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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Stop the Whining Over A Few Miserable Days!

    And, in my opinion as a host, this thread has officially gone too far. We have gone from a disagreement/discussion to personal attacks, something that is forbidden in ANY of the forums, including Rants. If we cannot disagree without attacking other members personally, I will ask that this thread be locked. Thank you for your cooperation. As a reminder, the rules of this forum state: Additional BariatricPal Posting Guidelines Be polite. Rudeness is not tolerated and can lead to post removal or account suspension. All members have the right to express their opinions and are encouraged to do so while maintaining a courteous tone. Posts that are forbidden include, but are not limited to, the following:Rude posts Posts that are disrespectful or include personal attacks. If another user attacks you, do not reciprocate. Instead, use the Report Post link and an administrator will handle the problem
  2. LipstickLady

    Stop the Whining Over A Few Miserable Days!

    There's a big difference between talking about your own feelings and putting down the feelings of others, don't you think?
  3. LipstickLady

    Stop the Whining Over A Few Miserable Days!

    In turn, if one doesn't want to be supportive on a forum *that is here as a means of support*, maybe one should skip the threads that consist of said "whining". It's called having compassion. You (general plural) don't know everyone's story. We are all unique individuals leading very different lives with different experiences and different journeys. No one has the right to make someone feel bad for coming here and sharing how they feel. I've been around long enough that those who come here to "whine" about their regrets usually come back in a few weeks and give wonderful updates. Thank goodness they had this safe place to share their feelings. That is the purpose of this board, isn't it?
  4. LipstickLady

    Stop the Whining Over A Few Miserable Days!

    Nope, where I say that? That comment was in reasons to a poster saying come back in a year implying I might feel or think differently. I was letting him know I won't. People can have regrets all that want. But if they having them over a some nausea and pain then I wonder if they were really ready for WLS or at least researched it well enough. They may not have or may not have realized how emotional this process would have been for them. Like you, I had/have no regrets. That doesn't take away from the validity of someone else's. I'm sad for those who have food regrets, emotional regrets, physical regrets. I don't understand them, to be honest, but I certainly can't be irritated by their true feelings because I am not walking in their shoes.
  5. LipstickLady

    Stop the Whining Over A Few Miserable Days!

    So because YOU don't believe in regrets, people aren't allowed to have them? INTERESTING!!
  6. LipstickLady

    Does anyone eat pizza?

    I love pizza. My favorite part is, of course, the crust. YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM. I am almost 11 months out and pizza makes me feel like crap. The dough totally gets stuck and after three bites, I feel as if I need to yarf. I don't like the toppings only because I am not a fan of tomato sauce and it's the bread that makes it so yummy. So...I don't eat it. In fact, I know that it's going to make me feel bad, so I don't even want it any more. What I will have occasionally is wonton pizza cups. They are delicious, they have a bit of crunch and I skip the red sauce. I get the cheesy, veggie goodness with some bacon thrown in for good measure. Here is the basic idea. I don't like these fillings but you can obviously use whatever you want. I make taco cups, bacon and egg cups, sausage and gravy cups... YUM! http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/pizza-cups/6f7535bc-3bab-46dd-99f7-7db1bc1feabf
  7. I'm not fat (on the outside) any more! I'm not skinny by any means, but I'm not fat. I weigh 157 pounds which is still far too much for my 5.3 frame, but I wear size medium tops and size 8 pants, which is officially smaller than the average American woman. I am no longer shopping in the women's section. I am no longer wearing the largest size in the ladies' department. I pick up clothes in consignment shops and often have to reject them for being too big. ( WTF?!?!?!) I fit in bathroom stalls and dressing rooms with room to spare. I can walk through turnstiles/bus aisles/theatre rows front ways instead of turning sideways and sucking it in. I no longer stress when some jackhole parks too close to my minivan when I can barely open my car door to squeeze in. Every seatbelt fits. I can put my handbag in my seat with me instead of on a different chair. I can sit in a booth without my tummy and/or boobs smooshing up against the table. People don't mind sitting next to me at the movies or in tight restaurants. More people make eye contact/open doors/smile/initiate conversation with me than ever before. I am no longer looking around to see if I am the biggest person in the room because I'm not. Ever. Not even in Zumba. I can wear my leggings home from the gym and stop at the store without caring if I run I to anyone I know. I could go on forever. I'm still a fat girl on the inside so this whole thing is very surreal. It's just finally starting to set in that after 20 years of being obese, I'm now just a regular sized fit mom (with some loose skin) who can do anything I fracking want to do because I gifted myself with the least easy "easy way out" I could have ever chosen to do. Love love love. Love.
  8. LipstickLady

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    Only if I can sit on it while we chat.
  9. Eeeeeek! I can't read tone on the interwebz, but I can say I wish I'd done something about my weight (other than every diet plan in the book) before I hit 264. I used to inwardly sneer at the women who came into WWs with only 10-15 pounds to lose. How smart were they to get it under control before it turned into 50, 75, 100 pounds?
  10. Apples and Peanut Butter Sliced ham and cheese roll ups, grilled Quiche with fun fillings Avocado stuffed with crab Ham salad Cream chipped beef without the toast Sausage gravy over scrambled eggs Refried Beans and cheese Bacon, just bacon. http://www.buzzfeed.com/christinebyrne/delicious-low-carb-breakfasts-for-a-healthy-new-year
  11. LipstickLady


