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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Fourteen months out. I can eat 3-4 ounces of dense Protein with a nibble or two of something else, or 2oz protein with 1/2 cup of something else. If I eat no protein, I can eat maybe 3/4 cup. My restriction is very tight and I'm so thankful. I may feel frustrated from time to time for a moment or two, but those are the times I need my restriction the most.
  2. LipstickLady

    Drinking after eating

    I am 14 months out and still struggle with drinking after eating. It used to be an hour plus before I could drink and I hated it. I found that I was eating a bite or two too many and when I cut my portion size a bit, I could drink about 30 minutes after. That still stands for me.
  3. LipstickLady

    Toys and Orgasms

    Lelo. Yup.
  4. LipstickLady

    Drinking during meals

    You won't thirst to death or overheat in the time it takes to eat a meal, promise. I miss drinking with my meal, but when I try, it's painful and highly likely I'll vomit. The health benefits of not drinking with my meals outweigh the habit that WWs ingrained in me and at 14 months out, I can tell you, it gets easier.
  5. Absolutely! That's why I stated my **opinion** the way I did. We are all headed for the same place, but that doesn't mean we are all going to travel on the same path, right?
  6. LipstickLady

    You've lost enough

    I'm 5.3 and 152. I hear it, too, but I don't care. I'm not done yet and it's no one's business but mine.
  7. So.... I am obviously in the minority here, but I *personally* prefer to eat real foods, especially because I can eat so little. I got fat from years of eating only "fat free", "sugar free", "diet". Now I prefer to eat real butter, real dressing, real sugar (the little I eat) and my favorite, REAL cheese. Why? They taste better. I can only eat a few ounces at a sitting so in order to feel satisfied, I want FLAVOR, plus, the fat content keeps me satisfied longer. If it's carb free, sugar free, fat free, what the holy hockey sticks is it? Sounds like a chemical bath for your tummy to me.
  8. costco has excellent pre sliced deli meat, fresh bagged salad, cooked plain chicken, pre cooked shrimp, individually frozen pieces of fish... Lots of great options if you can avoid the samples and resist other temptations.
  9. Add in salads, lean meats and Greek yogurt if you need food. First three days will suck but you can do this!
  10. LipstickLady

    Sausage Balls

    Add 1 pack of light cream cheese if you want them to be really creamy and good. DELISH.
  11. My top choice was guacamole made with Greek yogurt. Ate it with a spoon. Refried Beans with cheese Very soft scrambled eggs with cheese Hummus (yes, another dip I ate with a spoon) Mashed potatoes with FF gravy (made with skim milk and sour cream, hardly any nutritional value, but oh so good) Tuna salad mashed to almost a puree Crab bisque
  12. If this young man is a troll, I'll forgive myself for being a fool. If he is a young man who is of an age where I could be his (very young ) mother, I'd never forgive myself for not trying to be more compassionate for the learning curve of youth.
  13. I have no idea what all that meant but congratulations on having a much smaller @ss!!
  14. LipstickLady

    OMG i just

    Good job!! That's a tough one.
  15. It's not up to your sleeve to do the work, it's up to you. It doesn't matter what type of surgery you have, if you're eating 5000 cal a day you're going to gain weight not lose. It's up to you, you are smart enough to realize that. It's time for you to love yourself enough to take care of yourself.
  16. From your posts, you've never used your sleeve as a tool. It seems as if you hoped it would be the magic solution and you've made little to no effort to be compliant with the post op diet. Is a 600 calorie post op diet possible? Absolutely. I'd guess that many of us have did it immediately post op. Unfortunately for you, you missed that honeymoon period where 600 calories would be easy. The ball is in your court. You know what to do, you just need to man up and do it. Costco is not the problem, you are. Your sleeve is not broken, your thought process is. You CAN do this! I sincerely hope you find it in yourself to love yourself enough to get help and make this work. I mean that.
  17. LipstickLady

    Husband says No to me having surgery!

    When my husband and I first married, I was at the store eyeing a beautiful sapphire ring. It was only about $400 and he told me no. I worked, he worked, we could easily afford it. I came home with a 5k diamond tennis bracelet instead. He quickly learned that telling me no was counter productive. You are a grown woman and you have been struggling with your weight for decades. This decision is not his to make. I'd sit him down, tell him this is what you ARE going to do, tell him you'd love his support, but if he can't give it to you! it's not going to change your mind. Period. Hopefully he'll come around. This is not about him, it's about you.
  18. Look back over all the posts you've made under this username. From the beginning, you've made the choice not go comply with any of your doctor's instructions. Alcohol, chips, pizza... You've been repeatedly advised to get yourself back on track with a low calorie, high Protein diet which you refuse to believe will work. Oddly, it's worked for so many of us who choose to actually do as advised. You and I had our surgeries at about the same time. You are young, male, and your BMI is higher than mine. You should be at or close to goal by now but you are refusing to follow plan. I know what I'm saying sounds harsh, but it's reality. No one here can give you better advice than your doctor -- advice you refuse to follow. Only you can decide to make the changes you need to succeed and I hope you do. I know you can.
  19. Sounds to me like you don't want to change so there's your answer.
  20. You can't delete your account, but you can log out.
  21. LipstickLady

    So excited (shopping NSV)

    Just an FYI ! Old navy runs small! Woooot!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
