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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    It felt like death was coming

    You totally dumped. Ugh.
  2. LipstickLady


    Wait, whuuuuuuut? Who's offering unsolicited advice? What on earth are you talking about? Every response I've seen is in direct reaction to a question posed. No one is one here just throwing our diet plans and opinions all willy nilly. No "agendas" are being "pushed". And for the record. I didn't "cheat" pre or post op. No lie. That doesn't make me better than anyone. I was simply determined to be successful this time around. I eat sugar from time to time, never said I don't. I really have no idea who are what you are lashing out about.
  3. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    You're learning fast!! Goofball. xxoo
  4. LipstickLady

    Disgusted/grossed out by meat

    Meatballs a month out? No way! I was still on soft foods!
  5. There you go! Back away from the chocolate, too. Go for a long walk. It will relieve stress, get your muscles loose and help any poo lodged in there get moving.
  6. You wouldn't gain 6 pounds drinking three bottles. Not enough calories! (And no, that was not a challenge.) You are most likely retaining, close to your man period, or just need to take a big poo. This will pass.
  7. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    Oh good! Let the name calling begin! Why am I not surprised? Hahahaha!!!!
  8. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    You're taking a joke I made with a like minded poster completely out of context. But whatever. I'd suggest you block me.
  9. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    I never said you don't have the right to say what you want, I merely suggested you stop telling others how they should respond. Big diff. I also never stated I don't "speak empathy". I have said I don't speak warm and fuzzy. Another big misinterpretation of my words. I'd tell you good luck with your journey, but I've said it twice already and I'd hate to sound "silly".
  10. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    When you post a question on a PUBLIC FORUM, you are going to get the PUBLIC's OPINION. They may or may not read all the responses, they may decide to add their thoughts even if a like opinion has already been stated. You will like some responses, dislike others. My best advice? Take what you like, leave the rest. If the responses bother you, unfollow the thread. If certain people bother you, block them. It's really quite simple. You can't control what other people post on the internet. It's seriously an exercise in futility.
  11. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    I would guess a good percentage of us were able to fight off the urges. That's not condenscending, that's fact. Again, good luck to you. I was sincere before, I'm being sincere now.
  12. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    "If you can't fight off the urge..." Uhm. Ok. Good luck to you.
  13. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    You do know that fruit is full of carbs, right? And a coordinator is NOT a medical professional. He/she should be reprimanded for even giving this practice the slightest nod.
  14. LipstickLady

    Chewing but not swallowing

    This is really a bad idea as detailed above and is the first step towards a serious eating disorder. I won't repeat all that was already said because there is no need. You are grown and don't need a board of people lecturing you. That said, if your coordinator suggested it, why did you feel the need to pose the question here? I am asking you that with all sincerity. It seems to me that by asking, you already know it's not a good idea. Just thinking out loud...
  15. LipstickLady

    Regular Diet

    I wasn't allowed most veggies for 6 months. (Not "calling you out", just using your plan as an example vs mine. ) I was also on 2-3oz at a serving and FULL was not an option. To the OP. Every plan is different. Check with your surgeon. Maybe you can help me b/c my plan is similar. The rule is stop eating as soon as you stop feeling hungry.. but for me that's usually like 2 bites. How am I supposed to get in enough protein if I'm stopping eating at 1 oz? I had to eat small and eat often. It took me about 9 months to start hitting my protein goals and I still struggled with liquids, too. It taught me to graze which could be good/bad. I am 3.5 years out and still do 6ish "meals" a day. No choice. If I make bad choices, it's bad. If I make good choices, it's great!
  16. LipstickLady

    Regular Diet

    I wasn't allowed most veggies for 6 months. (Not "calling you out", just using your plan as an example vs mine. ) I was also on 2-3oz at a serving and FULL was not an option. To the OP. Every plan is different. Check with your surgeon.
  17. I've never been a huge sweets eater, so getting protein through shakes and bars was tough on me. I'd much prefer to chew on a steak than on a Quest bar. Lunch is supposed to be (in my mind) hot and savory, not chewy and fake chocolate flavored. I never used protein powders, but I also lacked in protein. My surgeon was big on shakes, big on real foods, not so big on protein bars. I carry a protein bar in my bag for "emergencies". I often attend conferences and vendor lunches that are very carby/fatty and leave me feeling nauseated if I try to eat what they provide. The bars last in the bottom of my bag and are a good alternative when the need arises, but I would rather turn to jerky, cheese, and almonds.
  18. LipstickLady

    Not telling anyone. What do you say?

    @@Miss Impala I appreciate your point of view and I applaud your decision to take care of yourself. I am one of those who decided not to share and a few of your thoughts stood out prominently to me. First and foremost, you used the word ashamed repeatedly. I am not at all ashamed of my decision. I am not sure where my desire for privacy equates to shame. Also, I have no desire to be "an example" for fellow fatties out there. I was obese for 20 years. I knew the options. Diets, exercise, surgery -- I'd researched every single one and I didn't need anyone telling me what the next best thing was going to be for me. The people I know who are of size also know about their options. It's up to them to decide when to exercise those options. As for not "doing it on my own"? Who did it for me? I had the surgery. I did the exercise. I followed the plan. I weighed and measured my food. I followed my pre-op diet for a month and was on liquids and mushies (without straying off plan) for 8 weeks post op. I didn't eat solid foods for three months post op and I worked my ass off to lose my weight. I've worked even harder to keep it off for three years. No one has done this for me. I did it. And because of that, I get to be ecstatically private about it.
  19. Yoga pants are a gift from above! Please, no pictures of you in them... @@QueenOfTheTamazons Consignment stores are where it's at! You can try different brands and styles and spend little money or great clothes.
  20. LipstickLady


  21. LipstickLady

    Not hungry not full

    Full is bad, not hungry is good.
  22. LipstickLady

    Here it is - my newbie post

    I was also really big on any kind of meat with sauce. Rotisserie chicken pulled and shredded with gravy, taco meat mixed with re-fried Beans and sour cream, chicken salad with extra mayo and mashed to mush, egg salad prepped the same, SPAM (gross, right? But it is soft!). Think softer Protein that will digest a bit easier. And crustless quiche!!!!
  23. LipstickLady

    Here it is - my newbie post

    Healthy fat is not the devil. It's ok to eat eggs with yolk. Skip the bottom of the muffin, too, for now, as well. Honestly, I couldn't do anything but a real soft scramble with butter and cheese at your stage. A harder egg was too much for me. Is a hamburger steak breaded? It is where I'm from! If so, it's too soon for breading. Takes up too much valuable real estate. Ground beef sticks for me still, so... Add a spoonful of nut butter if you can, some avocado (to that "burger" maybe?), and a few cheese cubes. It took me a year to get to 800 calories. I was sipping Protein shakes through month six to get HALF my requirement in. Ugh. Just keep swimming. Oh! Crab cakes are awesome, too!

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