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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I figure if one can eat/digest beef Jerky they can certainly handle veggies.
  2. Gee thanks for reminding me. I wouldn't have known that my choices aren't always the best. Hey now! No judgement here. We all have to find our own way. I just find your choices interesting so early out. You are an adult and every bite you take is a decision only you can make. I know I personally invested so much into this decision mentally and physically, I was terrified to stray from plan pre op and for a very long time post op. That said, every doctor's plan is different so it's certainly possible they your includes these foods. In another thread you said you were afraid to try veggies but you're not afraid to eat cake/cheesecake/bread? I'm simply trying to understand.
  3. LipstickLady

    Anyone from Virginia?

  4. Is all of this on your doctor's plan? Do you plan on losing weight using only your restriction or do you plan on learning how to make healthier choices? You are making some interesting choices for your new tummy.
  5. LipstickLady

    Do you really only have a year?

    I call BS on that, personally, as does my surgeon. Your easiest results happen in the first year or so, but that's not the end by any means.
  6. On the junk food... This, you won't want to hear, but it's truth. He didn't have surgery, you did. He doesn't need to change his eating habits, you do. In a a perfect world, everyone around you would be supportive and all temptations would disappear, but that's not reality. I'd suggest that you make a cabinet for your foods and a cabinet for his. He can't touch yours and out of sight out of mind on his food for you. You have to relearn habits and you *will* figure it out, I'm sure. In the meantime, talk to him, tell him your feelings, but you can't make him change and you can't be but so mad at him for not changing his habits for you. That's not fair. On cooking dinner. Ha! Really? Not your problem. Unless you have kids to feed, you don't have to cook. If you choose to, cook YOUR foods. Trust me, he won't like the mushies much.
  7. I figure the risk of having this surgery was far less than living at a morbidly weight.
  8. LipstickLady

    Overreacting? I want water!

    So basically he did a free WLS without the proper procedures or giving you the proper education on what you were about to do to your body. What's the name of your surgeon? Where are you located? I honestly don't think you did enough research, but that's not a judgement, it's just my opinion. That said, what you chose to do will better your health and I do think you can make the best of it by researching your choice and finding someone who will support you along the way. When people here are asked about the regrets they had with WLS, the number one complaint is that they didn't do it when they only had 50, 60, 70 pounds to lose or that they didn't do it when they were younger. You did. You can get past the Water thing. It's my biggest peeve, too, but at 112 pounds down, a new size 6/8 body and the ability to do far more than I've done in a very long time, it's a very small price to pay.
  9. LipstickLady

    2 months post op questions

    Well, you said you can't eat an entire boiled egg, not less than half. I can eat an entire scrambled egg, but only a half of a boiled egg. Hard Protein fills me up much faster. I can't eat an entire can of tuna, 4-5 bites fills me up, I can't eat an entire drumstick, but can almost eat an entire wing, no skin. No LOLs about it.
  10. LipstickLady

    2 months post op questions

    Same answer. Don't eat until you are stuffed. I'm a year out and eat about as much (or a bit less) as you are at two months out. No, it's not a lot of food, but if you are stuffed, it's too much.
  11. She made reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/fatlogic/comments/27tgeu/selfish_friend_got_weight_loss_help/
  12. LipstickLady

    2 months post op questions

    Why do you eat till you're stuffed? A sleeve's capacity will grow over time with healing, especially noticeable as new as you are. By a year, you should each max capacity according to my NP. Sleeves won't stretch much as most of the stretchy part of your stomach was removed leaving the muscle. That said, if you constantly over eat, you can and will stretch the part that remains. Add to that the fact that you are still healing and you are asking for trouble. Over eating is dangerous both physically and to your potential weight loss. Weigh and measure everything to avoid over eating. Stuffing yourself is what got you to this point in the first place, I assume. Change your habits now while you have this awesome opportunity.
  13. You are hangry. It will pass.
  14. LipstickLady

    Overreacting? I want water!

    So you were able to have WLS with less than a month pre-op prep, an extremely low BMI, no counseling, basically no research and no knowledge of how procedure itself worked? Did you have psych evaluation? Cardio tests? Blood work? Were you self pay? Something's weird here. Did you research your doctor at all? It's hard to believe that he gave you FREE WLS with no prep work, no sort of NUT work or counseling, etc. I can't imagine allowing someone to perform a "new surgery" (it's not) on me, physically altering my insides without knowing every detail, especially with so little turn around time and it's a shame a doctor allowed that to happen. Have you considered making a formal complaint against him?
  15. LipstickLady

    Has anyone skipped pureed stage?

    Have you talked to your surgeon? They can best explain to you the benefits of the food stages as well as the risks involved for not following them. Just because someone else was able to successfully skip a stage does not mean that you are not risking a leak or an infection by doing the same. I can't imagine anyone here being able to competently give you medical advice that trumps what your doctor is telling you to do. Aren't you and your health worth more than that?
  16. LipstickLady


    Where do you live that there exists sushi or sashimi for $5?!!!!! I don't know if I'd eat $5 sashimi!We have a few nice Asian restaurants that have lunch specials; 2 rolls and a salad for $10. I go with my local surgery pals and we share. It's very little food, but I can't even eat an entire roll, so...
  17. LipstickLady


    Sushi and sashimi are the perfect sized meals for me. I can order 1 roll or one order and have a delicious lunch for $5 with leftovers. I do remove some or most of the rice because it causes me to vomit but I love it.
  18. LipstickLady

    Everything makes me nauseated

    I had to take two meds for nausea for my first three months. Ask your doc!
  19. LipstickLady


    An orange? Something a little less concentrated in sugar? Maybe you are experiencing dumping, not a blood sugar issue.
  20. LipstickLady

    When does the restriction begin.

    My doc wanted no more than 1/4 cup at a time. I have a slight stricture so 3 tbls was my max. Good luck on your journey!
  21. LipstickLady


    Not at all. I have a slight stricture so I am unable to eat as much as some people can. I love a chopped salad or a few bites of veggies, but then I have no room for anything else. I need my Protein first.
  22. LipstickLady


    Green Beans aren't really beans and neither are "bad". I love green beans and black beans and pinto beans and butter beans! How far out are you? I wasn't good at veggies for a long time and at a little over a year out, I'm not that great at them now.
  23. People didn't really start noticing until I was almost 70 pounds down.

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