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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    Every time one of these posts comes up, I think the exact same thing. I wonder what percentage of those who say that WLS didn't work for them 1-2 years out were "cheaters" pre-op, post-op, and beyond? Worked for me at 3.5 years out but I'm one of those non-human compliant people clones.
  2. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    Anyone can be anything on the Internet. That said, good attempt at deflecting from the actual topic at hand. And trust me, telling me to "move on" will get you no where.
  3. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    @LipstickLady.... You should really consider another hobby... "no judgement" Sent from Dee~Dee via BariatricPal Seems to me like you want others to talk about it so you feel better about what you did.. But me having something off plan PRE op is a whole lot different than you trying to rip your stomach open by eating chicken breast n salad when it hasn't healed yet and you're still on liquids.. Thats your choice it would scare me Munky Sooooo..... Did anyone ever have the, "what happens when you ASSUME things" talk with you???.. might just want to review it before you make public posts. Just a thought. Sent from Dee~Dee via BariatricPal Wait. What was it you were saying about ASSuming? This is why I wished the previous poster good luck with the hunger thing. YOU might want to review it before you make public posts. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/381323-hmmm/
  4. LipstickLady

    Someone please help!

    Now go stick your face in the mirror and repeat.
  5. LipstickLady

    Someone please help!

    Do you think you are the first person to put weigh back on after WLS? Do you think he/she has never experienced exactly what you are going through with another patient? The difference? The ones who ultimately succeed suck it up, get help, and get back on track. Those who don't, lurk in the shadow of self doubt and self pity and just pack on more and more weight. By coming here, you sound like the former not the latter. What would you tell ME to do if I were in your shoes?
  6. LipstickLady

    Compulsive weighing

    I am on and off the scale so often I should call it step aerobics. First thing in the AM, last thing at night, when I pee at 3am, after a poo, just because I'm in the same room as the scale... Fluctuations don't bother me a bit. They never have. It's just a weird and fascinating compulsion I have and the number on the does not hurt my feelings no matter which way the number moves. The scale DOES keep me focused. It lives in the back of my mind and reminds me that I don't need a mini Snickers or a cookie. It allows me to see immediate (and inaccurate) results of what I'm consuming and how much I am moving. It motivates me, it does not depress me. You are the only one who can decide if the scale is your biggest cheerleader or your biggest taboo. You sound fine to me, though.
  7. LipstickLady

    Someone please help!

    Have you spoken to your surgeon?
  8. I'm just sitting here considering new hobbies. :D

    1. KeepCalm


      I seemed to have missed something again!

    2. KristenLe


      Maybe you could get a healthcare degree so you can then feel successful at weight loss!

    3. LipstickLady


      Clearly a healthcare degree does not require reading comprehension skills.

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  9. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    \I hope that works out for you! @LipstickLady.... You should really consider another hobby... "no judgement" Sent from Dee~Dee via BariatricPal Because I wished someone good luck? That makes no sense.
  10. LipstickLady

    Fever of 99.5 sublingual.

    99.5 is not a fever.
  11. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    \ I hope that works out for you!
  12. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    No judgement here! I really don't give two shakes of a lamb's bottom if someone chooses to follow their surgeon's plan pre or post op. I **DO** however care that good, healthy information is given so that others reading can make an educated decision for their own sake and safety. The phrase "we are all human" seems to be justification for bad choices and poor behavior and that is sort of ... uhm ... amusing? Puzzling? I mean, the guy who drives drunk is human as are those who text and drive. People who leave their pets or children in the car on a 100 degree day are human. The girl who was eating Swedish fish five days post op was human. The cool thing about being human? We were given actual intelligence to make rational decisions instead of just following instinct. Again, no judgement. Your choices are your own. Don't get your feelings hurt when others come back with differing opinions, though, because they chose to follow directions to a tee.
  13. LipstickLady

    Not telling anyone. What do you say?

    I am working with my doctor on a high Protein, high fat, low carb diet and I am moving my ass a LOT. Period. Any further questions simply get a full resting bitch face and a reply of "I'm sure you didn't mean to sound as rude as you did." No one has ever asked me if I had surgery. If they did, I would simply ask them why they thought they had the right to ask me such an intrusive question.
  14. I never eat in sit down restaurants alone, so whether I am there or not with my $5 meal, the waitstaff is still going to serve my group and the table is still going to be occupied. I don't feel obligated to order a full meal or order XX amount of dollars. That said, I generally tip as if I'd ordered an average meal on the menu if the service is good. I know several restaurant owners and they'd appalled if their servers showed the attitude you describe.
  15. LipstickLady

    Suddenly can't eat

    @ LipstickLady does it still hurt if you do eat too much or the wrong thing? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Yup.
  16. Some candy just accidentally fell into my mouth.

    1. Sai
    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Was the tragic mishap at least good-tasting? Why don't Tiffany baubles accidentally fall into my pockets?

    3. LisaMergs


      You're a picky eater...

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  17. LipstickLady

    Anyone ever have a stricture?

    Slight stricture here and I am keeping it. It keeps me walking a very straight and narrow line. I have to take small bites, chew very well and soft foods go down much easier than solids. Keeps me honest.
  18. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    I didn't "cheat" pre-op and I'm human. Why call it cheating when you are simply making a choice to eat off plan? You're grown, it's your body. It's up to you to treat it how you please.
  19. LipstickLady

    Do you still vomit a year after surgery

    Sounds like you're eating too fast. Room temperature to warm foods would clearly be ideal as well.
  20. LipstickLady

    Feel like such a failure...

    You can do this. I believe in you. YOU have to believe in you, too.
  21. LipstickLady

    Do you still vomit a year after surgery

    No. That's the beginning of an eating disorder. And I say that with concern. I am three and a half years out and I still throw up once or twice a week. There is really no rhyme or reason, it just happens. I don't MAKE it happen, though, no matter how badly I want it to at times. I could and it would be a relief, but I am afraid that it would trigger the desire to do something every time I am uncomfortable instead of figuring out the root of the problem. You need to figure out the root of the problem. Mine is usually one bite too many, or one bite not chewed well enough. I don't tolerate rice, Pasta or potatoes, but I try once in awhile for no good reason. I also don't tolerate plain Water at times and I occasionally I try to chug it anyways which is stupid. I keep hoping but... Talk to your surgeon and possibly a counselor. Don't make throwing up a habit.
  22. It's the "easy way out", remember? Nope. I don't think anyone can really be fully prepared because everyone's experience is different. Even those who have textbook recoveries can't know the impact of the restriction we feel after having a full capacity stomach. I am not saying that it's not totally easy (or totally hard) for some, but I can't imagine how one could be full AWARE of what exactly is about to happen. This is why I am so amused at the pre-op people who give such "stern" or "educated" advice. What they read/heard/researched is NOTHING like the reality they are about to face in many cases, and certainly not in everyone's case. I am 3.5 years out. I am successful. I know what to do and what not to do. FOR ME. I am not an expert on anyone BUT ME. And I suck at that at times, too.
  23. I drink Gatorade and avoid food. Don't push yourself to eat if you don't feel good. Your body needs to rest.
  24. LipstickLady


    What does your surgeon say? Mine wasn't a fan of heavy carb food for obvious reasons, so dressing was a no go for me.

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