and drink at the same time as "normal" people do. My goal is to be unleashed from the chains that I feel food has captured me in and so far, I'm thrilled. I know every day is a new day, and there will be many traps on the road that I am traveling, but I am going to make healthy my normal without the total deprivation that I know will be my downfall. It's a fine line that will be very hard to balance on, but a balancing act I am determined to learn!
  19. LipstickLady


    No, silly! Staples are a staple food in the States.
  20. LipstickLady

    Tired Of Sweet Drinks

    V8? I have no idea what protein powder would o to that but....
  21. LipstickLady


    I love me a spaghetti sandwich myself. Hold the staples.
  22. I can't eat turkey so I am hoping a ham appears. I am making mashed taters, a veggie tray, a cheese tray, and rolls so I know I have something there I can eat. I will eat ham if it's there is one, a deviled egg, cheese, a bit of mashed and green bean casserole or corn pudding. I have no doubt I will be moving food from my plate to Mr. Lipstick's.
  23. LipstickLady

    I've Decided!

    Good for you!
  24. LipstickLady

    What Do You Guys Eat For Fiber Cereal

    Kashi Go Lean Crunch Nutrition Serving Size 1 Cup Calories 200 Total Fat 3 g Sodium 100 mg Fiber 8 g Sugar 13 g Protein 9 g Whole Grains 16 g Very crunchy, cinnamony and grea dry as a snack at the movies, too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
