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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. <eyeroll> Thank gawd I'm not insulted by nonsense.
  2. Water/Gatorade 50-50 helped a lot.
  3. The theme here seems to be when you tell others, you make it about a bit about them and they suddenly play a part in your decision making, your fears, your success, your failures. My surgery was about me, no one else.
  4. LipstickLady

    Anal sex and will it cause damage

    Two sleeves and a cup.
  5. LipstickLady

    anybody here do kickboxing?

    A good kickboxing class wil include a lot of those cardio/strength exercises. Sounds great!
  6. LipstickLady

    Anal sex and will it cause damage

    Would y'all shut up about this? I told my husband it would kill us both so he stopped asking.
  7. So take a bunch of Dixie cups, the 2ounce size. Line them up on your counter, 16 of them as you can reuse a few times. Fill and drink one every 15 minutes. Repeat the line. Repeat the line. Repeat the line. Done.
  8. Gatorade/water 50-50 mix. Approved by my NP. Helped a lot.
  9. Suck it up, Buttercup. You CAN do this. You're worth it. It gets easier around day 5. Stay busy, chew gum, sleep, stay away from loved ones, apologize in advance, starts looking at websites of all the clothes you'll want to buy.... You can do it. One day still a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time.....
  10. I don't see why not. It won't count as a Water, it's high in sugar, has almost no Protein and zero nutritional value but I don't see why you can't eat it. Not your best choice, not even a good choice or sort of ok choice, but it's a choice.
  11. LipstickLady


    My doctor said to wait 6 months. I love Cheddar Skinny Pop, but I can only (thankfully) eat about 1-2 cups at a time. It's a slider for most people so it can be "dangerous".
  12. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    No joke. I'm out.
  13. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    Cool! I don't know you were a mind reader!
  14. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    Ahhh....OK. I'd hate for you to think that.
  15. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    I doubt anyone considers you "the enemy". That would be a bit dramatic of them, wouldn't it?
  16. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    Wait...what? "Just not smart" because of what?
  17. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    Wait...what? How are you "the enemy"?
  18. Stricture here. I opted to keep it. Keeps me from eating too fast or to much. I love mine.
  19. LipstickLady

    What's with all the "diet" food?

    I don't think the foods are fake, cuz they're real food, they just have artificial ingredients.
  20. LipstickLady

    I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    I love that so much I'm putting it on everything.
  21. LipstickLady

    I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    But...but... You're wrong!!
  22. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    Judgement is a funny thing. When we don't walk in the shoes of someone else, we only see a snapshot of their lives, not the big picture. Once a semester, I let each of my kids pick a "date day" with me. We skip school, they get to choose Breakfast and lunch as well as our activities for the day. I've been doing this since kindergarten. When my kids were in grade school, they would pick donuts and slurpees for "breakfast", popcorn and candy at the movies for "lunch" and a stop for ice cream somewhere in the middle. Other than these days, my kids ate mostly "clean", something they do most days as teens. If someone were to judge me on that snapshot, they would see a mom that let the kid skip school for no reason, feed that kid crap all day, indulge all their whims and generally spoil her rotten. They wouldn't see the special moments created, the dates they still talk about and the knowledge that occasional treats are ok as long as they aren't a regular occurrence. A little off topic, but something to think about.
  23. LipstickLady

    I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    I am NOT telling you that at all. If it's too fizzy -- blurp. Over ice and with a stir, for me.
  24. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    I agree with one thing you said -- you are pre-op and you DON'T know what you will do yet. I, too, had the sleeve. On Tuesday, I went to Chick Filet and ordered the (fried) Chicken Strip meal with waffle fries and a Coke Zero. I ate the chicken in a mayo/hot sauce mix which is far fattier than gravy (gravy actually being a really great choice). I am sure if I had told the world about my surgery, I, too, would have been judged for my choices as you are doing with these ladies. (Huge reason I decided to keep my surgery to myself.) What you would not have seen: I had a super busy morning that included a 45 minute workout and I had no time for Breakfast. After my workout, I put my fitbit on and started my day. I knew I was only get to see my youngest for about 45 minutes between school and a conference I was speaking at that evening, so I let her pick the lunch spot. I ate one chicken strip, put the rest of the food back in the bag to take to my oldest who was at work at our martial arts school (our usual routine) and took the Coke Zero with me. I had a conference that I was speaking at that afternoon/evening, so I was a bit on edge, and I didn't eat any dinner. (I did have a few Hershey Kisses, though.) Over the course of the day, I logged in 15k steps AFTER my workout. (Nervous pacing?) I consumed less than 800 calories. My choices were the best they could be given my circumstances... Eh -- no they weren't, but that's life. Last night, I got home for dinner at 8pm and realized I hadn't eaten anything but a string cheese and a handful of almonds. My husband made taco salad, but I am not much for lettuce so I made nachos. With jalapenos. Nom nom nom. Again. less than 800 calories in the day -- far less -- and while my portion size looked big, I barely ate any. Not that I need to justify it, just pointing that out. The thing I hated about telling the world I was doing WWs or Atkins or South Beach? The Food Police. What I put in my face is between me, my doctor and my pants size. It's no one else's business. If I ask someone their opinion, that's a different story but I am guessing these ladies didn't ask you. Anywho... I am sure you will do GREAT with your surgery and I am sure you will make the best choices for you. If these ladies fail miserably, that's on them, not you, but I do hope that you never feel judged, cuz that sucks. Edit! OH! And I was "lucky" enough to have insurance pay for me because I struggled to get a job that would provide that for me. I had the will power to hit goal within a year of surgery and maintain it for the last 10 or so months.
  25. LipstickLady


    So....I'm a fit size 8/10, you are only 2.5 inches shorter than me and 15 pounds heavier. I'd hardly call that SOOOO fat. I'd tell her to suck my ass, but I'm rude like that.

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