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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Eating Out

    I've not told anyone about it and I've not had any problems at all. I'd never dream of talking to a party host or waiter about my surgery -- that's like waving a red flag about something that is no one's business. People seriously don't notice what you are eating if you don't make a big deal out of it. If someone were to ask why my portion was smaller than "normal", I simply tell them that I'm really not hungry and change the subject. I generally order from the app menu, or get a side salad. I am really good at the cut and move method from years of dieting, so my hands are busy, even if I am not eating much. The less of an issue you make it, the less an issue it will be.
  2. LipstickLady

    f**king freezing

    @@Stevehud You're back!
  3. I am no expert, but from what I have experienced and seen, weight loss is weight loss. The rate of weight loss has no impact on loose skin. Now, that said, it can take up to a year after weight loss for your skin to "catch up" and shrink as much as it's going to, but it will catch up to whatever its potential it no matter how you lose the weight. The actually loose skin amount is based on several things; your age, genetics, your level of obesity and how long you carried the excess weight. No matter what? Loose skin looks better than filled out skin in a great pair of jeans, so....
  4. I didn't need WLS to lose weight. I was a freaking champion at it! I lost 80 pounds in four months with WWs. I lost 75 pounds in three months with Phentermine. I lost 50 pounds in another round with WWs over three months. When I tried Jenny, I lost 60 pounds in four months. Yup. I can lose weight like a champ. I needed WLS to KEEP OFF the weight. I am 3.5 years out and maintaining easily. Life changer.
  5. LipstickLady

    Feel like such a failure...

    First and foremost, I strongly believe in the idea that we are what we think we are, so the negative self talk has GOT to go. You are a successful WLS patient who has fallen off the wagon a bit. A failure is someone who quits, refusing to try again. You regained only 20 pounds and you are back. You could have waited until you had regained 40, 60, 100, or 100+ or you could have thrown in the towel all together. YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. Go back to your surgeon and see what he/she recommends. Go back to your pre-op diet for a week or two. Go back to liquids for a week or two. Start weighing/measuring/tracking your food and move your ass a little more than normal. You can totally do this. You are not a failure until you stop trying. You don't sound like a failure to me at all.
  6. LipstickLady

    Woo hoo, I'm rockin' it.

    Good for you!!
  7. Yup. If one lurker learns that ice cream or chicken or wine is NOT ok at five days out because I throw out my OPINION, great. Clearly some people DON'T know how dangerous their behaviors are and I refuse to coddle anyone. If that makes me a "meanie pants", so be it.
  8. I weighed daily, twice a day. What I didn't do is compare myself to others because there are so many factors that determine weight loss; gender, physical activity, post op diet, pre op weigh loss, BMI, RMR, genetics, age... Don't go by the numbers on the scale, they honestly mean nothing. Go with how your clothes feel. That's what people see. You will get there. Stop stressing yourself out.
  9. LipstickLady

    Suddenly can't eat

    Strictures (narrowing between the stomach-intestine connection) In some cases, scar tissue or inflammation can narrow the new connection between the stomach and intestine. This is called a stricture. Strictures usually develop four to six weeks after surgery, and rarely occur. Patients with strictures will notice that they are progressively less able to take in fluids and food. Strictures can be treated with an endoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube with image sensors and special tools at the tip. A doctor will use an endoscope with a tiny inflatable balloon at its tip to open the stricture.
  10. LipstickLady

    Suddenly can't eat

    I have what I call feeding days and non feeding days. Most days I can eat, some days I just can't get down more than a few bites. On top of that, the hungrier I am, the less I can actually eat. This is my new normal. I do have a slight stricture and I love it. My doctor offered to stretch it but I said no. It keeps me honest. It forces me to eat slower, I can't tolerate more than two bites of soft breads, rice or potatoes and I have to take small bites and chew well or everything returns. It's seriously my best friend.
  11. LipstickLady

    2 days post op---trying to get in liquids

    A PPI does not help prevent a stricture - I know, I have one. It is necessary, however, to help reduce the acid production in your new tiny tummy so make sure you get on one ASAP. Acid is unlikely the cause of your distaste for Water right now, though. That's fairly common. I'm still there 3.5 years out. Have you tried different temps? Adding a SF flavor? Sometimes you simply need to change the pH level of the water to make it easier to swallow. I drank Gatorade mixed with water 50/50 for my first 3 months with approval from my surgeon. It was the only way I could get it down.
  12. LipstickLady

    Unable to log in to desktop site

    Same on my phone.
  13. LipstickLady

    Not doing so good

    Are you working with a counselor?
  14. I am a much more active participant in my own life. I run the dunes with my kids instead of watching them from the bottom. I sit in the best seats DEAD CENTER of the theater for their performances instead of snagging an aisle seat where I have more room. I enjoy the experience of shopping instead of dreading the fact that I probably won't find something that fits. I take my time at the market instead of wondering who is judging me by the contents of my cart. I've stopped wasting time at WWs meetings, weighing and measuring all foods obsessively, researching the "latest and greatest" diet. I ZUMBA with enthusiasm instead of kind of doing my thing at the back of the room. I network at conferences all day instead of sneaking up to my room for a two hour nap. I don't care if my hair/make up/clothes are perfect when I run to the store -- I actually run out in yoga pants and a t-shirt if I need to. I've taken back small things in my life that slipped away without me realizing it as I gained weight. I live in a much more carefree manner without worry that my bulk was hindering me physically and mentally. It's awesome.
  15. I think I had an idea but shoved the thought away as eating that crap was more important than numbers. Thats how I tricked myself into eating that stuff for decades. I'll start eating right on Monday.
  16. LipstickLady

    Help am I Eating to much

    What are you eating on full liquids?
  17. If this is new information to you, then clearly you weren't a serial WWs member like I was. (Please read my "tone" as good natured fun, here.) I'd dare say most of us knew of those outrageous numbers and... . . . . . . ATE IT ANYWAY! Like WTF?!?
  18. LipstickLady

    Straw Poll

    Yup. Since day one.
  19. I was liquids' only for 24 hours. At 264 pounds, I had plenty of carb storage going in to surgery.
  20. Do YOU think you need it? Does any other opinion really matter?
  21. LipstickLady

    Halo Top ice cream

    Yup. They sure will!
  22. LipstickLady

    Halo Top ice cream

    I wasn't jumping down your throat at all. I was simply giving you a different perspective as someone who has been there/done that/won the grand prize. If you prefer to eat ice cream (no matter the content) at two weeks out, more power to you! You're grown and you clearly know what's best for your body.
  23. LipstickLady

    Halo Top ice cream

    What was a "serious bash"?
  24. LipstickLady

    Halo Top ice cream

    I don't disagree with you at all once someone has hit maintenance. I do disagree with this mentality at 5 days, 2 weeks, 4 months out.
  25. LipstickLady

    Halo Top ice cream

    Awesome! If you are looking for bang for your buck, go with Premiere Protein shakes or added protein Greek yogurt. Much better protein content.

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