    No EGD here.
  12. My first and most important question is if you are a child/sibling in the house or are you a parent/spouse? (And no, I don't mean that in a smart-assy sort of way.) If you are a parent/partner, you have the absolute right to say what is or is not going into your family's snouts. My children are 13 and 15, so I let them decide what they are going to eat for the most part, but as long as I am buying the groceries, the food I bring into the house is much healthier than it used to be. I still buy chips, but I buy baked or low fat and I often purchase individual serving sizes. There are less cookies/sweet treats in the house and ice cream is usually in bars or mini sizes. Healthier for them, healthier for me and easier to resist. I don't want them to struggle as I have, so I make healthier choices available more often than not. I pack their lunches first thing in the AM when I am not tempted to snack at all. If you are not an authority figure in the house, find a cabinet in the house that you can call yours and ask your family to stay out of it. Only allow yourself to eat out of this cabinet and make sure you have great, healthy substitutes so you never feel deprived. (I do this, too, and my family knows if they go in my cabinet, they risk pain and mutilation.) You can do it!! This is a fantastic leap towards good health! Good luck to you.
  13. LipstickLady

    Tips from success stories

    Let's not bash anyone's decision to go to Mexico. I know many people who have done so successfully. I know Mexico was not MY personal choice, but I had insurance to cover my procedure. If I didn't, I would have considered it as well.
  14. LipstickLady

    Tips from success stories

    No one is bullying you. You generously offered your opinion, others offered theirs. I'm positive that most people here have done their research just as you have done yours. Personally, I chose to follow the advice of my surgeon, who has performed 1000s of surgeries with no leaks. His knowledge and success mean far more to me than the suggestion of a stranger on the Internet. No offense intended by that at all. I'm sure you'd agree that I'd be quite silly to entrust my life to someone on the operating table, but not his follow up advice.
  15. LipstickLady

    Need advice from vets, HELP!

    I throw up from time to time but only if I have one bite too many of something very dense. If you are throwing up regularly with small amounts of food and can not get in a healthy amount of GOOD calories, you should see your doctor.
  16. LipstickLady

    Sleeve dislikes

    If my sleeve is unhappy with me, it returns whatever offering irritated it the same way said offering went in. Ugh.
  17. LipstickLady

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    Bet his ear is big enough for me to jam my tongue into it.
  18. LipstickLady

    Swish Sound As I Walk

    I am 10.5 months out and the other day while wearing a dress, I actually felt a cold breeze around my girly bits. I realized that my fat thighs weren't blocking my nether regions anymore when I walk. So bizarre!
  19. LipstickLady

    drinking again

    10.5 months out here. Still can't drink water most days. It makes me feel sick. When I can, it has to be room temp (gross). I used to drink 80+ a day. It's weird that I can't now.
  20. LipstickLady

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    Posted this to a friend elsewhere. 'Scuse the language. Goat1 is my 15 year old. So today, I was sitting up at the bus stop waiting for Goat1 to get off the bus when this ^%#%*^% #%## pulls up to me with her window down and says that she wants to talk to me about something. (A little background. Her daughter and mine have been going to school together since the 4th grade, now in 10th. Her daughter is totally a mean girl and has bullied my daughter on and off since they met. We are not friends and I've never said a word to her about ANYTHING because I knew if I did, I would knock her ass out for raising such a %^^##% for a child.) Anywho... She says to me, "I just wanted to mention that I've noticed that you run that red light up there every day." (WHAT!?!?! You mean the one with the fucking POLICE STATION at it? In my company car?? UHMMMMM.....NO! I went through a really late yellow once last week and was horrified because I noticed it way too late. Something I am sure everyone has done at least once.) Me: What!?!? Her: Yeah. We have new drivers and you are in front of me every day and the kids in my car want to know why you run the red light every day. (My goat has play practice or work 4 out of 5 days, so she is almost never on the afternoon bus.) Me: Uhmm....No, I don't. Her: Yes, you do. My daughter is starting to ask me questions about it and you really need to realize that we have new drivers and they are watching everything we do. Me: (totally dumbfounded and trying to contain my Mexican) So, yeah. I don't have any tickets or accidents and I don't run that light every day. If I did, I am sure my child would point it out to me. Her: Well, if you could just watch what you do, because my new driver certainly is! Me: I'll talk to Goat1 and ask her if she's noticed this. I rolled up my driver window, called a bestie and ranted about this %^^%# %%%#% %^%# knowing full well she could hear me. Our kids have another two years together so I contained myself to the best of my ability, but let me just tell you I was so ^%#%^ close to getting out of the car and dragging her ass out of it, too. %%^%#^ bitch, if you don't like the way I drive, call the police. If I am driving in a manner in which you don't approve, use me as an example of what NOT to do. Outside of that? Keep your %^^}# opinion to yourself or shove it up your %^%#. For realz. And yes, I will be saying that to her next time I see her.
  21. I'd tell him to suck it (or not), personally. He doesn't agree with surgery? Awesome! He shouldn't have it. This is not about him, this is about YOU and your health. If he truly loves you, he will come around. If he doesn't, you deserve someone who will.
  22. LipstickLady

    Fecal Transplant Scheduled

    So many poo jokes... Can't wait to hear how it all comes out!
  23. LipstickLady

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    I could tell you the story about a "lady" I almost punched in the junk today....
  24. Kickboxing is awesome. Just so you know.
  25. I think most people are far more involved with themselves than we realize. I am almost 11 months out and never once has anyone commented on what I am eating, what I am NOT eating or how much/little I eat. I am not one who has told many people so I was worried sick about it. Yeah. People don't care. They don't notice that I don't drink when I eat, they don't notice I push my food around, they don't notice that 95% of what I order goes into a doggie bag. Just like most people won't be able to tell you what you wore last week or what color your eyes are, they don't watch your food as much as you would like to think. For real.

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