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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Wife's sex drive

    I never post in here and I knew I was breaking a rule when I did on just this one thread. That said, the most glaringly inane piece of advice came from a man. You know, "tell her you are going to go out a get a little on the side". :faint:
  2. LipstickLady

    I Sprayed This In My Mouth and Lost 10lbs

    DUH!! Gorilla glue. Silly girl.
  3. How to order when you eat out? Seriously easy. Before I go to a restaurant, I check out the online menu (if possible) so I can familiarize myself with their offerings. Learned this over all those years at WWs and it's a habit that serves me well. Nine times out of ten, there is something on the appetizer menu that is perfect for me. Mostly Protein, few carbs, exactly the right portion for me to eat as a meal and still enough to share if anyone is interested. Cheaper, too. Just ask for it to come with everyone else's meal. If there is no appetizer that looks interesting, I go to the soup/salad menu. French Onion is a favorite of mine and a Soup most restaurants have. I love a seafood chowder, too. Again, ask for it with the meal, not when everyone else gets their salad. If there is no soup, I go for a salad with protein and just eat the toppings. I will peek at the kids' menu, but those are usually so unhealthy, I rarely find anything for me. My next recourse is the sandwich menu. There are so many yummy variations and I simply ask for it without bread and with salad or veggies on the side instead of fries or chips. This is a common request and I've not had a restaurant deny me. If I am still unable to find something, I will <gasp> skip the meal. Not a game changer, not a big deal. I will survive and I won't even be unhappy. I nurse a glass of wine and a cup of coffee and I enjoy the conversation. This rarely happens because I can't find something but happens more than I thought it would because I've finally figured out that just because it's lunchtime or everyone else is eating, if I'm not hungry, I don't **HAVE** to eat. Fast food. Chili. A burger without the top bun. A grilled chicken sandwich without the bun. A cup of soup or a salad. A wrap, peeling off most of the tortilla. A steak and cheese (YUMMMMMM!), just eating the insides. A sub, again, just eating the insides or asking for it as a lettuce wrap. Personally, I am partial to sushi. One roll and some edamame is a favorite. At Arby's, I love a junior roast beef, no top bun. At a Mexican joint, a kids' fajitas, Beans, no rice, no tortilla. Or fish tacos, yum! At a deli, seafood salad or hot ham and cheese, no bread. Panera, soup or 1/4 of the steak and white cheddar panini on flatbread. (My restriction is tight, tight, tight.) Sliders are all the rage right now. Perfect for sleeved tummies. Chick Filet has grilled nuggets and awesome chicken soup. Chipotle has a great single taco kids' meal. Double beans, no rice. Or I get a bowl, no rice, double beans and eat it for 3-4 days. Asian. Shrimp dish, beef dish, chicken breast -- not fried, with sauce on the side and no rice. BBQ, no bun. pizza places are my biggest challenge and I usually get an order of cheese sticks to share with the table or I eat the toppings off a slice with a bit of crust. Sometimes they will have a meatball on the kids' menu and that's a perfect option for me. Seriously, eating out is easy and can be healthy with the right choices.
  4. LipstickLady

    Rough day, feeling irate and...

    Yup. Been there, done that. It's worth it, I swear.
  5. LipstickLady

    Rough day, feeling irate and...

    Girl, your hormones are flipping the FRICK out. Normal. You are going to be moody, hangry, pissy and overall rough to be around for a few weeks. It's OK. It's worth it in the end.
  6. LipstickLady

    So THIS happened the other day. Me and my big mouth.

    Ignorance. That's the word.
  7. LipstickLady

    So THIS happened the other day. Me and my big mouth.

    Oh, not me. I thought it was hysterical. I am far too bitchy to give much credence to such booshit.
  8. Bypass patients have pouches, sleevers have reduced sized stomachs.
  9. Sleevers don't have pouches.
  10. LipstickLady

    So THIS happened the other day. Me and my big mouth.

    No, I don't agree. At least not the people I associate with. I prefer to think better of people, personally.
  11. LipstickLady

    Wife's sex drive

    But some guys are only looking for a warm hole to put their parts. Fortunately most women are too smart to put up with that bullsh*t.
  12. LipstickLady

    So THIS happened the other day. Me and my big mouth.

    Trust me. She understood.
  13. LipstickLady

    Wife's sex drive

    That's awesome. I would help you pack your bags and give you a kiss on the cheek on your way out of the door. I do appreciate you, though. Makes my husband look like a much better man than he did two minutes ago.
  14. LipstickLady

    So THIS happened the other day. Me and my big mouth.

    I just smiled and went back to my desk. Told her to have a great evening on her way out of the door. Fortunately, my instructor (and the school owner) appreciates the fact that I don't put up with any sh!t and gives me free reign to p!ss off anyone I see fit. Whooops!
  15. LipstickLady

    Wife's sex drive

    I love that you are so open to other thought processes and willing to hear other view points. Your wife is lucky to have you and I have little doubt she will come around as she progresses through this change. It took me a good 7-8 months to find security in my new body and I was a very secure person to begin with. She will find her groove. In the meantime, be patient, loving and kind even when you don't feel like it. She will recognize it and appreciate it. And callus cream. It's good for the hands in this dry weather.
  16. LipstickLady

    Wife's sex drive

    Stop making it about sex. Stop the growling and the innuendos -- to me that's a huge turn off. She's not a pleasure object, she's a living, thinking, feeling human being. Men might find that a turn on, but as a woman, I do not. I am all for the playing and teasing and groping when it's appropriate, but it's not always appropriate and if she is feeling fragile (and I'm sure she is), now is NOT the time. Seduce her mind. Cook her dinner and clean up without talking about how you cooked and cleaned. Rub her feet and back without expecting sex. Tell her how beautiful you've always found her, with no emphasis on how much better she looks now. Stop hounding her for sex because that is NOT going to work, I guarantee it. Bring her flowers if she's into that, or maybe a bottle of wine. Talk to her about her day and actually listen. Touch her face, her hair, her shoulder without going for her boob or her ass. Move slowly. You are frustrated, probably with good reason. She's hormonal, going through some major physical changes and probably pissed at herself because she doesn't want sex. I have no doubts she is feeling VERY insecure about how her body WAS, how her body IS right now and how her body is going to turn out when she reaches her weight. YOU think she is beautiful, desirable, and highly sexable. She doesn't feel that way about herself right now and the words "I want to bend you over" make things "porn star" and so NOT emotional. I'm not putting down your efforts, I have NO DOUBT you love her and you want her to know that, but your method is not working right now, so change gears. Love her through this, don't try to SEX her through this. Emotionally supportive will get you laid faster than middle school groping, ass grabs and comments, I promise you.
  17. YOU were the one person I was referring to.
  18. What in the world are you talking about? There was only one "rude snippety" person in this thread that I saw.
  19. You are less than two months out. How far off the wagon could you possibly be?
  20. LipstickLady

    No restriction

    This soon out your stomach is still numb from the surgery. You could very well be full, but not feel it. You could be going damage to your sleeve if you are overfilling yourself but it's unlikely you are stretching it as suggested above. (Sleeves don't really stretch.) Weigh and measure everything. Once you are on solid foods, I have no doubt you will feel restriction from dense Protein.
  21. LipstickLady

    Found this virtual simulator

    I like this site. Much more representative... http://www.mybodygallery.com
  22. LipstickLady

    40 French bougie

    Bougie sizes. Not much diff...
  23. LipstickLady

    Will I always be cold?

    Nineteen months out and freezing my azzzz off always. Always.
  24. LipstickLady

    Open to suggestions

    What are you eating? Do you track? Exercise?

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