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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. @@GinaCampbell I'm not talking in riddles at all nor will I have a back and forth with you. I hope you have a great day!
  2. @@katragina @@ella37 is absolutely correct. I, too, suggest anyone who is contemplating surgery read the entire thread that she referenced before making the decision not to have this procedure. I agree that the full picture came out in that thread that is not being supplied here.
  3. LipstickLady


    I have to admit it was a provocation. Why did I do it? It irks me quite a bit that whenever someone (including me) is bothered by the tone or choice of words on this board they get a "it's Rants & Raves!!" - Hey, you yourself told me that I lost sight of where we are right now! There is name calling like b***h, idiot etc. and that doesn't cause a shitstorm - but when someone says the F-word, OMG!!!!!!1 it's so evil!!!!!1 - WTH? So tell me: where is that line that is not supposed to be crossed?? At the moment it seems to be dependent on the user where that line is. Double standards at their best. The best would be to stay out of anything controversial - however, things get nasty pretty quick on these boards, depending on who's involved. Sadly, this is one of the most active WLS boards on the web, otherwise I wouldn't bother with this kind of discussion - I simply would stay away. I absolutely take issue with name calling from ANY side of an argument and have no problem saying so. The F word is, quite frankly, one of my favorite words and I use it regularly. I just don't use it AT someone on the internet because it invalidates any points one is making and, in my opinion, speaks volumes about their character. This is a common scenario on these boards that often gets confused with name calling where name calling didn't exist: User A: I ate a taco at three days out and it hurt. User B: That was a really bad idea. Have you spoken with your surgeon? User A: DON'T JUDGE ME! We are all human and make mistakes. User C: HEAR WE GO AGAIN! THE "PERFECT" PEOPLE COMING OUT CALLING PEOPLE IDIOTS!! User A: I am so tired of these people calling me name around here. I am NEVER posting again. User C: This board is supposed to be about support and I am sick of this behavior. User A: @UserB You are such a b*tch!! Don't tell me what to do!! You ain't perfect. User C: @UserB How dare you be so judgmental!!! You probably ate tacos at two days out and just won't admit it. User D: IGNORE THE BULLIES!! They come on to every thread and act like they are SO perfect. They forgot where they came from. They should be supportive but instead they act all high and mighty calling people stupid and idiots. They should really leave. and on and on and on.... There was no name calling by user B. But User A and User C twisted his/her words into something they totally weren't. I'd suggest everyone refer to @@Hammer_Down 's awesome thread: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/382538-lets-all-brush-up-on-our-critical-thinking-skills/
  4. LipstickLady

    Let's all brush up on our critical thinking skills!

  5. LipstickLady

    Let's all brush up on our critical thinking skills!

    (Insert name calling here.)
  6. Ha!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Ya think? If we have the same thing in mind, I was going to suggest that it would be more effective to post a note in any given topic where someone errs.

  7. Not a moment of regret here. What's going on with you? What are you struggling with? Perhaps someone here can help?
  8. LipstickLady


    Thank you for proving my point.
  9. LipstickLady


    I didn't misunderstand at all. This is the second time in the last few days that I was able to pull out proof that your accusations against me are baseless and you suddenly decided it was time to "move on". Sorry, I will NOT move on when you slander my reputation. Please stop. I don't call names and I don't tell people to "f" off, unlike you. Please don't confuse your behavior with mine.
  10. LipstickLady


    @@bayougirlmrsc I'll accept your apology for the unfounded and totally incorrect accusation. If I called names "often", you'd be able to find examples in moments. Don't slander my character. Please and thank you.
  11. LipstickLady


    Here is my complete posting history. Just to make it easier on you: http://www.bariatricpal.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=forums&mid=175552&userMode=content
  12. LipstickLady


  13. LipstickLady


    @@bayougirlmrsc No, I didn't. I have screen shots of the entire conversation. Show me what names I called you. You can't because I didn't.
  14. LipstickLady


    @@bayougirlmrsc Please go through my history and show me one time where I've ever called anyone a name. You can't because I don't. I won't get into a pissing match with you but I will challenge you to back up your ridiculous accusation. I'll await your findings anxiously.
  15. LipstickLady


    I have no problem with someone disagreeing with me. I do have issue with name calling and telling people to "f" off. Actually, I have no problem with that either. It's very telling about one's character when they have to resort to such behavior. It's a shame some people can't discuss, debate, diasagree without stooping to such levels.
  16. LipstickLady

    I need a MUCH better fig leaf!

