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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


    In other words, winner winner chicken dinner.
  2. That's messed up. I would have left the restaurant and gone elsewhere. Then I would have yelped them poorly (evil me). ABSOLUTELY!
  3. LipstickLady

    Smoking after surgery

    That would be a question best posed to your surgeon.
  4. LipstickLady

    Not telling anyone. What do you say?

    First and foremost, I am sorry your family is this way to you. Hugs. I am seriously confused, though. Why would they be mad at you for combing your hair? Isn't that basic hygiene?
  5. LipstickLady

    New topic time...

    I drop serious $$ every time I go into our new Wegmans on the $%^&*^$ cheese. THANK GAWD I can no longer tolerate breads. YEESH! And their olive bar. Heavenly. And their sushi... Yes, TJs has some awesome cheeses as well. Inexpensive, too! My favorite cheese is at costco. They have a red wax gouda that is NOT smoked. It is creamy and delicious. I love ALL the cheese.
  6. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    WInner winner chicken dinner. Sigh.
  7. LipstickLady

    Feeling of food stuck in my throat

    Refried Beans. Hummus. Guacamole. Chicken/ham/shrimp/seafood/tuna salad. Squash. Crab cakes. Crab legs. cheese. Scrambled eggs. Quiche. Sloppy joes. So many choices.
  8. LipstickLady

    Feeling of food stuck in my throat

    To me it sounds like you need to stay at mushies for a bit longer. I was at purees for almost three months. At 3.5 years, I am still better at softs than solids.
  9. LipstickLady

    Grocery-broth on sale-stock up?

    Agree. You have no idea what you might like or be able to tolerate from week to week. No need to stock up on the unknown.
  10. I am not going to feel bad for following my surgeon's directions. What a ridiculous notion.

    1. PorkChopExpress


      People who have been accustomed to being enabled are always going to look for enablers.

    2. OzRoo


      PorkChopExpress, You nailed it! Yes!

    3. AmiLou


      Are yal talking about me? lol... I'm back and I'm going to follow my surgeons instructions and knock off this last 30-40 lbs! It was a moment of weakness (or a couple of days actually). @LipstickLady, I wanna be YOU when I grow up!

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  11. LipstickLady

    How Things Have Changed

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App Yup. No prunes in hers, but everything else and sausage instead of ground meat.
  12. LipstickLady

    New topic time...

    @@LisaMergs A touch of SF preserves, fresh apple slices, grapes, melon... You will get there.
  13. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    What a great victory!
  14. LipstickLady

    Greek Yogurt IS Sour Cream!

    I use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream in my guacamole, veggie dip, salad dressings, etc. Great protein source, same taste to me!
  15. LipstickLady

    New topic time...

    Fancy cheese!
  16. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    Ptish-tosh. C'mon, folks, let's pretend to be grown-ups. This isn't the least entertaining. Will "run along" do it? Just kidding you. You know it.How about "girl bye"?Sorry....couldnt resist LOL Sent from my SM-N920T using the BariatricPal App Yeah, girl by! would have been equally appropriate and I was tempted... LolI could have also attached several studies that have been done that show there is minimal indication that the pre-op diets have improved surgical outcomes (hence the reason that in certain areas surgeons no longer even require it). But truthfully I believe you should follow your surgeons orders, this is the way it has been done and it could only help, not hurt... so I opted not to. I just hate it when people judge other people and try to push their beliefs on others in that way. Especially since the original poster was so specific about that. Sent from Dee~Dee via BariatricPal Clearly you did not comprehend (from my pesky quote) that I was wishing the original poster luck with the "hunger pain" going away. For some the sensation of hunger does, for some it doesn't. A great example of ASSuming. (Your words, not mine.). Clearly you were just looking to pick a fight. Sorry, I will not accommodate you there.
  17. LipstickLady

    How Things Have Changed

    I love love love all the various dishes at Thanksgiving but I do not like turkey. We are a small gathering of ten (that includes all the extended) so we typically just get a turkey breast and a ham. My biggest pitfall is my mom's dressing. She usually makes two kinds; the stuffing with raisins I grew up with that no one but me really seems to care for and cornbread stuffing. I only get this dressing once a year and once she is gone, it is gone because she just makes it, no recipe and I can't seem to duplicate it. She knows I had surgery but no one else in the family does and because she doesn't want to call attention to me, she still makes it, knowing I can eat maybe 1/4 cup. I just take home a lot more than I used to. I enjoy every bite. For a few weeks...
  18. LipstickLady


    Carbonation will not stretch a sleeve. Carbonation is simply air and the stomach that is remaining after the surgeon performs sleeve surgery is mostly muscle. Your stomach will relax a bit as it heals but you should reach full capacity at about a year out. Excessive over eating could stretch the remaining fundus (if your doctor left much -- a properly done sleeve won't stretch), but it would have to be constant and habitual. It certainly won't happen from the air of one soda. Relax. You're going to be fine.
  19. LipstickLady

    It's been 2 Years already

  20. This brings back my only truly awkward/shocked/speechless moment. I had just been cleared for soft foods and I went to the market's salad bar to get my teeny tiny lunch. At that time, I was especially fond of their chicken salad and their seafood salad. I got MAYBE two tablespoons of each in the salad bar container (knowing I would take half home) and went to the register. The cashier, a big girl herself, looked at me (remember, I was just about 6 weeks post op and still quite the fatty) and said, "Girl! You know you eat more than that! Who you trying to fool??" in the loudest voice. And yes, everyone in line turned to look at me and my pathetic salad. I was hormonal, stressed at the idea that any food I ate still came back up because of my stricture, and absolutely floored that anyone would say something like that. I barely held my **** together, told her I had stomach cancer and moved on through. She's not looked at me in the eye since.
  21. LipstickLady

    Did anyone cheat on preop

    Ptish-tosh. C'mon, folks, let's pretend to be grown-ups. This isn't the least entertaining. Will "run along" do it? Just kidding you. You know it. Tell me what to do and I am likely to do the opposite. Ask my husband.
  22. LipstickLady

    Can only eat a little

    I love only being able to eat a little. Keeps me NOT fat.
  23. LipstickLady

    Halloween fever

    I've had four or five minis between yesterday and today. They were yummy, but not exciting. I am definitely PMSing or I'd probably only had one or two. This is the only time of the month I really want chocolate. Four or five isn't great, but considering that pre-op I would have massacred the whole bag, it's great. At three and a half years post op, I also know what I need to do to counter that chocolate.
  24. LipstickLady

    Halloween fever

    HOPEFULLY!?!?!! GIRL! Did you just feel me roll my eyes at you? By this time next year, you'll be stuffing it full of tissue and wearing it as a pumpkin costume. I have NO doubt.
  25. Apparently you have to have a medical degree to know that everyone's WLS experience is different. :D DANGIT!!!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      It's "healthcare," not necessarily "medical."

    2. LipstickLady


      TRUE!!! You can be anything on the interwebz...

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      The ones who post in earnest, apparently taking no notice or choosing to ride over the wackiness, are so cute.

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