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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. My NUT recommends just eating the salad toppings with a dab of dressing. Who needs to lettuce part?
  2. I go into places that say "no outside food" with Snacks all the time, no problem, and no mention of a lawyer or "discrimination" needed. Most places are very accommodating to dietary restrictions and allergies, especially if you are firm but polite if asked. I always carry beef Jerky, almonds and a Protein bar in my bag if I'm going to be out all day. I know I can buy Water to go with my flavor drops so I'm set. I carry my own because it's easier to track, I know what I'm getting, and it saves me a lot of money with no waste. I don't even attempt to hide my stash, it's unnecessary.
  3. I think it's annoying, too, and I am far from being over sensitive about ANYTHING. There is a big diff between a casual "you aren't eating much, are you?" and someone who tries to turn it into a full blown conversation. If I say that I'm not very hungry (with a smile) there really is nothing more to discuss. And no, this is not indicative of a current eating disorder at all. I don't mention your gray roots, how funny looking your child is, how many carbs and chemicals you are eating, your husband's propensity to talk to my boobs, how unflattering your dress is, that your house smells like a cat box, etc. No, not an eating disorder... Manners.
  4. LipstickLady

    A bit frustrated

    Ask to be put on the cancellation list!
  5. LipstickLady

    Preop Diet...starving!

    Yup. You'll live and it's worth it. It sucks, but you can and will survive.
  6. You hit the nail on the head. I will never eat "normal" again and I'm ok with it. My "normal" got me firmly into the morbidly obese range and I am never going back.
  7. Pre-op. Don't stock up on anything. You should be out and about by day 2 or 3 and able to buy what you like. What you like now will change. Post-op. Eat really freaking slow and never trust a fart.
  8. You are all amazing. Thank you for the kind words. I can't tell you how much they all mean to me. My post wasn't about fishing for compliments but as what this journey is really about. You all made me feel so freaking good.
  9. LipstickLady

    Baked Beans and other foods...

    I get cheap meals. 1. Refried beans for you. Or, if not, navy beans without the sauce while your family eats baked beans. Far too much sugar. 2. Nope, nope, nope. Eat a hot dog. 3. PB on spoon or an apple slice. One tablespoon is OK. I licked many a PB spoon for flavor. 4. Spaghetti squash with sauce. Or sauce with meat and cheese no "noodles", baked.
  10. It works. Follow plan, move your body to the best of your ability and enjoy the ride! 112 pounds down, 5-10 to go!
  11. LipstickLady

    How much Pureed Food could you eat at first?

    I could only eat 1-2 oz. Four teaspoons was my fill point and I hate the feeling of being full unlike before when I craved it constantly. It feels like something is stuck in my chest and won't budge. I know to stop waiting when my nose starts to run. One bite past that is misery and most likely, a vomit session.
  12. LipstickLady

    martial arts

    I'm a deputy black belt and testing for my first dan at a three day martial arts camp in two weeks. I had to take about 8 weeks off from sparring after surgery and didn't take any falls for about ten weeks. Do you wear gear when sparring? I would suggest a protective chest pad because it covers your tummy, too. The lower belts are actually more dangerous than higher ones as they lack the control. Check with your doctor, be careful and go no contact until you feel great about it. Fun fun fun!
  13. I totally agree. KIND OF. My first year I was on plan, on target, on task. I intended to get 100% of the results I could during the "honeymoon" phase. Now that I am just a few pounds from goal and 13 months out, I feel as if I can relax a bit and experiment. My year of good habits has gotten rid of my desire to eat bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes and pizza most of the time, as well as a lot of processed foods and fast food. In fact, many things I loved before are quite repulsive to me now. I never thought that would be my reality, but it is. I am not sure I would be able to say that if I continued to nibble on those things all along, though. I have gone from a tight 20 to a loose 6/8. I have no freaking intention of ever being larger than an 8 again. If that means I have to be diligent, so be it. I can tell you that my life is SO MUCH better, SO MUCH BETTER, even with my self imposed food restrictions. Before I was always on a failing diet, sweaty, fat, frustrated, uncomfortable, pissy when I needed clothes, pissier when I had to do something that involved heat and people and movement because I was self conscious about my size. Now I can do ANYTHING physically, I can fit into clothes at any store, I fit into teeny spaces, I get stuck in the corner spot as restaurants because I am the smallest one, when I am hot and sweaty, I am not at all self conscious about it, I can eat in public without being embarrassed... If all that means I have to be diligent about my food choices 99% of the time, so be it. Totally worth it.
  14. LipstickLady

    Need help with what to tell work.

    Just tell your boss you are having surgery and it's personal. End of story. You owe her nothing else.
  15. You don't have to justify your choices to anyone, nor do you need to explain. Your choices are exactly that. YOUR CHOICES. If they work for you, great!! If they don't, it's up to you to evaluate and adjust if you choose to. Personally, I chose not to indulge because my decision to have WLS was a hard thought out, serious decision. I did not want to risk the health of my new sleeve OR my weight loss ability. No bite of food is worth more than getting to a healthy size. I feel great all day every day because of my weight loss. A bite or three of food lasts what?? A few moments?
  16. LipstickLady

    vets forum - creating new topic

    100 posts is not that many. You can totally do it. You are so close.
  17. YAY YOU!!!! You've done a remarkable job. Enjoy!!
  18. Didn't your doctor give you an eating plan? Pre-surgical nutrition counseling? Your sleeve will help you with portion control but only YOU can decide what to fill it with. Creating new habits is vital to your long term success, so if you can indulge weekly and be happy, more power to you. You are very new out. I wouldn't recommend indulging yet, but what you choose to eat is on you. No guilt needed.
  19. LipstickLady

    vets forum - creating new topic

    You must have 100 posts. Almost there!
  20. Those things are permanently off the list. There is no nutritional value in corn, noodles, rice potatoes, chips, taco shells for our small tummies. Protein first. It has more seity and will stick with you. Avocado is really fattening and to be eat very sparingly. Lettuce in salad fills tummy but not with what it needs-protein!!! I eat avocado daily. It's the perfect health food. Good fat, soft, flavorful. Hasn't hurt me a bit.
  21. I find the whole topic insanely boring, personally. If someone truly accepted themselves as fat, then they wouldn't give two sh!ts if I accepted myself as fat or wanted to be thin. It all reeks of jealousy and insecurity along with justification for allowing oneself to get out of control and not wanting to do a darn thing to correct it. I love my friends fat or thin and their happiness and health is all that is important to me. I would never discuss weight or health with someone without their permission UNLESS they were going down the path of heart disease, diabetes, etc. with reckless abandon. Even then, I would tread lightly because honestly, what fat person doesn't KNOW they are fat?
  22. LipstickLady

    I cheated!

    Sugar free banana syrup or banana extract! Flavor without the carbs or sugar.
  23. LipstickLady

    What a nice group of people!

    That's so sweet! I think I love them!!
  24. That's bizarre. My insurance used my starting BMI. Call the company directly and double check.
  25. Some people eat baby food, but I found the idea repulsive. There are plenty of tasty alternatives out there, I promise.

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