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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Zofran? I think that was once a day and the other was with every meal? It was three years ago -- I don't remember!
  2. Are you taking an anti nausea pill, too? I took both and had a slight structure. My first few months were rough.
  3. I took it with every meal for about three months. It was a godsend!
  4. Good. Thank you for understanding the intention of my question. When you are in your 70s, 80s, 90s... what's really going to be important to you? That's what we ALL really need to think about.
  5. LipstickLady

    New topic time...

    Oh hell.
  6. @@ChunkyChicTrying May I ask what you do? Is your job literally killing you? Is it worth it?
  7. You were given no post op dietary instructions? :faint: My suggestion? Seek more help! I was on liquids at day 8, personally. There was no way I could have tolerated eggs, much less sausage. No amount of chewing would have helped. I'm thrilled you feel great, but you can't possibly know how your incision line of your newly cut tummy looks. You may be healing well on the outside, but that is not at all indicative of how healed your staple line is. Call your surgeon and get an appointment with his/her NP or NUT ASAP. If he/she is unreachable, call around for a 2nd opinion. Following a proper post op diet is crucial to good health.
  8. LipstickLady


    Blunt but still not judgmental: No, I didn't "cheat" on my pre or post op diet. I'd suggest you check with your surgeon before you (insert request for validation). Around these parts judgmental seems to equal disagreeing. Having a different point of view or opinion doesn't make one a monster. True story.
  9. Former fatty here who has NEVER had a big mac. I was partial to Whoppers, myself.
  10. LipstickLady

    Today, I am wondering what I have done to myself

    Flushable wet wipes. Your bum will thank you. Seriously. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. We have a lot of pizza brought in by vendors courting us. I stick to toppings only. I am totally guilty of swiping extra veggies off the tops of other slices when no one is looking.
  12. LipstickLady

    New topic time...

    I'm with you on the house thing... Planning a move to another state in the next year. Still need to sell the one I'm in, but the looking at what's available now is obsessive. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App It is soooo addictive! And the scary thing is that 99% of the houses I'm seeing are just... horrible. And I don't mean their paint choices or terrible furniture. Just ugly or gross layouts and no flow for the rooms or well thought out placement of the house itself in the landscape. Stuff you can't fix easily if at all... Oh girl... If you only knew what I've seen.
  13. LipstickLady

    When the venom and frustrations flow...

    I'd like to be that mouse...
  14. MMMMmmmmmm ... When Hardees has two country ham biscuits for $2.22. Carbs with a thin salty sliver of fat.
  15. LipstickLady


    Damn straight. I grew up in that culture, and my Dad never put up with that bs. No excuses was my childhood motto. People are pansies these days, thinking everywhere should be a safe space. Buck up! A true "safe space" is one where people tell you what you NEED to hear, not what you WANT to hear. That's the diff. IN MY OPINION.
  16. LipstickLady


    You have to get used to a new normal. I am excited when a real meal is about 1/2 cup of food or so. I eat 5 or 7 times a day -- a portion that used to be far less than a snack. Eating great food for fuel instead of for fun and enjoyment is definitely a mind screw. It doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, you just have to learn to appreciate and savor a new portion size.
  17. LipstickLady


    Preach.Exactly...the liver transplant patient that just wants one drink. "Sure, i understand because i love beer too!"Good parallel! Maybe it'll knock some sense into people. EMPATHY. Sorry. I don't speak that language.
  18. LipstickLady


  19. LipstickLady


    Agree. I have a slight stricture and I am one of those cloned humans who didn't "cheat".
  20. LipstickLady

    Where Does the Fat Go?

    To my a$$.
  21. LipstickLady

    Beating yourself up

    Wait...WHUUUUUUUT?? Who is pissed off? What war? Just because someone disagrees does not mean they are "attaching" you.
  22. LipstickLady

    Not telling anyone. What do you say?

    I'm a private person, I am perfectly thrilled with my decision to keep my medical decisions to myself and I'm successful to boot.
  23. LipstickLady

    Beating yourself up

    Being fat was absolutely 100% my fault. I've never been one to "beat myself up" about it, nor have I ever been one to deny that I had a terrible relationship with food. I liked to eat in bulk, I made sh!tty choices, and I ignored common sense more often than not. I wasn't depressed, I didn't eat emotionally, I had no health issues, I was simply stupid. But I fixed it. That's the bottom line.
  24. LipstickLady


    I'm going to assume that since you chose to quote my post, that you're directing this at me. Helping someone justify potato chips at five weeks out, Swedish fish at five days out, alcohol at three days out, etc. is not **MY** idea of compassion or kindness. It doesn't help them and it especially doesn't help others reading, researching, absorbing. That's a pretty significant leap you've taken there and one that I am completely boggled by. So instead of anger and vitriol, the only other option is compassion that helps justify potato chips and swedish fish? That's ludicrous. It also helps no one out - ESPECIALLY new people navigating their way through their world just after a surgery, probably with a lot of negativity in their life already, to come to a place that's supposed to be supportive to find threads like these. And for the record, nowhere did I suggest that anyone should be coddled/applauded/passified in any way for dangerous or foolish behaviors. I merely suggested that anger and vitriol is not useful. Compassion, understanding, extending kindness IS. That can be done without enabling or coddling someone. Are we really suggesting that it's NOT possible? That's it's really that black and white? Compassion worked for the John F. Kennedy, Dalai Lama, Ghandi, Einstein, and a number of other amazing notable people in our history. None of whom coddled anyone, but all of whom saw the value in lifting their fellow man up instead of kicking them when they're down. Anyone can criticize, it's easy. I think Mother Theresa said it best: "I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness." Perhaps I'm missing the "anger and vitriol"? I think it really all depends on one's level of sensitivity. I'm personally not really one to get offended by a stranger's words on the internet, especially if and when I've specifically asked for opinions. We all hear, speak and interpret differently. I'm not suggesting that there is only black and white at all. I'm merely suggesting that some people only see it that way (especially if they don't like what they're hearing) and there's not a whole lot **I** can do about it. Some people respond really well to me, some don't. In turn, I don't respond well at all to those are overly warm and fuzzy. Again, we can't be everything to everybody. Take what you can use and leave the rest.
  25. LipstickLady


    Helping someone justify potato chips at five weeks out, Swedish fish at five days out, alcohol at three days out, etc. is not **MY** idea of compassion or kindness. It doesn't help them and it especially doesn't help others reading, researching, absorbing. People choose to be be offended or read comments as judgmental around these parts when their bad choices are not coddled, high fived and justified. From me, judgement is not at all intended 99% of the time (true story!) but clearly I am NEVER going to be a warm and fuzzy person so some choose to read it that way. Everyone has a different interpretation of support and we will never all agree in that RIGHT definition. Some like it soft and coddling, others like it straight forward and to the point. It's the internet. Take what you need and ignore the rest.

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