    But these instead. Much more attractive: http://www.duluthtrading.com/store/product/15278.aspx?ev3=recommended_product
  17. You put in the time. You put in the money. You go to all the appointments and you jump through all the hoops. You do the pre-op diet. You have the surgery. You cared enough about yourself to make the commitment to WLS and you physically and permanently alter your body... And then you get mad because someone tells you not to eat the d@mn taco? Not to drink alcohol or soda 2.783 days after surgery? To put down the freaking pizza'? To stop eating bread/rice/pasta/bananas/hoagies/20oz steaks TEMPORARILY while your body heals and you get to your goal weight? To actually stick to YOUR doctor's plan? Even better, you get mad when they only do so AFTER you ASKED???? SERIOUSLY PEOPLE? Yes. I'd guess most of us have head hunger and cravings. I'd guess most of us had a nibble or sip of something off plan. I've no doubt that most of us were not 100% compliant 100% of the time. But I'd also guess that those of us who have done this, gotten to goal weight and stayed there have been compliant the majority of the time. I'd also guess that many of us who have been successful would appreciate a swift kick in the rear if/when we ask a question I bet we already know the answer to. It's not rocket science and this isn't Romper Room. Make good choices, stick to your doctor's orders or don't, but don't get mad if you fail to get the results you want when you refuse to do what you are supposed to do. And don't get mad when someone tells you that what you are putting in your mouth isn't the best idea in the world even though you want it right now. Value yourself more than that. Seriously.
  18. I don't care much for turkey, so I will take a teeny piece, drown it in gravy and then ignore it. I will have a few bites of ham, a spoonful of dressing my mom makes, a half of a deviled egg, and a wee bit of corn pudding. I usually push the food around on my plate mercilessly as no one in my extended family knows I've had surgery. I usually go up for seconds which is just adding a bit more gravy to whatever I've pushed around and no one is to the wiser. I've always skipped dessert so no one will even notice that.
  19. LipstickLady

    Pre/Post Surgical Plans Are Not Required

    Come over here so I can kiss your face.
  20. This is great advice. I knew I was supposed to chew slow but honestly didn't realize just how slow I needed to chew. I thought I was eating puréed salmon slow but didn't realize slow means like literally snails pace, at least at first. Like at least a few/several minutes of chewing for newbies. It means you have to pay extreme attention to everything that goes in your mouth. I also started only eating with teaspoons or baby spoons to make sure I'm limiting my bite size appropriately. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App I still do baby spoons and teeny forks. It helps.
  21. Look for the positive.

    1. Djmohr


      Today....having a hard time finding it. LOL....rental car guy pissed me off....

    2. Fredbear


      I'm positive we're all going to die at some point.


      Wait, did I get that right?

    3. OKCPirate


      Always look on the bright side of life...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJUhlRoBL8M

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  22. @@SusieSouth When I eat something my tummy doesn't like, one of three things happen: I vomit. I dump. I am extremely uncomfortable for a few hours. What my stomach doesn't like changes from day to day, even at 3.5 years out, so my rule is always to eat slow, chew well, and eat really small meals 5 or 6 times a day.
  23. LipstickLady

    OMG red meat

    I rarely tolerate ground beef, but steak is glorious. I'd eat it every day for sure. I, too, eat it rare and can only eat 2-3 oz, but it's delish. When I'm craving steak but I don't like how they look at the store, I marinate and grill portabellas. Salt, pepper, lots of garlic... Not the same but great texture and a bit easier to tolerate.

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