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Pre Op
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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Nope. In fact, I started my pre op a month early. Too much food was rushing me to an early funeral so I saw no need to indulge further. I know I will eat whatever I want again, just not in the quantity I was before. Oddly, a lot of my wants have drastically changed and I don't regret missing those final binges at all.
  2. LipstickLady

    The saga continues

    We are going to have to wrap you in bubble paper!
  3. LipstickLady

    Got naked, nobody died of shame...

    I'll need photographic proof of such events, please.
  4. LipstickLady

    Here goes my dinner

    Ha! Use a baby fork. It will match the portion and plate better. Enjoy!
  5. LipstickLady

    When did you go back on birth control?

    I'm telling your husband... Then I'm telling yours. Next time, they'll ask to watch.
  6. LipstickLady

    Soft Foods: Cheese Souffle

    What time should I expect delivery?
  7. LipstickLady

    When did you go back on birth control?

    I have an IUD so I never came off BC. I had sex just under a week post op and lived.
  8. LipstickLady

    Brain Change

    Hello and welcome!! I am so glad you joined us so early in your journey. Yes, there is a lot of mental change that YOU have to do with surgery. Unfortunately, the surgeon can only operate on our tummies and has little control over what goes on in your head. THAT, my friend, is up to you. The fact that you care to make changes now indicates that you are probably really ready to get on your way and while you may hit some bumps on the road, you can and will be successful. Giving up small (but really honking big!) things like your Monster drinks or soda now is a great start. It's hard to quit everything at once, for sure. I gave up caffeine and soda three months pre-op and I am so glad I did. It would also be a great idea to start training yourself to SLOW DOWN when you eat and to do so mindfully. Taking smaller bites, chewing really well and taking a moment between bites is a huge transistion and my inability to master that caused a lot of my discomfort and vomiting when I was on real food. Don't fall into that trap. If you can, start getting used to not drinking 30 minutes before/after and with your meal. To me, this was one of the toughest things to learn. I was a die hart weight watcher and they preached drinking gallons with and before every meal. You will be shocked at how hard this is to change. I am 7 months out tomorrow and have finally learned that drinking even a little after I eat will cause vomiting or sliming. Start going to support classes now so if you are able so you know what to expect! This is a fabulous journey, one I've enjoyed very much and am so happy I did. You will be, too. I am sure!
  9. I usually order a bowl of soup or the add on to whomever's meal I am with. Today I went to Breakfast with a friend and she ordered this monster apple pancake concoction that looked and smelled divine and I don't even like pancakes. For only $3 more, she made it a "combo and we got 2 eggs and two pieces of bacon. I ate the eggs and bacon, and she had the pancakes. It was $12 with tax and tip and perfect! I couldn't even finish the eggs, but I tried! When I am with my kids, I will have them order the steak or shrimp add on to their salads and eat that on the bread plate. If we go to a salad bar (love Jason's deli), I will have a kid grab me a hard boiled egg and put a little ranch on it to go along with my soup or a bit of hummus to go along with a few pepper strips. I am all about the a'la cart menu or the sides menu. Rarely is a kids' menu healthy, but they are coming more and more so. It's no longer about the food when out which makes me very happy and quite honestly, VERY relieved.
  10. Everything was washable, thankfully!
  11. This, or tell her to blow it out of her ass and that if she doesn't stop harassing you, you are going to make a formal complaint against her to HR.
  12. LipstickLady

    TMI warning! Ladies Only!

    I have an IUD which keeps the lining of my uterus very thin and I was on my period for my first 4-5 months post op. On and off, on and off... It sucked big dinks because I had an IUD to prevent periods and then I had one for that long PLUS almost a month pre-op!??!? My NP said estrogen is stored in fat and when you lose rapidly (I started my preop diet a month early), it is released causing possible break through bleeding. Yup. It happened to me. It tapered off around month 5 and I am back to spotting around my regularly scheduled time. YAY!!!
  13. LipstickLady

    Will I be sipping forever?

    I will be seven months out next week and I'm not sipping, but I am not gulping or chugging. I'm just now starting to be able to tolerate plain water. My road has been long in the liquids department. Sigh...
  14. LipstickLady

    My surgeon is a horrible person

    Throat punch? JUNK punch. Wishing you the best along with a big ass settlement. And I am NOT one for suing, but enough!
  15. Are you drinking before/during/after eating? Liquids make me vomit if I have them too close.
  16. LipstickLady

    My surgeon

    Wooooooot! Yay you!
  17. As of this morning, I am officially OVERWEIGHT!! I started this journey almost 7 months ago (May 16 '13) at 263.8. I was a tight size 20 bottom, XXL top, 42DDD boobs and a BMI that labeled me morbidly obese. As of today, I am 168.8, only 8.8 pounds away from my original goal (which I've since lowered but...). I am in a loose size 12 but could move into 10s if I liked the pants tight look. I wear a size L top but everyone says a Medium looks better. My boobs are now a 36D and my BMI has finally hit OVERWEIGHT!!! I am so freaking happy. I haven't been this size since college. I've lost exactly 95 pounds and my new mini goal is 100 pounds by Christmas!!
  18. Yup. Happens to me, too. It gets better. Try cutting your amount of food in half and then adding a bit back at a time. Sounds like you are swallowing a lot of air with a full tummy.
  19. Seven months out next week and I was one who had a few complications (minor) post op. Slight stricture, difficulty passing the food stages, major Water poop anywhere/anytime, lots of time spent sliming or vomiting (still happens once or twice a week). That said... BEST.DECISION.EVER.
  20. My lessons are in my siggy.
  21. LipstickLady

    My Ticker Disappeared... Again

    Mine did, too. I just went to tickers and clicked on add to signature. It came right back!
  22. And when are you going to send me a picture of YOU, Ms.Thing??
  23. you look fabulous....you should be very proud of yourself..... would you please tell us what a typical days food drink and exercise entails for you.....thank you..... I am not a role model of eating by any means. My sleeve is very finicky and even at almost 7 months out some days I still don't get in 400 calories while others, I hit 1000. I am on MFP as abrowndog if you want to friend me, though. For Breakfast, I generally try to have an egg with cheese and maybe some bacon if I feel like making a mess. My lunch is usually on the road, so if I stop, it's most likely a thick Soup at Panera and if I don't, it's beef Jerky in the car and if there is a convenience store nearby, a cheese stick. I try really hard to back off the carbs, and I don't waste the carbs I have on bread or Pasta. I might have a few little something sweets or some potato, but anytime I indulge in carbs, I have them on the brain the entire rest of the day and the day after. My exercise plan is "as much as possible" I do 5-8 hours of martial arts a week. I do 2-4 hours of kickboxing as week as well. We just joined a new gym that is MUCH more exciting than our old and I plan on getting back in the pool as soon as I won't die of cold after a good swim. I am enjoying exercise much more than I did 7 months ago!
  24. LipstickLady

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Here's mine!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
