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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Mystery Question that is Plaguing Me!? Grocery Haul Videos

    I'll tell you which conversations are most fascinating to me, now. POOP talk. I know!! GROSSSSSSSSS!! But poop is a major topic of conversation in some of my groups and I can't help myself.
  2. The inability e to stress and/or boredom eat is the best side effect of being sleeved.

    1. LipstickLady


      The inability to proofread is the worst side effect of no sleep. HA!

    2. BeagleLover


      I agree with your eating comment!

    3. Laydee_G


      Yes, we have to deal with the stressful situations some other way than eating!

    4. Show next comments  522 more
  3. LipstickLady

    Misfit Shine Review

    My fitbit has survived 6 mud runs and a few trips through the wash. WHOOOOOOPS!
  4. I have no doubt many/most gain some weight back. I am skeptical that 95% gain ALL weight back. I think the show and the method is a sham, but I have no doubt that some of those people are VERY determined to best the odds.
  5. I don't think 95% put all their weight back on. Curious where you got that statistic.
  6. LipstickLady

    Cheating on pre op?

    Can you eat veggies? I was allowed veggies and yogurt and I am a savory not sweets person. I bought plain greek yogurt, mixed a packet of french onion dip mix in it and used it for my veggies. Crunch, salty, Protein, yum!
  7. I am 22 months out and I have settled into what seems to be my normal. I measure and track my food every few days just so I don't slide back into bad habits and so that I can get a general idea of what I am really eating not what I THINK I'm eating. I don't obsess about it, but I am very mindful of it. I own a business and I work from home and I've known my trend is that when I am "slow" or not as busy, I eat more. When I am super busy and spend most of my day out of the house, I eat less. I am VERY good about making great choices when I am out of my house for two reasons. First, I am CHEAP and I refuse to spend my money on a full meal knowing I can't finish it. I get doggie bags where I can but I am more apt to stop and get a cheese stick or two at the convenience store and I carry beef Jerky and mixed nuts in my car. I love a grocery salad bar where I can get a little chicken or seafood salad or a few slices of deli meat and cheese. Even better is the hot foods bar where I can choose a few bites of Protein and sauce, usually costing pennies. Some of my days are super busy and I can go almost all day without eating and it amazes me. I almost always drink two cups of coffee in the morning, so Breakfast is out. (Drinking anywhere near a meal makes me vomit every single time.) lunch time is my busiest time some days and I might have a bite or two of nuts or jerky, but I am easily distracted (I have severe ADD) so when I get distracted by squirrels, sparkly objects and stoopid people, I forget about my mini meal all together. dinner is a must as it is time for my family. A few bites of protein is enough most days (unless I am on my period and then I'm starving) and I'm done. I know the above isn't good and it isn't healthy. I strive to be more balanced and I am not trying to use that as an example of healthy living. I am simply AMAZED at how little food I really need, I am still not convinced I had a food addiction. (Denial anyone!!?!?!) When I was on phentermine, I had little need or desire for food. When I started WWs or South Beach of Atkins, I had little desire or need for food. I quit smoking (college bad habit) cold turkey, I quit drinking cold turkey and had no cravings with each child, for two years around my brain tumor, cold turkey for three months preop and 3 months post, again, no cravings. I truly think food cravings for many obese people is over production of grehlin, hormonal, chemical imbalance, etc, but I am sure some food addiction played a part, too. Anywho. TL:DR. I love not being controlled by food. I can eat 100-300 calories some days (yes, I know it's not healthy) and it's not even a blip on my radar. It's never intentional and it amazed me every time it happens.
  8. 5.3, started at 264. I am at 152 now. So yes, you can lose the weight with the sleeve. I've been maintaining this weight easily for about a year now.
  9. LipstickLady

    Mystery Question that is Plaguing Me!? Grocery Haul Videos

    I do occasionally, too. It's the people who posts pics of their every meal that make me scratch my head.
  10. LipstickLady

    Mystery Question that is Plaguing Me!? Grocery Haul Videos

    I don't get why people put post about what they are having for dinner on fb. Or that they are doing laundry. Or a myriad of other daily tasks that are duller than dirt.
  11. LipstickLady

    Mystery Question that is Plaguing Me!? Grocery Haul Videos

    What does that mean? I buy Gouda, margarita lime shrimp, oranges, skinny pop, chicken, Kirkland tortilla Soup and Kirkland coffee (it's starbucks) at costco. Pretty dull...
  12. LipstickLady

