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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I need to burp but I can't

    Three suggestions. Take smaller, slower bites or sips. Walk a lap around your home or up and down the stairs after every bite. Learn to do what my kids called, the turtle neck. Lift your chin high and the stretch it forward as far as you can. Burps result.
  2. Stop looking to be offended and start looking for good, solid advice. Your world will be a better place.

    1. LipstickLady


      @_Kate_ Thank you for exemplifying my opinion exactly as I stated. Youknow, the one that you "respectfully disagreed" with. ;)

    2. _Kate_


      Don't you get humour Lipstick

    3. LipstickLady


      Oh. Now it's "humor". ;) What was it you said? "Well if that in an excuse then ... fill your boots, right?"

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  3. So here's something that's a little sad to me. Yesterday, the OP @@Anthony74 reached out to me via private message and I feel like we had a very nice exchange. He totally understands where I was coming from and I appreciate the fact that he took the time to talk to me one on one. What an adult thing to do! Yet, we still have people bashing others for their POV when this really wasn't their "battle" to fight. We've got one chick who claims to be a counselor starting entire threads and hurling out nasty names. We have people using the words idiotic and stupid and bullies. We have people dramatically announcing that they will never ever post on these boards again. (Insert dramatic swoon here). Why not just ask a question? Start some dialogue? Stop taking everything so freaking personally? Act like adults instead of middle schoolers? This is the internet, people. This is NOT an "us against them" scenerio. JEEEEEEZ!!!
  4. LipstickLady


    What's even funnier about this? The OP of that thread private messaged me and we had a pleasant exchange. It seems to me that some people like to fight other people's battles where no battle exists. Or, they just like to try to pick a fight. I agree with one point she made, though. We definitely need an admin in here. Her behavior more than warrants it.
  5. LipstickLady


    All your doing is being a cowardly jerk hiding behind a computer telling people off and scaring them from being honest. I guess this is a site where everyone lies and says how perfect their journey is or they will be attacked by bullies. A lot of people got the point across that it could hurt him without being an obnoxious ass. Get over yourself and stop trolling. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Yes. I see how positive and supportive you are. You are a drug and alcohol counselor yet this is how you behave? This is the language you use? WOW. What's that phrase about a pot and a kettle?
  6. I'm not perfect either. I was, however, very informed on what had happened to my body and what it would take to heal successfully. I have a family I love and kids who depend on me to be at my very best. I cared about myself far too much to put my stomach at risk. I had this surgery to resolve decades of obesity and I was not going to risk a leak, an abscess, a tear, or any other potential complication over food -- something I had clearly consumed far too much of, causing me to need WLS in the first place. Love yourself. Value yourself. You are worth SO MUCH MORE than a chicken wing, a piece of pizza, a grilled cheese sandwich. You can take my words however you choose. I know my intent and it's not the big bad bully you want to believe.
  7. Y'all do realize how dangerous this logic is, right? Push it in the gym, not on a newly sutured stomach. Break the habits BEFORE you have 80% of your stomach removed. This is NOT the time to test your surgeon's skills. This is NOT the time to listen to your body or pretend you know what's best. But hey. Whatever. Have at it. It's your body.
  8. Did you call your surgeon about your food choice?
  9. LipstickLady

    When did you drink alcohol?

    After my surgeon cleared me for it.
  10. LipstickLady

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Oh, you mean like the Republicans that rallied around Obama? #notmypresident If he upholds all his "promises" regarding immigration, Gay rights, reproductive rights, etc, he will never be MY president and I will NOT rally behind him. I can only hold on to the hope that he continues to be the liar he's proven himself to be. Neither party put up the best candidate, and I get that Republicans wanted change, but did they really want TRUMP? #notmypresident
  11. Don't stock up on ANYTHING because your taste buds may change. I had surgery on Wednesday, was home on Thursday and was driving on Friday. I could get to the market to buy anything I needed. Gatorade, a few Protein shakes, some SF popsicles and a can of broth would have been more than sufficient when I got home. I threw away a LOT of protein powders, shakes, drink mixes, etc. because I couldn't tolerate them post op. A LOT. Get rid of the mindset of "cheating". You're grown. You are making a major decision to have WLS. If you are eating something off plan, you are not "cheating", you are simply making a horrible CHOICE. Will is be hard? Yup. Will it suck? Yup. Will you be constantly tempted and tortured and at times, a bit miserable. Yup. Will you wonder WTF you did to yourself and if things will ever be normal again? Yup. Will it be worth it? ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY. Oh. And don't come to these boards, asking an enabling question (like can I eat chicken wings and pizza on my liquids stage) and get huffy when people tell you no. Your hormones will be crazy. Don't take it out on those of us who care enough to answer you straight.
  12. It confuses me people hide their own poor behavior behind the guise that "so many people private messaged me agreeing with me". Sure they did. ;)

