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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I know this is silly... but I gotta rant

    You forgot to, too and two.
  2. LipstickLady

    I know this is silly... but I gotta rant

    I'll admit, I totally judge people on their grammar. I try not to do so out loud, but I can't help doing it in my head.
  3. LipstickLady

    7 Month Post Op- Spartan Race...Crazy?

    Eh, the adrenaline will get you through.
  4. LipstickLady

    Some unexpected NSVs have me LOLing in public. You?

    I chortle, I snort and if you really get me going, I piggle. You know, pee a bit with my giggle.
  5. LipstickLady

    Reevaluating goals?

    Stalls are normal. They can last a month or more and seem to go on forever when you are in one. Mix up your diet and your exercise plan. You can get your weight loss going again, I have no doubt. You just need to be patient and stick to plan. YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!! Be kind to yourself. You've done great so far!
  6. LipstickLady

    7 Month Post Op- Spartan Race...Crazy?

    I did the Pretty Muddy and then the Rugged Maniac that soon out. It's great thing!
  7. Don't tell fibs. What happens if you really do gave to have a hernia repaired.? Just tell them you had to have a personal issue repaired but you're doing great now and leave it at that.
  8. How much chicken or beef can you eat in a sitting? How much Protein are you getting daily? How about fluids? How often do you eat? Any idea on your caloric intake? You must have 100 posts to post in the vet forum. Start chatting! You'll get there!
  9. Flick boogers at whomever thinks comments like that are necessary or appropriate.
  10. There is nothing about being fat or unhealthy that I will miss. Not one single thing.
  11. So let me ask y'all this... Does the size on the tag in your pants REALLY matter? It's not as if the size is plastered on your forehead any more than your weight, your IQ, or your bra size is. Yes, it tickles me silly that I bought size 8p pants from Ann Taylor yesterday, and I'm giddy when I can shop at the same stores my super skinny kids are. My body will never look like it did when I was 20. I've had two kids, I've been married for 20 years, had brain surgery, built a successful business and dammit, I look d@mn good in a pair of American Eagle skinny jeans. I've given up about the number because I am healthy. I can run, I can jump, I can go on rides, I can wear a small life vest, I can zip line, ski, trampoline, do anything I want without looking at the weight limits. I can fit in a theater seat, squeeze down a bus aisle, stand in an elevator full of people, use a regular potty stall, shop in any store, fit in a photo booth WITH other people... None of those activities require a pants size.
  12. LipstickLady

    Am I just being paranoid? Please help

    Tell me what you have to gain by stressing yourself out.
  13. LipstickLady

    Feel like my surgery "expired" at 1 year

    I could have written this post exactly. Surgery 5/13, I've been the same weight since late March. I bounce between 151 and 155, usually hovering at 152.5. I'm a 6/8 and happy. I would like to get to 141 but if this is where my body is, so be it. It's easy for me to maintain, the few times I've hit 158, I lost to 152 in days, and I eat what I want within reason so it's an easy place. I'm thrilled.
  14. LipstickLady

    Ooh la la - bought a body shaper

    Oh! And best part of body shapers now? I'm not a hot sweaty mess from putting them on AND I don't put off going to the ladies' room until I am ready to burst because I can actually pull them back up!
  15. Why waste your time? Call and ask the office manager of practices around town if their docs are bariatric friendly. Done.
  16. LipstickLady

    Runny Nose?

    Yup. Runny nose when I'm full. Some people hiccup, some sneeze, many have a runny nose. Try a sip or two less than normal (it's a very good idea to measure everything until you can eyeball your capacity) to prevent the nose running.
  17. Your sleeve will relax over time. You are so new out, you should not be able to hold more than a tablespoon or two of food at one time, nor will you be able to do much more than sip sip sip liquids right now. I can't tell you how to feel but I am grateful for my super tight tummy. Eating in bulk was what put me here in the first place and now, at almost 16 months out, I am so glad that I can only eat 2-4oz at any one time. I still vomit from time to time if I eat something too firm, eat too big of a bite, eat too fast or take one bite too many. What is your capacity? What did you doctor tell you to expect your capacity to be? Bougie size and sleeve size doesn't really vary that much. My sleeve is about the same as yours at a 36. See the picture.
  18. LipstickLady

    Sushi lovers !

    You can ask for a hand roll with no rice, too!
  19. Stalls? Massive weight gain? Huh. Glad my doctor didn't install those extra features into my sleeve. The couple of times I've imbibed heavily, I've "gained" 3-4 pounds over a weekend only to lose them by Tuesday. Just go back to plan and drink water. I don't recommend heavy drinking regularly, but an occasional shindig won't hurt you.
  20. LipstickLady

    Ooh la la - bought a body shaper

    I love shapewear. I've gotten down to a size 6/8 and really don't NEED it anymore (teeheehee!! thrilling!!), but I certainly look better in it. At this point, I wouldn't sacrifice comfort for it but let me tell you, because I am always cold now, I wear it for warmth. The added benefit of keeping the jiggly skin still is an added benefit that I am ecstatic about. Woohooo!!!
  21. Unlike the ladies above me, I CANNOT eat just anything. I am almost 16 months out and I have serious problems with bread, Pasta, rice, ice cream and potatoes. More than a taste or two will send me straight to the bathroom to vomit. Some days, I cannot eat more than 3-4 small bites of anything at one time without feeling uncomfortable and other days I can eat almost a cup of food at a sitting. I have to look up menus before I go to restaurants and plot out what I can have. If I am having a non-eating day, I just get a drink because I know it would be a waste of money anyways. I do not really have sliders like most people do so I get full quickly from simple carbs. Because of all these issues, I have become a grazer which is a very slippery slope to regaining weight. Sounds sucky, doesn't it? In turn, I have lost 110+ pounds. I have gone from a size 20 to a size 6. I can run, jump and dance all night. I look great in clothes and feel great in bed (wink wink nudge). My 16 year old pointed out to me the other day (with a grossed out shudder that only 16 year old girls can do) that I am hit on every day by some "gross creep" -- her words -- which means any guy other than her father. HA! I have found that my life no longer centers around food. Other than planning a meal out if I am meeting friends, I don't obsess about my next meal like I used to. I never crave any of my old "BFFs" like McD fries, Panera baguettes, Hardee's country ham biscuits, etc. I don't buy a candy bar or a donut every time I get coffee at Wawa. I don't "need" a shake at Cookout or just a little nibble at the food court, and I can literally go all day without eating or thinking about it. I have a very close friend who is naturally thin. I used to be amazed at how little she cared about food. It made no sense to me. We would go out to dinner, she would say she was famished because she had forgotten to eat all day but then she would order something very small and eat a few bites and be done. I've known her for 20+ years and this is how she has always been in every setting. I lived with her in college and she rarely had food in the house because it just didn't matter to her. This surgery has turned me into (almost) her!! Never would have thunk it. I still like to cook and bake, I love cooking shows and magazines. I like new recipes and enjoy going into gourmet markets to shop. Farmer's market are heaven. I even enjoy all the available samples at costco and groceries (that's a full lunch and I turn down most!). I just don't NEED to eat. I enjoy my meals more for the company than the food. My quality of life is so so so much better, I can't even tell you. I am amazed at the change in my life every single day, "complications" and all.
  22. I live to deliver a good ass kicken! I'll even throw out a few f bombs for you.
  23. LipstickLady

    9 months out and really foul gas?

    I poo every three or four days but I've always been like that. I take a stool softener to counteract all the Protein. My Fiber now comes from gummies and I might try miralax. My toots smell like powdered sugar. At least that's my opinion...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
