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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Some unexpected NSVs have me LOLing in public. You?

    OH EM GEE!!! Something I just realized. I've not heard the dreaded, "You've got SUCH a pretty face!!!" in so so so long. Now those asswipes say instead, "Not that you weren't pretty before but..."
  2. People only treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Why do you answer her calls? Her questions? Why visit her if she makes you unhappy? I had a brain tumor diagnosed and removed 5 years ago and reflecting back, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. In the 3 weeks between it's diagnosis and removal, I came to the realization that my happiness was 100% my responsibility. I cut all the negative people out of my life. I surrounded myself with people who love me *for me* and support me emotionally. I have no time to be around people who cause me stress and unhappiness. There are far too many people in my life who make me smile and quite honestly, by by keeping company with drama, I was asking for drama. Cut ties until she can behave. You'll be much better off. It's hard, I know. I cut ties with an in-law myself and I'm way happier for it.
  3. LipstickLady

    Dumping syndrome? Tmi

    Sounds like dumping to me! I am also sleeved and am fortunate/unfortunate enough that I only dump with ice cream (just the good stuff) if I eat more than a few bites. I am 16 months out and I know exactly which foods make me miserable and I avoid them like the plague. I must say that it concerns me that you are just a month out and you are already indulging in junky empty carbs. This is your time to shine and maximize your weight loss. We all have different plans given to us by our surgeon so I won't/can't comment on the fact that you are already eating Cereal, but there are so many other BETTER options for you while your tummy is still healing. Consider SF pudding or SF fudgesicles. Try a chocolate Protein shake blended with ice and a bit of banana or a sf coffee syrup for added flavor. There are definitely better sweet options out there than coco puffs. It's really the best time for you to unlearn those "cravings" and to stop blaming your monthly cycle for bad eating choices. You can totally do this!!
  4. LipstickLady

    Ate out today - good choice?

    Boo! That's rough.
  5. LipstickLady

    Ate out today - good choice?

    Great choice! You could have also had the mussels or cocktail shrimp. I also do crab cakes or chowders but I'm not sure about gluten with either. Is there a reason you are gluten free?
  6. LipstickLady

    What makes you say "feck 'em"?

    I love it when people talk about me for several reasons. First and foremost, I am totally an "attention wh*re". I'd much rather be noticed than ignored. Second, if you are spending your time talking about ME, I am saving someone else from your venom. I've got on (tiny) big girl panties. I can totally take it. Nothing makes me happier than when someone tells me someone is wagging their tongue about me, positive or negative. It says a lot more about the person talking than it does about me, no doubt about it.
  7. LipstickLady

    Embarrassed to ask but.....

    My doc's words were that he "didn't operate down there" so he didn't care. Ha!
  8. LipstickLady

    What makes you say "feck 'em"?

    My SIL is the same way. We were always dieting buddies and she had loads of fun making fun of another friend who was constantly losing and gaining. The last time she really spoke to me was when she was trash talking this friend. I asked her if she spoke of me this way when I failed another diet. Totally pissed her off. She has no idea I had surgery and we went without seeing each other for about six months after. She went from gloating about being a size smaller than me to outweighing me by 100+ pounds. Whoooooops! Even better? Her aunt is always on her to lose weight and now uses me as an example. Snort! I love how much she hates me.
  9. Seriously, you'll be fine. As you're cooking, make yourself some butternut squash soup or thin mashed taters and gravy. Nom nom nom.
  10. Call and tell your doc of your vacay plans, they may be able to squeeze you in. That said, if they can't, there's nothing that you listed that you won't be able to do, including cooking dinner. Seriously.
  11. LipstickLady

    Embarrassed to ask but.....