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Such statements smack of the Trump thing's tag lines. Two examples: "Everyone says so, everyone says so" and "I know. Believe me. I know. Believe me." He repeats the inanities to emphasize the veracity of his claims. I therefore believe him. Duh.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      P.S. All of those private messages must be from the same 75% who dislike @Babbs

    3. theantichick


      I must have missed something. S'okay. With all the unrest in the country, I don't need to get caught up with another drama llama. :)

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  13. LipstickLady

    Spicing up broth.

    I wouldn't suggest coarsely ground pepper. You don't want anything lodged in your staple line. I don't see why fine pepper would be an issue, though. Hot sauce? Sure! Just be mindful of acidity.
  14. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I am not ashamed to speak my mind nor do I feel a need to hide behind innuendos and double speak.

    1. Sai


      *thumbs up* (I wish icons worked here :P)

    2. Fredbear


      I mean what I say, unless I'm being snarky or sarcastic. I'm usually snarky or sarcastic.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      "I say what I mean and I mean what I say." Oooh, oooh, pick me, pick me, I know, I know. You're Popeye the Sailor Man!

      Is that what is meant by double speak?

  15. LipstickLady

    PROGRESS! Mashed Potatoes!

    My NP told me to go to KFC and have mashed potatoes and gravy as my first mushy, too. She said that I could only have them once a week or so and to scrape off more gravy than potato. DELICIOUS. Like you, I could only handle a bit, but it was heavenly after a month of liquids.
  16. LipstickLady

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Welp...he admitted it was rigged.
  17. LipstickLady


    Username relevant.
  18. Easy enough! Sort the beans for stones and skins, rinse well and soak over night in cold Water. The next morning, remove any floaters and rinse the beans well. In the bottom of a pot, fry up some chopped bacon, chopped garlic and diced onion onions. Pour in the drained beans and fill pot with half water, half chicken stock. Simmer beans until tender. (If you have a ham bone, throw that in there for sure!) I add seasonings, but I go by sight, not by measurements. A generous amount of cumin, salt, pepper, and garlic powder goes in the pot once the water is hot enough to dissolve it all. I adjust the spices according to the taste of the broth, so I am no help there. I do skim the fat off the top of the Soup as it cooks out. We usually eat half the beans as soup and the other half I drain completely and mash. I fry them up in a bit of oil, with cheese, and you'll have excellent refried beans. Add sour cream, salsa verde, avocado... YUM!
  19. Go to Trader Joes. Buy a can of their refried black Beans. Open. Add cheese. Heat. i can also just use my friend google. Nvmd Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App I was totally being serious. I am Mexican and make my own pinto beans often. They are delicious. The refried black beans from Trader Joes are phenomenal. Much easier and more efficient.
  20. LipstickLady

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Courtesy of Disney.
  21. Go to Trader Joes. Buy a can of their refried black Beans. Open. Add cheese. Heat.
  22. LipstickLady

    It felt like death was coming

    We have Sheetz and Wawa! I prefer Wawa for sure. But I agree, they are not your average gas stations by any means. Wawa's hoagies are the preferred sandwich in my house.
  23. This would be a good time to go on a hunger strike.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Ugh, I gave in to stress eating for the first time since surgery. Raisin bread, of all things...fml.

    2. OzRoo
    3. Moogle


      All of this actually makes me not want to eat. Which is probably just as bad if not worse. Missed my protein and water goals yesterday. Part of me just wants to shut down for a week or four years or whatever.

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  24. How was your surgery with only being on liquids for only 24 hours? Did your surgeon require that from all of his patients? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App It was fine. I had the same requirement when I had gall bladder surgery AND when I had brain surgery. I think it's not an abnormal practice in general.
  25. My story. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/308645-i-was-a-super-healthy-fat-person-until-surgery-changed-my-life-was-it-worth-it/page-16?hl=%2Bwas+%2Bsuper+%2Bhealthy#entry4310790

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