    Duplicate Posts

    I clean them up when I see them.
  13. LipstickLady

    Cannot find first topic I posted

    You should make sure you are getting notifications to your topics under settings. if you go to your profile and click on activity, you can see all your posts. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/331281-surgery-on-16-february-2015-getting-scared/
  14. LipstickLady

    Portion size at 5 weeks after Gastric Plication Surgery

    Soooooo.... At five weeks, your stomach is still numb and swollen. You may not feel your full sensation completely yet. You don't appear to be eating much protein, which I am betting will fill you up faster. Mixed fruit, crackers, Cookies, cheetos, rice... Is this what your doctor has on his/her recommended diet plan?
  15. I edited the topic title out of fairness to Dr. Oz. Just an FYI!
  16. LipstickLady

    Cheating on pre op?

    I would never condone "cheating " but I will say with all the foods you could have chosen to "cheat" with, your choice was pretty darn awesome. Call your doctor ans ask if you can supplement with some foods. I was doing martial arts during my month long liquid + 1 meal a day diet. My training was hard and i didn't have the energy. I was allowed to add an extra Protein and a measured amount of complex carbs.
  17. LipstickLady

    Let your voices be heard!

    You are correct. If you sure trying to piss someone off or make yourself look bad, respond with yelling, name calling, cursing. If you want some one to hear your argument, treat you with respect, change their minds/words/actions, the above will only shut them down from listening to you and make YOU appear the fool.
  18. LipstickLady

    Serious Question. How is WLS the "wrong way"?

    Is it the "wrong way" to have an insulin pump? Or to have a stent? Dialysis? It makes no sense to me. I never wanted to "admit defeat" nor would I consider WLS until I tried Phentermine. Phentermine changed my life. It took away the hunger and food cravings. I love 80 pounds and kept it off as long as I was taking it. I took an extremely low dose and usually only every other day or two. It worked until I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and could no longer take it. I have always been extremely physcially active and reasonably healthy in my food choices. Sure, I made a lot of horrible choices, but my issue was constant hunger and craving I couldn't control. This surgery has solved that for me. I truly think that obesity can be attributed to a lot of things. I think hormonal/chemical imbalances were a big part of my issue. Not an excuse, MY reality based on my hard work to get healthy.
  19. LipstickLady

    Let your voices be heard!

    @Stevehud I would like you to sit down before reading this as I do not want you to fall down and bump your head. Are you sitting? Are you sure? I think your plea to speak out is a great one. I did not see the episode because I disagree with the premise of the show. I think it's setting up the contestants for failure and it's setting up unrealistic expectations on what is "normal" as far as diet, exercise and rate of weight loss for it's viewership. I watch it occasionally, but I use it as a learning tool for my children to reiterate the how ridiculous it is to put one's body through that type of regimen. Social media is a great tool and I hope that enough people speak out against this show that they actually HEAR the damage that they are doing. I hope they soon refocus their efforts and promote healthier, more sustainable weight loss. That said... I think your method of communication is aggressive, totally ruining your message and your credibility. Your first words are "You people are crap." You followed that up with "You should be disgusted at yourselves" and "GO TO HELL! ". You then leave them with the request that they "Tell Dr Negligent to stick it where his stethoscope don't shine." I understand that you are passionate about WLS and this topic is a hot button for you. That said, do you think that anyone is going to take you seriously when you argue in that manner? I am NOT trying to be disrespectful to you, I swear. I am simply offering you a bit of (unwelcome and unasked for) coaching. It's my OPINION that you will garner much more support and attention by utilizing professional words and a calm demeanor. I know when I work with my clients, I am much more willing to discuss issues with those who approach me calmly, politely and professionally than with those who come to me having what amounts to the temper tantrum I equate to toddler-like. Again, I am not trying to offend you. I agree with you. I am simply asking you to consider your words when you speak for the WLS community. It doesn't make us look good.
  20. LipstickLady

    I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    Dove dark. Dangerous.
  21. LipstickLady

    I can't wear a bra!

    What happens when you wear one?
  22. Dark circles can be a tonal/pigment thing, allergies, a Vitamin deficiency or simply hereditary. If your parents have them, there is a good chance you will. I've not noticed dark circles with anyone I know with WLS. Perhaps it's a bad camera or lighting? Seriously. Concealer will cover circles. It will not cover a fat arse.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