    As soon as you feel ready. I waited about three or four days.
  12. LipstickLady

    I am so angry at myself

    Good for you for being honest with yourself, that's a huge step towards having great success with this surgery. I think you need to ask yourself why you are self sabotaging. I, too, am an over achiever and am very competitive with myself. I knew I was ready for this surgery when I started my pre op 1 month before I had to and stuck to it 100%. I finally realized I had hit rock bottom with myself and was no longer willing to compromise my health and my happiness over a few platefuls of food. I hate that your doctor's office made you feel bad, but I do wonder if that was truly them or you. I know I am one to beat myself down when I make bad choices and I often project my feelings onto others when they give me constructive criticism. Do what you need to do today. Make great choices and spend some time really figuring out your whys. When you do, you will find the strength you need to be successful, I have no doubt.
  13. LipstickLady

    I am so angry at myself

    What type of reply are you hoping for?
  14. I would have been deeply resentful of anyone who pushed WLS on me before I was ready. This is something that I needed, but was such a personal decision that I can't even imagine how I would have felt if someone I loved was on a Quest to convince me to do it. Added to that emotional side of things, this surgery is a lifelong commitment to good choices and small portions. Even if you could "talk him into it", you can't eat, exercise or limit portions for him. That's something he has to be 100% committed to even when things are tough physically and emotionally. It's my opinion that you can do no more than offer to go to a seminar with him so that he can learn about his options. Any more than that and you are treading on rough territory. I know your heart is in the right place and it's clear that you love him and want him around forever, but the more you push this decision, the more likely he is to push it away.
  15. LipstickLady

    How much would I lose

    The amount you lose is up to you. I call BS on the 60% stuff. Everyone I know personally who has been sleeved has lost almost all of their excess body weight if not all. Your results are completely up to you. Stick to plan, move your body and don't get frustrated by the stalls or your rate of loss and you will lose every pound you want to lose. Good luck to you!
  16. LipstickLady

    My new junk food.

    My Snacks are almonds, peanuts, cheese, jerky, edamame, and I almost always have some sort of shrimp in the fridge to nibble on. My restriction is very tight at 16 months out, so I nibble all day. I don't worry about fat content nor do I eat FF/SF. Real food is the way to go for me because I don't eat enough of anything else to matter. Higher fat content means longer satisfaction.
  17. LipstickLady

    1/4 cup for life?

    Well, if you ate 1/3 cup of tuna, that's more than 1/4! Yes, your restriction should loosen up but per my NUT, you should reach maximum capacity. I can eat about 1/2 cup or so, but my restriction seems to be tighter than most.
  18. LipstickLady

    What do you do about birthdays?

    Instead if making your special day about food, make it about you and your health! Go pick apples, see a play, go to a concert... Celebrations no longer center around what I'm going to stick in my face and they are much more memorable now.
  19. LipstickLady

    Sooo.. One year out......

    Hey, Beautiful! I've missed your face. Glad you're doing well.
  20. LipstickLady

    missed opportunity..dang it!

    Girl, you need to grab yourself by your hot little bootstraps and tell him you'd love to grab a cup of coffee with him. Seriously. It's 2014 and if you don't make a move, you are missing out. The worst that can happen is that he says no and if he says no, he's not worthy of your time anyways. I'm not telling you to send him flowers or cyber stalk him, just a friendly invite. Find him on FB. Send him a note saying you enjoyed chatting with him and you'd love to do it again over a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. Or you could invite him for a roll in the hay. Your choice.
  21. Wait, what? SHOULD be working out 5x a week? That's nice in theory, but not in reality. I know many a sleever who have gotten to goal without working out at all. I have gotten almost to goal by working out 1-5 days a week depending on my schedule. My advice? Just keep doing what you do, your body will figure it out. Take your measurements and rely on those rather than the number on the scale. It's an amazing thing to see your body shrink despite that #+%^}+ scale.
  22. Dernit, I just saw September. Ha! Eh...this is a common question, so...
  23. So, uhhmmmm... If your doctor told you you could try puréed foods when you were ready, why were you "hoping it wasn't a huge no no"? Seems to me the doc left your nutritional decisions in your hands.
  24. It seems to me that the only expert opinion is that of the doctor. It scares me that so many people are encouraging others to move faster than the surgeon has directed. Oddly, making poor food choices is what put most of us in this position in the first place. But hey, what do I know? A few bites of eggs or Beans isn't worth the risk, IMO. Real food will still exist when the doctor gives his/her ok, I'm sure.

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