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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Never Worn Jeans

    Old Navy has curvy cut, too. They are awesome, but are usually boot cut. I am too short for boot cut. Blech. I love the new boyfriend jeans, too. They are a little lower and looser on the thigh, cuz I'm "sturdy" through the legs. Read that: fat.
  2. LipstickLady

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    He took his life. I filled my hole with food. He filled his hole with drugs and alcohol. But just as we know now we could never stuff enough food to fill the hole he could never fill his hole.. He couldn't take it anymore.. He talked to her on the phone it wasn't good she wasn't nice.. The last thing she told him was you are just like me! Don't think you are any different (she feels great guilt now, she did really love him) he was found three days later..Yes he was my only sibling. A year and a half older.. Sorry to dump. I'm an open book without much of a filter. It's been a long day.. And I feel some what bad. She is harmless now really.. An old lady just living out her years with her own demons. I want to hug you so hard, your eyes would pop out of your head, chicky. I really really do. What's your address?
  3. LipstickLady

    Best and worst "compliments"

    Hmmm...me, too. Good idea.
  4. LipstickLady

    Never Worn Jeans

    Jeans nowadays have spandex in them for stretch and comfort so I've no doubt there are some out there for you. It takes effort to find them but they exist! I have a teeny waist (relatively) to go with a round ass. I have gap issues so I need curvy cut jeans. I've discovered Levi's 520s skinny (whuck?!?) are perfect for me.
  5. LipstickLady

    I Fit!

    Oh yeah! And you weren't forced to put your handbag in the seat next to you while sitting on the aisle so your arms weren't squished against someone else? Great feeling!
  6. I got it. I chuckled when I read it. This is why you two are my favs!
  7. Or, it wouldn't suck. HA! See what I did there? [facepalm] Really? Sigh...you are the only one who "gets" me.
  8. LipstickLady

    Pbing And Sliming.

    Ok, I'm going to get gross here...but you asked.... The normal person produces and swallows up to 4 pints of saliva per day.....the rate of this production can be increased or decreased if one is in the act of eating.... When a person gets "Stuck"...it means food has become clogged and cannot pass through the band....think of your kitchen sink drain..... Saliva is not only normally being produced, but can be triggered to increase because food is currently being digested....BUT the saliva has no where to go....it begins to accumulate, not being able to pass by the clog..... Two things are happening that are good....first, the primary purpose of saliva is to break down the food, and also lubricates, softens it....., as the first stage of digestion.....and this is one of the body's defense mechanisms for food obstruction.... 2nd...if the food does not pass, saliva continues to accumulate, partially digesting the food, but with no where to go and still accumulating, it will come right back up and out..... bringing the trapped partially digested food with it....(Hopefully)...PB'ing... Does everyone experience this???? Not everyone has had adjustments - fills to their bands....but I would guess to say the majority of banded people will....it's just a lesson on eating correctly...the way they tried to teach you with their set of "Rules" For me, when I get stuck, the sliming begins, I will sip some Water while standing over a sink, etc, (NEVER while sitting at the table) ...adding water only speeds up the process and gets it over with so I can get on with whatever I was doing.... Sleeve here. This is EXACTLY what I do. See how much we have in common?
  9. LipstickLady

    The Siren's Song Of The Last Bite....

    I'll admit I do not know that much about sleeves...but with us banders,,, if our first bite is the crunchiest, cheesiest, etc..our first will be our last!....some foods just will not pass through the band no matter how hard well we chew....it does differ from person to person, but it is a reality.... Some parts, those so called best parts...are now history.... I have been before the Cold White Throne from only one bite and one swallow.....and those foods are now a memory. I have gone to a restaurant, and made the stupid mistake by attempting to eat a dinner roll they serve you before you even order your dinner.....missed my entire dinner that evening because of that "First Bite"....had to settle for a bowl of soup..... I have a slight stricture so I totally get the stuck thing. I was actually on liquids and pureed for almost 8 weeks instead of the prescribed 2 because of it. I feel your pain because I am the rare sleever who slimes regularly (my fault) and still prays to the porcelain God if I eat one smidge too much, the bite is too big, or just because the sun is out and the birds are chirping. I still cannot eat bread or Pasta and while I practically lived on bread before (was that really living, though!?!?!), I no longer miss it. The best bites on my plate now no longer resemble what they looked like 95 pounds ago, I promise you. I am almost 7 months out and I still eyeball new foods with suspicion and never experiment with anything when out. That said, I still take the best bites first and because I fill up so fast, those are usually enough to satisfy me and I no longer care about finishing my plate (which has mostly eliminated the need to re-experience those last bites on the way back out).
  10. LipstickLady

    5 Months Out. Need Advice.

    Eeeeek! Glad you went, glad that's "all" it is.
  11. LipstickLady

    5 Months Out. Need Advice.

    Take a gasx and if that doesn't help, call your doctor. Do you have a fever? Chills? Tis the season for stomach viruses, so hang in there and try not to worry too much yet.
  12. LipstickLady

    No Scrpit : (

    I had none of that and didn't need it. I was given lots of meds post op due to nausea and they worked just fine. For free.
  13. doesn't it just make you want to look straight at the person and say "Shut the F*** Up!!" Honestly, sometimes people can be so darn rude and you just want to be rude back but it just calls more attention to yourself. I just wish I could look at someone and say that but it would eat me up all night. Wait...WHAT?! You aren't supposed to do that?
  14. LipstickLady

    The Siren's Song Of The Last Bite....

