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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


    I might be able to dig one or two up.
  2. I cannot wait to see my SIL on turkey day. We have not spoken nor have we seen each other since January. At the time, she was about 35 pounds lighter than me and LOVED to gloat about it in a not so subtle manner. She would give me her clothing rejects with a casual, "These may be too small for you, but you are dieting, right?". She loved to commiserate with me about our mutual attempts to follow whatever diet we were on but loved to point out that her points/calories/units were lower than mine because she was lighter. Our last conversation was her snickering about another overweight acquaintance's failed weigh-in, laughing that she did SO MUCH better and me asking if she talked about me as nastily as she did everyone else. She didn't like that. My bad... Fast forward to Thanksgiving and me being at least 90 pounds down from our last visit. I would bet any amount of money she is up at least 10 or 20. I can't wait!!!!! Who do you look forward to seeing during this journey?
  3. LipstickLady

    Call me <evil> but...

    So great it must have felt! Very happy for you. I had a question for u though. I believe I read that u said ur SIL was in a size 18-20 herself? If that was true, I would think that makes it even worse that she looked down on you. Who is she to say anything! And now it's been a few days, have u heard anything from her yet or have u heard she has commented to anyone else? Exactly. She has NO ROOM to talk and no, we have no mutual friends so I would never know what she might have to say about me.
  4. LipstickLady


    Happy Birthday FLUFFY!!!!
  5. LipstickLady

    22,000 Reasons!

    So, uhhhmmmm... Can I borrow $22,000?
  6. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Madam Rev. If I could hug you, I would. xxxooo
  7. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

  8. LipstickLady

    Great News!

    That's awesome! Good for you.
  9. Nope. Turkey is fowl. (Get it?)
  10. LipstickLady

    Food Dreams.... Coming/came True?

    No food funerals here and I am so glad! I was terribly anxious to get to a healthy weight and I didn't want to pack on more poundage that I would have to then work off. I actually started my preop two weeks early. There is no food out there that is more important than getting healthy. This is not the end of your ability to eat, it's the beginning of your journey to a new you.
  11. LipstickLady

    Thanksgiving Chow-Down

    I don't have even a smidge of regret. Not a speck, a tad, a moment or a spark. Haven't since the day I started my new life 6 1/2 months (and 93pounds) ago.
  12. My plate was shockingly identical.
  13. I ate no more than 1-3 tablespoons of 2 kinds of stuffing, corn pudding, green bean casserole, mashed taters, sweet potatoes, 1/2 deviled egg and one bite of ham and turkey. I don't like turkey much and the ham was weird so while I ate "too many" carbs, I don't feel bad/guilty/remorseful etc. - all the feels I typically have after a holiday meal. I left the table full but not stuffed, satisfied but not stressed out about what I did to my diet and how much more damage I was going to do later. If I am up a smidge over the next few days, so be it. If I'm not, even better. I feel free and I feel fantastic!
  14. LipstickLady


    Happy Turkey Day! A huge hug of appreciation to all of you for holding my hand, answering my questions, listening to my stories and being a huge source of amusement throughout this fantabulous journey. Y'all are a wonderful, totally dysfunctional Internet family and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. Smooooooooooooch! Lunch rocked. I don't like turkey much so I ate far too many carbs in sides but that said I am sure I ate no more than 2-3 tablespoons of anything. Corn pudding, stuffing, mashed taters, green bean casserole and 1/2 deviled egg. No slimies, no stuffed feeling and I spread it out so much no one noticed how little I had. It doesn't hurt that everyone knows that I don't let my food touch so little scoops far apart weren't totally out of the ordinary. I ate a little more three hours later for dinner and I'm good for the night! I love love love that the stress of counting points, sneaking bites before dinner, gorging, feeling miserable and then gorging again with all the requisite guilt was eliminated. I enjoyed the conversation more than anyone and left the table happy and satisfied. I feel so fuckeding free!
  15. LipstickLady

    Call me <evil> but...

    Trying TOO hard. Sigh. Can't edit on iPad?
  16. LipstickLady

    Call me <evil> but...

    So I wore these little (to me!) size 10 (size 10 bitches!!!!) slim black ankle pants with a silky tan and black polka dotted top that ties at the waist in a very flattering way and is just low enough to make the twins look UH-MAY-ZING without looking like I'm trying to hard. Not only did my SIL not say a thing to me about my weight, but she didn't say a word directly to me AT ALL! Hahahaha! Snoooooooort! (Ever laughed so hard you snort!ed?) Heeeeheeeheeeeee! Ahahahahaahahaaaaa! Snooooort! Heeeeeee! She wasn't at all amused by all the selfies my teens and I took with various relatives either. Not even a little. Snooooooort!
  17. I wouldn't tell any untruths but you certainly don't need to tell the entire truth. Just let them know you are having a medical procedure, you are fine but it's personal and you don't want to discuss it further. Period. Nothing else needs to be said. Smile and leave it at that,
  18. "I'm really not hungry." "I had a big Breakfast." "We are having an early dinner." "This is all I really need, thank you." "Mind your business, hag."
  19. It wasn't that good anyways. Promise.
  20. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    WOW!! Thank you ALL for sharing your stories! I feel so much better.
  21. LipstickLady

    Too Much Too Soon?

    I could have done it but there would have been no food on the table (still on liquids so couldn't taste), the house would not have been clean (couldn't lift things or vacuum), I would have been that lump on the couch (no energy for about two weeks) and I would have wished I hadn't. That's just me, though.
  22. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Nah... I am going to give myself time. It's all happened so fast! If my head doesn't catch up, I would consider, but not yet. Eventually my overinflated ego might just kick in and I'll be unbearable to be around.
  23. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Girl...do you live in Virginia? I would haul your ass out to the mall so fast... You need to toss the big clothes and move into smaller things. STAT.

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