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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Size is a bizarre thing, for sure. I am an 8 at Gap, Limited, Loft, but a 10 at H&M, Urban Outfitters and Express. I can wear a 6 in many nicer brands like Ann Taylor. My goal is to wear 6s in most places with some 4s thrown in. At 5.3, that's not a stretch. I think I'd be almost there if I didn't have the excess skin.
  2. LipstickLady

    In need of some motivation

    Only? Really?
  3. If I was wearing a bra, I would take a picture. Tomorrow, fo sho!
  4. I have arm dents. Bulges, too. They are very pretty.
  5. Just kidding! I don't give a flying fig about BMI!! HAHAHAAA! My NUT thinks it's as much crap as I do so... I am denouncing BMI and the number on the scale. I care the most about the number in my pants. I want a size 4/6.
  6. Now I feel like the non-loser. Sigh.
  7. I was also almost 30 pounds heavier and 4 inches shorter. I was MUCH MUCH fatter and rounder so yup, I lost a wee bit faster. But just a wee.
  8. Her stats are nearly identical to mine! I am pretty sure I hate her. I feel ashamed about that, but whatever. I'm going to eat, alright! About how many calories are you eating per day? Maybe that's key? And, I LOL'ed at your worms. I don't love my journey today. My journey can bite me. At my 6 month mark, I had lost 67.6 pounds not including my pre-op loss. Seems to me you are right on. If it's making you want to eat poo and hide in a hidey-hole, stop comparing yourself to others. She's probably fibbing anyways.
  9. I'll block the window with my saggy ass! Promise.
  10. I am 10.5 months out and I lost nothing month 9. Goose egg, nada, zilch. In fact, I spent the entire month losing and regaining the same three pounds. I am still 6-16 pounds from goal so the lack of weight loss should have been agonizing. Good news is, for the first time in 1 bazillion years, I didn't get to the end of the month having suffered from some flucked up diet plan while spending most of my days counting, weighing, measuring, obsessing, craving, felling deprived, moody, b!tchy (well, any more than usual), and hating myself for getting so freaking fat. In the last 30 days (from month 9.5 to 10.5), I have lost 6 pounds. Just when I was wondering if all future weight loss was going to be extra hard work, I made the concerted effort to eat more Protein, drop some of the crappy carbs that crept back into my diet, and I started losing again. I know what to do and my restriction is so good that I cannot possible overeat the right foods. It's the wrong foods that will do me in. I am determined enough to allow myself an occasional treat without beating myself up and I love myself enough again to continue on this journey until I am satisfied that I have gotten to where I want to be physically. No, I don't think you stop losing after 6/8/12 months. I do think that's where the rapid weight loss happens, but along with less weight on the frame, more movement is easier, less self medication eating happens, more body awareness exists, and the number on the scale will continue to move down. That's my opinion, anyways.
  11. LipstickLady

    Crazy Dad! Dont he know Im almost 40?

    Awwwwww...he loves you. Turn off your ringer and do your thing. Best decision ever.
  12. My doctor says no, my body says yes.
  13. LipstickLady

    BariatricPal: Unified WLS Community

    So the next time one makes a statement like "it takes a stronger person to have XX WLS over XX and XX" or "people who have XX look gaunt and malnourished" or the ever popular "I would NEVER have XX surgery! My choice was much less drastic!", I am going to copy and paste this article to the thread. Deal?
  14. He's a grown man and he needs to make his own decisions. I hated it when others policed my diet (whatever diet I was on at the time) and you are only going to alienate him by policing his. Make healthy foods, lots of steamed veggies, a salad, cut back on the non complex carbs and leave him be.
  15. Could be hydration, could be potassium. Are you taking your supplements? Good job on your progress so far!
  16. LipstickLady

    always tired and cold

    I'm always fuh-reeeeee-zing. Tired? Only because I have to get up at 5am to get the kiddos to school on time and usually don't find my pillow until after 10 at night. Cold. ALWAYS.
  17. LipstickLady

    scared of eating to much

    If you don't want to overeat, weigh and measure everything. Make sure you follow your plan as prescribed by your NUT, too. Have you been approved to eat bread, chicken and chocolate? I am just over ten months out and chicken is just starting to go down for me and bread sticks terribly. Nibbling on chocolate is a slippery slope and it's best to avoid all unnecessary carbs and focus on your Protein and liquids right now. You don't need to dump to learn and no one is guaranteed dumping no matter what surgery they have. I am grateful I don't dump because I want to live as normal a life as possible. It's up to me, just as it is up to you, to use this chance at "resetting" your health back to a normal weight to the best of your ability. Good luck to you!
  18. LipstickLady

    Not Enough Weight Lost?

    What's he going to do if you don't? Undo your surgery? Beat you up? Pull off your toenails? Whatevs....! Just keep on, you're doing great.
  19. LipstickLady

    Not Enough Weight Lost?

    How did this turn into insulting bypass people? :faint: Thirty-seen pounds in two months is fabulous. Why in the world do you think it's not? I "only" lost 23.2 pounds my first two months. I've never had an 18 pounds lost month and I don't consider myself a failure, a slow loser or anything else other than a success. It's really important to focus on the positive, on the great strides you are making towards good health and what you've accomplished that you've never managed before. Enjoy the journey instead of stressing over what you cannot control. WOrk your plan and your plan will work for you.
  20. LipstickLady

    Want to back out.

    Don't do this until you are sure you are ready. That's the bottom line. It's a lot of work, it's a lot of commitment and it's a huge lifestyle change. It's totally worth it, in my opinion, but that's because I knew I was more than ready. Until you are, you shouldn't do it. That's the bottom line.
  21. LipstickLady

    Mornings are rough

    It took me a long time to get to Breakfast. It's all good.
  22. LipstickLady

    Getting grossed out with the loose skin

    Your skin will continue to shrink for a about two years after you lose the weight so for now, appreciate your better health and your shrinking waist line. Worry about the skin later. I will say that I know exactly how you feel, though. My boobs look stretched out stocking socks without a good bra and my arms look worse. My thighs look like elephant ankles with all the wrinkles and I don't know if I will wear shorts or not. That said, I look a hell of a lot better with my clothes on than I did before, I feel great, and I've been married for almost 20 years and he doesn't give a flying fig, so... WHO CARES??
  23. That's how I feel about the pictures I look back at when I was a size 2/4 teen and thought I was HUGE! Sigh...
  24. LipstickLady

    Weird thing...

    Yup. My bones are actually pressing together. Weird! I now sleep with a pillow between my knees. My chiropractor insisted.
  25. LipstickLady

    A favorite item that you could do without

    My food scale. I measure everything. My fitbit. It keeps me moving even on lazy days. Gotta get those 10k steps in!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
