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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Best and worst "compliments"

    WAIT!! Hold the freaking bus!! People keep saying above that "so and so did it on their own"?!?! What the HAY!?!? Is someone else losing this weight FOR me?? I am losing it "on my own", too.
  2. It's not like you have a choice, do ya?
  3. LipstickLady

    I ate a piece of pizza last night..... And I liked it!

    I'd agree but I might offend her.
  4. LipstickLady

    I ate a piece of pizza last night..... And I liked it!

    Eh. My words are more for people reading than the OP at this point.
  5. LipstickLady

    I ate a piece of pizza last night..... And I liked it!

    It's only because we care.
  6. LipstickLady

    Hello Store That Sells Regular Sizes!

    Beautiful! Fun, fun, fun.
  7. LipstickLady

    Are you my body twin? (pics)

    Thanks! You will totally get there!
  8. Yay! Welcome to the LIGHTER side!
  9. LipstickLady

    I ate a piece of pizza last night..... And I liked it!

    I think pizza is a great food if it is loaded with veggies, low fat cheese and meat and has a thin crust. My pizza had pepperoni and too much bread. It was a horrible choice FOR ME because I hadn't finished my Protein and I was so stuffed on the bread, I couldn't get in my nutritional requirements or my Water. Every body will tolerate food differently and my body craves carbs too much to make pizza a good choice. Personally, I think ANY body is too fresh out of surgery at three weeks to choose pizza, but I'm not a doctor. If you look back over my posting history, you will see that I will NOT deny myself anything because if I do, I will obsess over it and ultimately binge on it. I ate it, it was yummy, it made me feel like shitted and I most likely not have another piece like that for a long time. Homemade and healthy? Yes! Frozen, thin crust and doctored up, very likely. No, food is not my enemy, but I can be my own, and very easily. It's highly unlikely that I will ever eat "normally". I will always have to be vigilant and aware and conscious of getting in my nutritional needs, that will be MY normal. Don't be silly, you aren't a problem and of course you belong here. We all do. I just feel it can do more harm than good to condone such choices for a three week old tummy. The OP did well with it, but who is to say a newbie/lurker will do the same? The danger is real, physically and mentally.
  10. LipstickLady

    *Gastric sleeve diet* (without surgery)

    Good for you! I can't wait to hear of your continued great progress.
  11. LipstickLady

    I ate a piece of pizza last night..... And I liked it!

    Now, now..lets be civil....cutieI WAS! That's why I left without mentioning that I, too, had my very first slice of pizza last night. It was the smallest piece in the medium Dominos box and it took me about 45 minutes to eat it. I didn't mention that even at 7 months out, it was a very bad choice and one I won't repeat because it's a slippery slope. I didn't mention anything about the doctor's recommendations so early out or a still healing tummy. I kept my mouth tightly shut and I will continue to do so. Promise!
  12. LipstickLady

    Are you my body twin? (pics)

    I am almost 5'3" and started at 263.8. I am totally an hourglass with huge boobs and ass and a relatively small waist. I am 7 months out and still can't believe this new body is mine. I have 16 pounds to go to get to my personal goal but not necessarily my final goal. I was a size 2x/20 with 42DDD and am now a M/L top, loose size 12 pants, and 36D boobs.
  13. LipstickLady

    I ate a piece of pizza last night..... And I liked it!

    If you thought ribearty was preachy, it would probably be best if I backed out of here now. Good luck to you!
  14. I beg to differ with you endless80. Nine pounds a month is a great rate of loss. I am 7 months out and 98 pounds down. I lost 20 pounds during my month long pre-op so I am averaging about 10 pounds a month. I am now 16 pounds away from goal and I'm thrilled every moment of every day. I consider myself neither struggling nor a slow loser.
  15. LipstickLady

    how to tell other family and friends?

    I didn't tell my in laws and I was super nervous about all the questions I was going to get at Thanksgiving. It's funny how sure I was that EVERYONE would notice that I ate next to nothing and not one person out of 12 said a word. HA! Because I've lost so much, I have told them that I am doing high protein/low carb but not a single peep was made about my teeny portions. If you don't make a big deal of it, no one else will either. I am 7 months out and no one has mentioned what I eat that doesn't know and I go out to eat, to parties, to business conventions, etc. all the time. Funny that.
  16. LipstickLady

    looking into new possibilities

    It's so nice to "meet" you! Look around, ask questions and get to know everyone. Good luck on your journey!
  17. Right now your hormones are going crazy. Estrogen is being released from your fat cells and your body is healing from the trauma of surgery. You are also eating a fraction of what you were and your body is wondering what the HELL you are doing to it. All that mixed into being tired and out of routine mixes into a big combustible cocktail of misery. All that said, as you ease back into soft foods and then "real" foods, your hormones level out and you get back to your "normal" life, you will start to feel better and better and you should no longer be utterly consumed by thoughts of food. Things will get better, but Arts is right. The surgeon operated on our tummies not our heads so you have a lot of work ahead of you. You can do it!
  18. LipstickLady

    My mom is scaring me!

    Yes, Mexico will.
  19. LipstickLady

    My mom is scaring me!

    I have to disagree. Yes, I am losing weight because of what I am eating and how much I am eating, but without surgery, I never would be able to maintain these new habits without my sleeve. If you truly believe this, why are you having surgery? I'm not being flip, I am genuinely curious. To the OP. Has your mother considered self pay? The BMI requirement is much looser when you are paying yourself.
  20. LipstickLady

    *Gastric sleeve diet* (without surgery)

    If it was as easy as "just eating less" and "mind over matter", many of us here wouldn't have needed surgery. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. I wish you much success, though!
  21. Huge victory! You can do this, no doubt about it. Now carry a healthy snack and some water in your car.
  22. LipstickLady

    Post op 12/16/13

    How fast are you drinking? How much are you drinking at once? What does the pain feel like? I would venture a guess that you are gulping too much at once instead of sipping a few drops at a time. My goal that early out was an ounce every 15 minutes. Then I got to 2 ounces over 15 minutes after week 1. What are you drinking from? Relax! You are going to be fine.
  23. LipstickLady

    Counter Addictions Anyone?

    Why do the stoopid stores open at 10am!?!?! What's a girl supposed to do all morning!?!?!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
