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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


    I guess I'm missing "the challenges" of WLS. Other them some physical oddities like poop soup and sliming, it's all fabulous!
  2. Can we talk Edamame? Steamed pods with sea salt, or even better, with lemon pepper. It's so easy to prepare and the nutritional stats are amazing. Some people prefer it out of the shell, but I find that I eat it more slowly when I have to do a little more work. If you've not tried it, you should. For me, this is a staple I often order at restaurants (thank GAWD it's trendy!!) as my meal. I can stretch out this app for the entire meal and still have leftovers and it's rarely more than $4. YUM. YUM. YUM. From WebMD: Here's what you'll find in a half-cup serving of shelled edamame (or 1 1/8 cup edamame in the pods): 120 calories 9 grams Fiber 2.5 grams fat 1.5 grams polyunsaturated fat (0.3 grams plant omega-3 fatty acids) 0.5 gram monounsaturated fat 11 grams Protein 13 grams carbohydrate 15 mg sodium 10% of the Daily Value for Vitamin C 10% Daily Value for Iron 8% Daily Value for Vitamin A 4% Daily Value for Calcium As you can see, that little serving of edamame gives you a bunch of fiber: 9 grams, about the same amount you'll find in 4 slices of whole-wheat bread or 4 cups of steamed zucchini. It has almost as much protein as it does carbohydrate. It contains around 10% of the Daily Value for two key antioxidants; Vitamins C and A. And for a plant food, it's quite high in iron; it has about as much as a 4-ounce roasted chicken breast.
  3. LipstickLady

    Keen Olfactory Senses Post Surgery

    I've had "dog nose" since my first pregnancy. I still have a hard time pumping my own gas. It got way worse right after WLS but it's tempered down now that I am over a year out. I hope yours does as well. It sucks.
  4. LipstickLady


    I deleted them! You're all set. Welcome!
  5. LipstickLady

    My Breath smell awful

    Yup. Your breath smells so bad, I can detect it through your post. It's a coppery stanky smell that will not go away no matter how many times you brush, floss, rinse, gargle, etc. The good news? You've entered ketosis. You are burning fat now. This is because you are consuming so few carbs that your body is utilizing stored energy. It stinks. Blech, nasty, ewwww. It will go away in a few weeks. Keep altoids or another SF mint on hand all the time. Drink as much as you can tolerate. Keep the knowledge in the back of your mind that no matter how bad your breath smells, you are EXHALING (not really but the visual is awesome) fat thighs, tummy and what smells like asssssss. It's a good thing.
  6. My stricture "showed" up the first day I tried to swallow a pill. That pill was stuck for three days before it finally dissolved enough to go down. I was on pureed/soft for almost 6 months before I could move on to solids. To this day, a bite too big of chicken, the white of a hard boiled egg, hamburger too well done and blurp.... It sticks and comes back out.
  7. LipstickLady


    Agreed. WLS doesn't cause affairs, PEOPLE cause affairs.
  8. LipstickLady

    Bathroom Smells!

    Mine smells like cotton candy.
  9. LipstickLady

    How to stop 1 week post op diarrhea

    I had diarrhea for almost 18 months. Poop is a whole new science when after WLS.
  10. LipstickLady

    Graze or Grazing

    Eating a little bit here and little bit there all day long.
  11. LipstickLady

    Fat People programs

    I just watched the three episodes on ON Demand (snow day today!). That young lady is NOT happy with herself at all. That's evident.
  12. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    No apologies!! XXOO
  13. LipstickLady

    The things people eat!

    Huh? Missed it.
  14. LipstickLady

    Help! Everything makes me sick!

    I was on an anti nausea medicine and an anti-cramping med that I took before each meal for three months. It was the only way I could stomach anything.
  15. I didn't tell and I don't "make stuff up".
  16. I'd rather die trying than die from obesity.
  17. I giggle when it tells me anything. I use it to track my food, not to get it's advice.
  18. LipstickLady


    We all? Nope, no judgement here. I simply stated what I'd do/not do. Just like gay marriage/interracial marriage/inter-faith marriage/plural marriage/kidless marriage/no marriage, what others choose to do as consenting adults has no bearing on me.
  19. LipstickLady

    Fat People programs

    I just watched the first episode since reading your post. I don't think this girl is happy. I think she is searching for her father's approval and using her PCOS as a crutch. She is attention hungry and starved for love and acceptance. It will be interesting to see how this series unfolds. I do think there are happy people out there of all sizes. She, in my opinion, is not one of them.
  20. And why in the world would YOUR decision about YOUR health and YOUR body even be a discussion or a battle? It's YOURS and YOURS alone. Period.
  21. LipstickLady

    Fat People programs

    You've said a lot of things I absolutely agree with and a few things I think are rather unfair. Yes, 1000000% YES. Dieting is easy. Losing weight is pretty easy. Losing weight when you have a personal trainer, a chef, a nutritionist that does everything for you should be a breeze. Keeping it off after is where the challenge begins, at least for me. The above is so unfair to me. I know I personally was unhappy fat, but I do think some people really are. How in the world can anyone assume to know how everyone else truly feels? I think many/most people of all sizes have self doubts about their body from time to time but I can't say for sure whether or not they are truly happy. As far as chubby chasers? Of course they are attracted to a bigger body, isn't initial attraction how most of us first find our mates? The initial spark is often based on physical attraction, whether it be a nice smile, beautiful eyes, a great body, a cute butt... That doesn't make us all shallow or objectifiers. That physical attraction can only take a relationship so far. Eventually we wade through enough cute smiles, nice butts, beautiful eyes to find someone we love on the inside, too. At least the lucky ones do.
  22. LipstickLady


    I can't agree. I wouldn't do that to another woman nor would I want a man who isn't faithful. I also fancy myself strong enough to get out a bad relationship on my own and without the "help" of another relationship. Again, that's just me.
  23. As soon as I felt ready as he didn't do surgery "down there".
  24. LipstickLady


    Personally, I wouldn't have coffee with a married man no matter how "open" their relationship might be.
  25. I was very hour glass shaped so my fat was very evenly distributed. My thighs look like crap, my boobs are really long now (both places where I held the most weight), but my stomach is fairly flat. I am not too worried about it, honestly.

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