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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    can I be disgusting for a minute?!

    Yup. That's normal for me.
  2. LipstickLady

    *****Sorry! Apologizing now!

  3. LipstickLady

    I failed myself yet again...

    Wait!! Did I lose 112 pounds UNnaturally??
  4. A hot topic for debate is to tell about our WLS or not to tell. In my opinion, the only "right" answer to this question is to do what is best for YOU. The choices you make about your body are deeply personal and you don't owe ANYONE an explanation or frankly, any answers at all about your weight loss. That said, the nosy nellies (and well meaning, but slightly clueless folk) are often relentless in their questioning. I will not lie and I will do everything in my power to be polite (for a little while anyways) but firm. It's really not hard. I am just over 18 months out and I've not told ANYONE that I didn't want to about my surgery. Perhaps because I am not a pushover and when I speak, I leave little room for further discussion, but I have only had two people even hint around about surgery, and no one has had the balls to ask out right. So my answers to the questions I've been asked or I've read that others have been asked (some copied from my reply on another thread): How are you losing weight? "I'm working with my doctor, eating smaller, healthier portions and exercising." Are you on a special diet? "I am working with my doctor to eat smaller, healthier portions." What are you eating? "Well, my doctor and nutritionist have come up with a plan that works specifically for me." Are you allowed to eat...? "Just like you, I can eat whatever I want, I simply choose not to." How much have you lost? "A lot." Well, how much? "A lot." So how many pounds? "A lot." What size do you wear now? "That's a weird question." How much do you weigh? :blank stare: "Why in the world would you ask that?" or "I'm sure you didn't mean to sound as rude as you did." Did you have surgery? "Why in the world would you ask such a personal question?" or "I didn't realize you were interested in WLS. I suggest you contact a doctor." or "That's a weird question." How much more do you want to lose? "I'll know when I get there." Are you still trying to lose weight? "I am working on being the healthiest I can be." So HOW MUCH have you lost? "A LOT." Wow! You've lost a TON of weight. "Thank you." WOW! You are shrinking to nothing. "Thank you." WOW! You've lost a whole person. "Thank you." You are going to blow away soon. "Thank you." Wow. You can't lose much more, can you? "Thank you." You are really getting too thin. "Thank you." You eat like a bird. "You eat like a horse." No, not really. HA! "Thank you." What other questions have you been asked or are you worried about people asking you? Give me something hard!
  5. LipstickLady

    anybody here do kickboxing?

    Not a doctor, but this helped my daughter a lot. Keeps the joint from hyper extending and twisting. She wears it to prevent pain. She wears a full sleeve brace if she is in pain but competing. They have these for knees and elbows. Stabilization is key. Proper form is a must. If they can't show you that, run. I don't feel qualified to help beginners or the injured as I am not a certified fitness trainer nor do I advertise myself as such. I teach experienced martial arts students -- I basically run them through their paces.
  6. LipstickLady

    did you tell people?

    I've only told a few people. Not because it's a "secret" or because of any "stigma", I simply don't feel a duty to educate others at their whim. I've actually discussed it with more strangers than I have people in my life. My immediate family knows as do my mom and dad. My inlaws do not. My besties know, my clients do not. A few of my team members know, but only because we are that close and I trust them to let me tell my story if and when I choose to. I have much more interesting things to talk about in my life. My kids, my dog, my volunteer work, my career... I have been consumed by my weight and dieting most of my life. Now that I do not have a weight problem, I see no need to go on about it unless I choose to. I feel no anxiety or stress about my WLS, so I can't imagine I would feel any "relief" telling people and as no one has ever asked me out right, I see no reason to do so. It's a very individual decision and one only you can make. It's like a bell, though. You can't unring it once you've told, so make your decision wisely.
  7. Only if your employer opts for it. My bestie is BCBS as am I. Her employer won't do it, my husband's did. She's been fighting it for years.
  8. You and I have the same stats, similar build, sounds like. I settled at 152 very comfortably. I could lose another 10 or so, but right now I am maintaining with no effort. I eat when hungry, stop when I'm not and I don't worry about what I'm eating. If I have a bad day, I make great choices the next day. I eat about 1500c on average, some days more, some days a lot less. I am a grazer. I have a slight stricture and am rarely able to eat more than 1/2 cup at a sitting. My sleeve is very tight. I don't eat much fruit, but when I do, it's usually citrus or berries. Apples and bananas fill me up too much. I eat a lot of beef Jerky, nuts, seeds, cheese. Cheese. CHEESE. Bacon, avocado, cheese. Did I mention cheese? I don't worry about fat and I avoid carbs. I like cheese. A lot. eggs. I don't care for smoothies or yogurt and I rarely drink any calories. (WWs days, you know.) If I got down to 140, I think I would have to work to stay there. I am happy not working at it. I am a size 8, some 10s if they are from junior's stores like American Eagle. I wear a medium as I still have big (long) boobs. I'm thrilled.
  9. It is VERY frustrating and I understand what you are going through. My bestie desperately needs this surgery and she's not covered by insurance either. Just remember, this is NOT the fault of your insurance company. The company you work for selects what plan they are going to purchase and they can elect to be all inclusive or deny coverage for certain procedures. I would suggest that you campaign within your company to change their coverage options with the next insurance renewal. Good luck to you!
  10. LipstickLady

