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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I hope people sit on a towel. Just sayin.
  2. I'm 5'3". Do I look unhealthy yet?
  3. LipstickLady

    My sleeve story! Ups and Downs.

    sugar free Popsicles were great for me! I still can't drink fast and I could barely drink at 5 days out, so they kept my mouth wet and Fluid going in. I loved the tropical, for the record. Congrats on your successful surgery and welcome! I started at 264 and am 164 now. I still have a little ways to go, but if I can do it, you can, too!!
  4. I usually makes appointments for a few days out so what I am wearing is usually unknown. Although, at 264 pounds, my choices were rather limited.
  5. LipstickLady

    Torani or Davinci Syrups........Need help!

    Google Starbucks recipes. Here is a good list: http://www.dwallace.net/starbucks.pdf
  6. LipstickLady

    Torani or Davinci Syrups........Need help!

    Starbucks sells their syrups. I also buy them at World Market, Walmart, most groceries nowadays. I love my syrups.
  7. LipstickLady

    It works

    I know all the advice says to concentrate on eating and do nothing else. No tv, no computer, no reading, etc. I find that when I am super starving and about to stuff my gullet (with intent, not ability), I open my email or turn on a show and take a bite. I savor it while doing whatever and then take another a few minutes later. Doing something else while eating slows me down so much, I don't have time to be pissed that I can't eat. My restriction keeps me from over eating along with the fact that if I buy or make my version of your burger, I only put out a few bites. My restriction is doing it's job, like yours, but distraction is helping me keep my mind off my inability to satisfy my mental issue. Maybe I'm weird.
  8. LipstickLady

    My Story in Pictures

    What an awesome project!! You look wonderful.
  9. And does dishes! I'll show him your pic! You can borrow him for a while...I'll warn you, he's act like a 6'3" teenager most of the time. I used to teach middle school. I can totally handle him.
  10. LipstickLady

    When can I eat bread?

    I know, right? But it's painful, it's not very nutritious, it takes up all your room and it causes bad cravings. Bread isn't bad, but for us, it is not good.
  11. Wait. He writes nice things AND he does laundry? I just got a little warm downstairs. Show him my pic and ask if he's interested. Please?
  12. LipstickLady

    When can I eat bread?

    I love(d) bread. Love love love love love love everything bread. Love. Like lovity love love love. LOOOOOOVE. Love love love. Love it love it love it. Ate meals consisting entirely of it. Didn't go a day without it. Ordered extra baskets of it. Only went to restaurants that gave it to you. Bread bread bread bread bread. Give me bread. Knew what time the local groceries took it out of the oven so I could bring it home hot. One for me on the way home, one for the family AT home. Plain, with butter, with cream cheese, with brie, toasted, cold, smeared, bread bread bread, I quit bread with all the will power of someone who MADE.THE.DECISION a month pre-op. Tried a bit a toast when I moved to food a few months post op. It stuck. Tried it again soaked in Soup, it stuck. Tried it a third and final time and realized I was trying it out of habit, not because I wanted it. Still love the smell, the texture, the crunch, hate the feeling it gives me so I don't eat it. I might pick a crusty piece off at Panera and chew it up really well but I know the swallow is going to suck so I rarely do that. I don't miss it as much I was sure I was. Tortillas get stuck so I make wraps or quesadillas and then just eat the inside. Silly, but true. I can eat a piece of bacon on toast, but I pull off all of the toast and just a few crumbs stick to it. Wasteful. Try to go without. You'd be amazed. If I can, you can.
  13. Mine is changed, but calories is always first. Protein is second.
  14. As you know, I am on MFP with you. I really don't track as well as I should or as well as I want to. I also don't get in all the protein I am supposed to and I was doing much better when I did track. I did customize my MFP to my caloric/protein goals and I made protein my first category after calories because we don't have a choice. Even though it auto tracks everything else, I really only pay attention to my protein. I love that all my favorite foods are there as well as my frequent foods. I just click on them, put in the amount and fly out of there. I rarely even look at the social side of it all. The fact that I can track on my phone, ipad and computer make this the best app FOR ME, and again, I really only look at what I want to look at which is protein. I do track my exercise for vanity reasons. It makes me move more.
  15. LipstickLady


    I didn't and I'm not a liar.
  16. McButterPants. You can describe yourself as the woman who looks as if her husband makes all women drop their pants. HA! Gman. I'll live. If she can't have a bit of understanding, I don't need her.
  17. Thanks. And thanks for understanding.
  18. I'd love to say you are wrong, but you aren't. Please accept my apology and also understand my concern. We do have spammers on the forum all the time. In fact, we just had one with a very similar story a few days ago, so it's my job to be cautious. I did report your thread to the admin as did others to be checked out **rather** than hide or delete your post because I did want to exercise caution for our members' sake. I am sure you understand that we take everyone's safety very seriously here. I promise you that I am not jealous, I am 7 months out and 15 pounds from goal. I am very impressed with your progress, however, and I was extremely sincere when I said I would love to see before and after pictures. I promise you that. Clean slate? And pics? Here is mine!
  19. LipstickLady

    How long before you could eat salad?

    My NP told me to just eat the topping when I asked about salads. She said to focus on the Protein and the tasty crunchy tidbits like peppers, onions, seeds, etc. and dressing because that's probably what I wanted. (Really. Who WANTS lettuce?) She was right. I was four months out, it was a Panera chopped salad and I ate maybe half of the half size. Yummmo!
  20. LipstickLady

    WOW! Gained 10 LBS over Holidays-HELP

    When I was morbidly obese, I always resented/envied the women who joined WWs with only 10-20 pounds to lose. Those #%+{ didn't need it and boy would I vent about them. Then a friend made the observation that she wished she'd started when she had so little to go instead of waiting till she had 100+ pounds. :thud: She was SO right. From then on one of my (many) fat fantasies was that I has a reset button and could start at normal. I was sure I would do what they were doing if I could only be normal sized one more time. Here's your chance! You can do it! Your journey back is so freaking manageable. You can and will succeed. Congratulations on recognizing it now.
  21. Admins are not here to censor people. They are here to make sure forum rules are not being broken and it's my thought that this provoked some important conversation about a serious eating disorder. I am glad the OP deleted his original post so as not to encourage more disordered habits, but the discussion that followed is needed as this is an issue that comes up regularly. Just my opinion!
  22. Wooohoooooo! And welcome! Jump right in and keep us updated on your progress.
  23. BCBS goes by your initial weight! Check with your company and good luck!
  24. Do you have before after pics? Would love to see.

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