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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Was this a member HERE who said this to you?
  2. LipstickLady

    Should I?..Do I have to?

    It's my thought that you should schedule a follow up visit at at least the 3 and 6 month mark for your health. The support group? Eh...not important to me at all and I'm doing just fine.
  3. You do good things for my heart.
  4. LipstickLady

    Frustrated and doubting my decision

    I had to take an anti nausea pill and an anti cramping pill every day for my first 4-5 months out. As soon as I started them, it was huge relief and I felt so much better once I could get some calories in. I had to stay on mushies for a lot longer than most, too. What are you eating/drinking? Are you taking any meds?
  5. LipstickLady

    Stretching the sleeve

    I'm curious why you are telling this person to do her homework and become informed. What about her comment indicated that she needed such advice?
  6. LipstickLady

    Stretching the sleeve

    No offense intended. You used both the word stomach and pouch in the same sentence which sounded as if you were indicating sleevers have pouches. I don't have a pouch, so I would never call my stomach a pouch. Nothing more meant.
  7. LipstickLady

    Stretching the sleeve

    Sleevers don't have pouches.
  8. LipstickLady

    My lunch bag is a sad place right now

    Oh! Hahahaha! I have that one. I read that as Tervis tumbler FILLED with goldfish. I was thinking BAD carb!
  9. LipstickLady

    My lunch bag is a sad place right now

    I agree with the others. chocolate is ok. Gorging on chocolate regularly is not. I was NEVER a sweet eater before surgery. I probably eat more chocolate now than I did pre-op. It's not a trigger for me, though, so if it is for you, stay away. I keep a snack bag with a few dark kisses or Dove Dark Promises. Occassionally, I will buy a bag of M&Ms and put a few of those in my chocolate bag. I eat MAYBE 2-3 a day? Cures the craving and I no longer think about them.
  10. You mean no one's ever gotten fat gorging on roasted skinless chicken and steamed plain broccoli?
  11. I only keep them 3-4 days, max.
  12. I throw them in the freezer and they thaw out great!
  13. Easy recipe for crustless almost quiche. This is a pretty easy lean Breakfast to make: Egg muffins Sometimes you want a hearty breakfast that you can eat on the go or throw in your bag to take to school or work. Usually the most portable of breakfast ideas are carb and sugar loaded. These tasty breakfast egg muffins are a great alternative and can be made in advance! You decide what meat, cheese and vegetables you want to put it in making the combination possibilities endless. And since you make a bunch in advance you have ready to go breakfast options all week. I love these. They are filling and so much healthier than your muffins, bagels, donuts, and whatever else you grab with your morning coffee. Ingredients (pick any/all/others), these are just ideas: Spring onion as required Chopped tomatoes as required Onion as required Cheese as required Green chillies You can add ham, bacon or other lean meats, spinach, ricotta cheese, bell peppers, and lots more as per your taste. eggs 6 beaten with 2 tbsp milk, black pepper to taste Instructions -Preheat oven at 375f -Grease your muffin tin -Add vegetables of your choice along with cheese (if you choose), pour beaten egg mixture on it. -Place muffin pan on the center rack of a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until muffins are light brown, puffy, and the eggs are set. -Let muffins cool for a few minutes before removing from the muffin pan or cups. Loosen gently with knife if they seem to be sticking. Eat immediately or let cool completely and store in plastic bag in refrigerator or freezer. The Egg Muffins can be reheated in the microwave.
  14. I am a firm believer that people will only treat you the way you allow them to. She can cook till the cows come home but she cannot make you eat. I assume if you need to get out of a toxic situation that she creates, you can go out for a walk, hop in the car for a drive or cut your visit short, right?
  15. "It's the *easy* way out? OK." Then wink and smile. It drives people nuts when you agree with them and they know you are NOT agreeing with them at all. But really, what can they say?
  16. I love you and I appreciate your concern, but this is not a topic for discussion. Period.
  17. It's a different kind of enjoyment. Before, I thought my "enjoyment" came from the taste of the food that I ate far too fast to really appreciate because I knew what I was doing to myself was so unhealthy. I tended to be a closet eater, sneaking in food when no one was around because I was ashamed of my habits. I "enjoyed" being stuffed but that was immediately followed by the feeling of immense guilt because I was ALWAYS on a diet, and the latest binge just chalked up another failure on my part. How humiliating it was that I couldn't even control what I was putting in my mouth. Now I truly ENJOY making great choices that have led to a healthier me. I am no longer consumed by thoughts of food and where I will be buying my next meal. I no longer plan out where I am going to stop for a quick snack nor do I have to think about where I am going to stash the trash so no one knows about all the crap I ate all day. I enjoy meals with my friends and family because I no longer feel all those eyes on me as either the fat woman who is pigging out with her fat friends or the fat woman who ordered just a salad (as if I was fooling anyone with that one!). I allowed food to take me to a really unhealthy place in life, physically and mentally and now I am back to a place where I want to be for myself and my family. So yeah, I enjoy food very much. I enjoy being in control of it instead of it being in control of me.
  18. I will just smile sweetly and say "I am bored talking about my body, let's talk about yours now!" I figure that will stop things pretty fast. :-) @@ready2B wins for best answer EVER on another thread. This will be my new go to answer. For real, yo!
  19. LipstickLady

    What did you say?!

    You win best answer ever. For real, yo!
  20. LipstickLady

    What did you say?!

    I agree. Fat people are scrutinized and talked about. So are skinny people. And ugly people. And people who dress younger than their age. And people who wear too much makeup, talk too loud, drive a flashy car, have boob jobs, have bad breath, chew with their mouths open... People talk about other people. They pick a "thing" and then pick it apart. If people are talking about you when you're fast, they are going to talk about you when you lose the weight. That's just how people are.
  21. LipstickLady

    What did you say?!

    What would I say!? Ha! As I am self employed and have no worries of offending anyone or being fired, I'd say, "Surely you didn't mean that as bitchy as it sounded!" with a smile. In a professional setting, I'd simply say, "What an odd thing to say." And then I'd walk away.
  22. LipstickLady

    sipping water makes me nauseaous.

    They are in the produce section of some markers, in the powdered drink aisle if others. They are crystallized fruit, no other ingredients. Be careful not to buy True Lemon lemonade. It's food, but not the same. Google it!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