    I'm a Sleever, but this problem applies to us, too. One of the first lessons I learned post op is in my signature below and it's probably one of the best things I've learned. I always eat the best bite first. Whether it's the cheesiest, the crunchiest, the most gooey, I eat it FIRST. Then I eat the next best bite and then the next... This way, when I'm full, I'm full. I've gotten the best parts in, the rest isn't as appealing and I'm no longer hungry and anxious to finish my meal. Try it!
  15. LipstickLady

    I Have A Leak And I'm Scared.

    I am so sorry to hear and I totally understand stand your fear. Sounds like you are in great hands and you are going to be just fine. Sending positive thoughts your way and I'm looking forward to hearing a wonderful follow up from you.
  16. Yay you! This was one of the best decisions of my life so I understand your excitement. What a fabulous road you are about to travel. Wooohooooo!
  17. Or, it wouldn't suck. HA! See what I did there?
  18. LipstickLady

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    OMG.. You're married to my husband! My husband, too, isn't being cruel when he says " all you have to do is stop eating" I swear, if he says that again I'm going to smack his skinny ass into yesteryear and not even google will be able to find him! I have to admit that after reading this thread I have had a pampered life.. The true, Leave it to Beaver life.. I have been blessed. Of course, I've had issues and ups & downs, but nothing compared to some of the stories here. I am so heartfelt touched that we all can be here for one another for more than just our sleeve journey, but for life's journey, too. A lot of people say online friendships aren't real, but I disagree. Just like old fashion pen pals can become life long friends.. Online friends can, too. My best friend in the whole wide world is someone I met on a work bulletin board twelve years ago. She lives in NY, I live in VA. We talk on the phone every day, 5 or 6 times a day. We've been on cruises together. We went to Las Vegas together, Jamaica, Bahamas... She was one of my main support people when they pulled the lemon out of my noggin. She was also my sleeve guinea pig. She went first about a year and half ahead of me and has been my biggest cheerleader since. Yes, online friends can be REAL friends.
  19. LipstickLady

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    My husband would just say, "Don't. Eat." Not because he is being cruel or unsupportive, but because he truly does not CANNOT get it. He can stop, I couldn't. He can't understand it anymore than I can understand what it feels like to have a penis, Alzheimer's, octuplets or anything else that I can never/will never have.
  20. Fear not! I hear skin keeps shrinking for a year or two after weight loss!! We are a work in progress. I started at a tight 20 and am now a loose 12. You will get there.
  21. My leg are not ideal in appearance when I am naked. They, too, look like melting candle wax around the inner thighs. That said, they can now carry me at a good jog. My knees no longer hurt. My feet no longer ache after sitting for too long. I can wear lovely heels all day long and be comfortable. They allow me to chase my dog, keep up with my kids, carry me through a kickboxing class with enough energy after to do another or go shopping or anything else I want to do. (I can also wrap them all the way around my husband without... ooooops! Wrong room. ) My butt is droopy now. Droopy or not, it fits in size 12 pants easily and is now leaning towards a size ten. It no longer has to be squeezed into a seat at the theater and it can get me past people in tight aisles without rubbing up against anyone. I can put my handbag in the same seat WITH me anywhere I go and I have no fear of seat belts on planes or amusement park rides. My boobs are a bit longer. Mr.Lipstick still wants to put his face all over them. They still look great in a sturdy Victoria's Secret Bra. They are still healthy and cancer free despite my family history. My belly is loose and has more rolls than it did when it was fat. My 55 pound dog can now fit all the way in my lap, though. I can sit in a booth without my boobs resting on the table. I can now see past my belly and see the smaller number on the scale. I can wear shorter shirts (no, not crop tops!). I can bend over to paint my toe nails comfortably (but why do that when I can pay someone $8 to do it for me?). My arms are hangy and loose like a really old lady. They can still propel me through an hour of laps easily. They can still lift weights and I can even wear a sleeveless top. As an added bonus, if I lift my arms and flap my wings, I might even learn to fly!! It is now a straight line from my shoulder to my elbow instead of an outward C shape of fat. Most importantly, I have added years and years to my life allowing me to wrap my floppy arms around my loved ones for that much longer. Years I never would have had with my fat body. Do I look ideal nekkid? Nope. Am I getting healthier every freaking day? ABSOLUTELY!!
  22. LipstickLady

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Yep. Did this too. I still don't understand the compulsion. I think it had something to do with feeling like I had no say in what I ate or how much, growing up. I would allow myself choices, but nobody else could find out. Weird, right? Butter, have you since fessed up to your wife? What did she say? My husband still doesn't know the full extent. I just can't bring myself to go there, though I have dropped hints like "oh you have no idea how much I was eating and how weird my eating was" but I just can't go there. This. But without the dropping of the hints. My husband doesn't know my weight, he doesn't know my past eating habits, he doesn't even know how much I've lost to date exactly. I have no idea if he even thinks about how I bloomed to 263.8 pounds or if he knows what I did to myself but respects my feelings enough not to bring it up. I don't know and I don't care because I am so fricking embarrassed that I let myself go so far. I am thrilled beyond all comprehension on how far I've come, but I've gotten to the point where I no longer want to tell anyone how much I've lost. How humiliating is it that I've almost lost my 15 year old (she's 105) who is TALLER than me? I can celebrate with you all. I can celebrate with my besties. I can not celebrate publicly because I am so ashamed of where I came from and the fact that I am **STILL FAT**. What is that??
  23. LipstickLady

    What's That On Your Head?....

    I never would have guessed it was a wig. You picked a great style and color. Love it! You look fantastic.
  24. LipstickLady

    Oh Em Gee! Squeeeeeeek!

    I feel ribs in bed and my ass bone when sitting on a hard chair. I actually have collar bones, too. Whuck? Today is the first time I noticed my chin. Singular. CHIN.
  25. LipstickLady

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Ugh! Me tooooooooo! After, I am so disgusted with myself for saying so.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