    anybody here do kickboxing?

    Iluvkickboxing is an umbrella company owned by my Grandmaster YKKim. His corporation offers groupons and living social deals through various schools. Real kickboxing is actually better for your joints than those classes as you tend to hyper extend them when you aren't kicking or punching an actual target. If you have any joint issues, ALWAYS use a target. I'd also recommend supports for your knees and elbows if you have problems. I make my 16 year old wear them on her knees as she has hypermobility and often injures herself when she is doing more advanced kicks. It's a blood disease she has so there is nothing we can do about it but protect her best we can. I don't care much for the gloves you get for free, but I can show you some alternates if you decide you like the classes. Decent ones only run about $25 and are much more comfortable and versatile. I can't wait to hear how it goes!!
  11. LipstickLady

    anybody here do kickboxing?

    I had a lemon sized brain tumor that killed my sense of balance. Through several years of martial arts, I restored my balance almost 100%. Balance is important, but that will come. A good trainer will get you there at your pace, or at least take you to your limits. I would recommend Tai Chi, a form of martial arts that is gentle, with stretching and balance as it's core. It's like the yoga of martial arts. It's a wonderful art to practice. You can be great at almost any sport you choose with practice. Just recognize your limitations and push them a little at a time. (Yes, tai chi can be vigorous and quite effective for self defense, but many glasses are geared for seniors and physical rehabilitation. Do your research before signing up.)
  12. LipstickLady

    Not Getting Enough Calories

    I was lucky to get 500c/day through month three.
  13. LipstickLady

    anybody here do kickboxing?

    Girl, I TEACH kickboxing. Find a gym with reputable trainers and good reviews. You should be able to go at your own pace until you learn the moves. Even the most fit need to get the "groove" of kickboxing before they are proficient. It's great exercise and so much fun.
  14. I break wind all day. Ha! I can play my clarinet, too.
  15. LipstickLady


    Goodwill, thrift, consignment. You can buy outfits that will flatter your figure, make you look and feel great and be gentle on your wallet for a few bucks if you shop smart. Enjoy the journey!
  16. Well...I...Uhm.... Ha!

    1. LipstickLady


      I pooped today. That's always a cause for celebration.

    2. gowalking
    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      i pooped..........yesterday.........not yet 2day

    4. Show next comments  540 more
  17. Well...I...Uhm.... Ha!

  18. LipstickLady

    I failed myself yet again...

    **** Please do not turn this into an anti band discussion. Everyone has been kind, respectful and civil so far, but this is not heading down a road BP supports. We support ALL WLS procedures. It's an individual choice. @@Alex Brecher, the founder of this site, has had great success with the band. This is NOT a WLS debate. If you have any concerns about my statement, please check our community guidelines. Thank you. ****
  19. LipstickLady

    It's the $*%$^%$ INTERNET!

    Why are so many so self righteous and judgmental? Why do people get so crack ass offended when someone disagrees with their opinion? Why the name calling and the finger pointing? Why the insults and put downs? Haters. Clique. Troll. Leader of the Pack. b***h. It's the INTERNET people!! We are NOT all friends, we are NOT all family. We are NOT all going to agree on everything every time. It's a bunch of strangers behind a computer monitor, free to say what they want without repercussion. It's highly unlikely that everything that is said on an internet forum would be said to someone face to face. IT'S OK!!! You don't like me? I'm OK with that. You hate my opinion? I'm OK with that. You think I'm a b***h? AWESOME!! I really don't care. I have real life friends and family, as I am sure you do. If I make a few friends here, fabulous. If I make a few NOT friends here (I don't do internet enemies, that's silly), fantastic! Forums are a place for discussion. An exchange of ideas. A place to share your opinion and hear the opinions of others. We learn and grow from opinions that don't match ours. It doesn't mean we have to change our opinion or that our opinion is BAD or WRONG, it's just different. You hate this place and want to leave? GO!! Don't let the doorknob hit you. You love this place and want to stay and argue? PERFECT. Glad to have you. You like to debate? Love it. You enjoy playing devil's advocate? Great! You want to call names? You're the problem. You want to post inflammatory crap and then erase it? You're the problem. You want to pass judgement on others for living their lives differently than you? YOU'RE THE PROBLEM. We have an awesome feature on this forum where you block people you don't like. You will never see their posts again. Use it. If you don't like something you've just read, MOVE ON. You replied to a thread and don't want to read any more about the topic? UNFOLLOW. Someone's advice mortally offends you, say so respectfully and move on. You aren't interested in what you've read or you think someone has moved off topic? Don't read further. It's no big deal. You don't like reading the same question over and over? Don't answer. The world WILL NOT stop because you didn't put your two cents in, I promise you. . Take what helps you, leave the rest. No big $*^%$(&%^ deal. Seriously. You can add to the discussion or you can BECOME the discussion. It's really up to you.
  20. LipstickLady

    I failed myself yet again...

    You're definitely not ready. You made the right choice.
  21. LipstickLady

    Judge not, lest ye be Judged

    Who are you speaking to? Have you considered blocking those who bother you so much? Maybe ignoring them? I think it would do you well.
  22. LipstickLady

    Judge not, lest ye be Judged

    So here's the thing, Steve. We are all traveling the same "journey" -- we simply have different ways of getting to wherever our goal might be. One thing I can say with almost absolute certainty about this board is that we've all been fat, many of us most or *all* of our lives. We've all had our share of issues relating to and unrelated to our weight. I'd almost bet that we are all looking for better health, healthier relationships, love, friendships, acceptance, maybe online, maybe not. Many people here have had MUCH easier lives than you, I'd bet, and many people here have had much harder lives. Something my grandmother used to tell me when I was complaining about whatever was happening in my life was that there is always going to be someone smarter, dumber, prettier, uglier, richer, poorer than you. We have no choice but to work with what we have been given and do the best with what we've got. If you want to be here, I want you to be here. If you want to contribute and talk and chat and vent and Celebrate, fabulous! If you don't, if you think that this is an unhealthy place for you to be, then don't be here. What I don't want for you, and I say this with all the sincerity I can muster, is for you to continue to tear down the potential to build some really great relationships. Do you know that I have met *in person* at least 10 people from this board, one of whom I consider one of my closest friends? I belong to an outside group with 50+ people from here, a group that I would not trade for the world as they are my closest allies in this struggle towards better health. These fabulous people that I can call friends (and yes, there are about 10 guys in that count) are the only people who can really understand what I am going through. They understand the fears, the joys, the struggles, the accomplishments... They understand how it feels to be constipated for a week and then have poop Soup for three days straight, to be able to eat chicken one day and then heave it up no matter how it's prepped for the next three. They get it when I am excited about a new pair of jeans or a new recipe. They get how great skinnier sex is and how I might feel about my loose skin flopping around when I Zumba. My non WLS friends are happy for me, too, but it's not the same. I do not want you to lose that option here and I am afraid that you are working really hard towards that very end. It's OK for you to be on your journey just as it's OK for me to be on mine. Our goal is the same, but the path we are taking and the things we will see and experience along the way may or may not be the same. I won't judge you if you don't judge me and I won't be offended if you disagree with me as long as you agree to the same. It's not OK to call names. It's not OK to tell people to "F off". It's not OK to tell people they are WRONG!WRONG!WRONG! and it's not OK to think that your way is the ONLY way. It is ok, however, to share your experiences, your triumphs and your disasters. Make friends, Steve, I know you can.
  23. Five, seven, five not... Never mind.

  24. LipstickLady

    I failed myself yet again...

    Reschedule it for 6 months out and take that time to think, get counseling, try to do it on your own, whatever you need. You will only fail yourself if you do something you are not ready for. As for getting rid of something "God put there for a reason"? (No disrespect, just a quote.) If your appendix burst, you'd remove it. If your gall bladder went bad, you'd remove it. If your wisdom teeth came in, you'd remove them. I grew a freaking brain tumor the size of a lemon, I removed it. Well, my surgeon did. If your heart was sick, you'd fix it. If your kidneys were failing, you'd fix it. Your stomach is failing you. Fix it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
