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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Ok, if you want complex, @@Elode gave you an excellent answer but as I stated before, a true stall is only if you have NO change in weight, up or down, for three weeks. So yes, they exist, no, you aren't in one. Just keep working your plan, the weight will come off. It's hard to be patient but...oh wait. That's too generic, isn't it?
  2. It didn't offend me at all! Like it said, it tickles me. As for a complex answer? To me, that WOULD include the science behind it.
  3. Oh! And for the generic answer. A true stall is when you haven't gained or lost weight in three weeks. Yes, they exist, but you aren't in one.
  4. I love it when someone asks a question then tells us what NOT to say. It truly tickles me.
  5. LipstickLady

    Any regrets?

    I want to add something that's been niggling at the back of my head since reading your initial post. I used to be ruled by food. I never considered myself an "addict" until now when I reflect back on my habits. I own my own business and work out of my home. I spend a lot of time in my car meeting clients and team members. I used to plan my routes around where I could grab some Breakfast and then a snack and then lunch. I would purposefully plan meetings to bump up to a meal and to be near a favorite lunch spot at that meal time. It was nothing to stop at one place for a burger and another for fries because of what I liked and where. It was nothing to grab another meal elsewhere as a treat because "I was never out that way" until the next time when I was. I ate a lot in secret and a lot in my car. I denied this to myself, of course, but I was smacked in the face with that denial when I made a point of stopping to throw out the food bags before I got home so no one would know. I would look at menus before going out under the guise of "planning my diet" when in reality, I was planning my failure. I ate salads when out with skinny friends and relaxed and gorged when out with fat friends. Vacations weren't meant for eating, but finding local spots and specialties was definitely a joy. Now I'm free. My appetite is small and buying a complete meal is a waste. I can only hold 1/2 - 1 cup max. I can't dip into the bread basket because I can't eat a bite of bread and a meal, too. I save a ton of money sharing a few bites of my family's food, or just ordering an app. I used to care about food and I never thought that would change until it did. I still like food, I still crave things from time to time, I still enjoy the little I eat, but I can only eat a little. I truly believe that restriction has saved my life. Actually, it gave me a life back. Instead of food leading my life, it's my fuel. Nothing more, nothing less.
  6. LipstickLady

    What's your opinion of Low Fat?

    I eat real food. Real cheese, real dressing, real mayo, eggs and butter. Lower fat foods tend to be higher in sugar and therefore, carbs. I personally subscribe to a high Protein, high fat, low carb diet. My fats, however, come from healthier sources. Higher fats keep me fuller longer. I eat such small portions, I don't worry about calories unless I've hit the top of my bounce range. Even then, I don't worry much, I just cut out the creeping carbs and the weight melts right back off.
  7. LipstickLady

    Any regrets?

    I'm extremely V-D deficient. That stopped without meds after surgery as did my pre diabetes, beginnings of knee and foot pain and overall damage to my heart. I, too, lost a lot of weight prop op, along with every time I did WWs, South Beach, Atkins, etc. That was easy, keeping it off wasn't. Now I am almost two years out and maintenance is fairly simple. I have a five pound bounce range and if I hit the top, I go back to all protein for a few days, lose it and start again. I am done with diets, stress and guilt caused by obesity. As far as travel. You'll still be able to eat, just not as much. Personally, I don't comprehend traveling just to eat, at least not any more. I now have the energy to see all the sights, the body to shop in all the boutiques and the desire to hit all the beaches. Food no longer motivates me. It's an amazing release. Yes, taste buds may change. I used to live for ice cream, now it makes me feel ill. I no longer want it. Every once in awhile, I'll have a bite but no more than that. The desire is just gone. It's a good thing. If you aren't ready, don't do it. If you think you can do it non surgically, more power to you! But, if you think you can do it on surgically only to travel to all these places and feast, you are setting yourself up for failure. Think about that logic there.
  8. LipstickLady

    What to scramble eggs in?

    I use a nonstick pan and spray Pam. I have recently started adding a pat of butter into my eggs purely for the texgture/flavor, but even when I don't, a nonstick pan cleans up easily. You want your eggs to be VERY wet, almost at the uncooked stage. They will go down better.
  9. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    I agree with you. My doctor's rules "relaxed" a whole lot when I proved to him that I could stick to my pre-op diet (I did it for a month instead of the prescribed two weeks) and then lost 90% of my weight my first 6 months post op. I, too, was allowed to exercise from day 1, I just couldn't swim (open sutures) or kickbox (risking a kick to the stomach). My big clue into some of the fallacies of our diets were when we were told no caffeine, straws, or chewing gum ever again but then told we could have one 8oz cup of regular coffee a day from day 3 on, use sports bottles (that utilized straws) and chew gum if we felt hungry when we shouldn't. I questioned the contradictions and my surgeon and his NP said to use discretion after seeing how they affected us. (I still can't chew gum. I swallow too much air and it's uncomfortable.) Air will NOT make your stomach stretch. Carbonation is just air. Overeating constantly and to the point of discomfort will stretch the fundus that is left. I can drink carbonation (through a straw) because I pour it over crushed ice, stir it a bit and lose most of the carbonation. If it is TOO carbonated, it makes me burp and that's uncomfortable so I stir it a bit more or I don't drink it. It's not rocket science. But again, I am NOT telling ANYONE here to go against their better judgement or their doctor's orders. I am saying to check with him/her and make decisions you feel are right for you. Diet soda is not a trigger for me. I can pour one a day and sip on it. Sometimes I finish it, sometimes I don't. Many days I have NONE, some days I have (gasp) TWO. Plain Water makes me nauseated so I get most of my fluids in via coffee, diet soda and liquor (KIDDING!!). Do what's best for you. But don't do it until you are far enough out that you have it figured out. Your path will twist and turn. What works for you today may not work next month and vice versa. I followed a friend who had VST a year before me. We vacationed together twice post op to Jamaica and Las Vegas. I stayed a week at her house, she stayed a week at mine. Not only because I love her, but I wanted to see various stages of her life post op. What she can tolerate and what I can tolerate are totally different. She is four years out and has no regain. I am only two years out and have a 5 pound "bounce" range. When I hit the top, I go back to all Protein for a few days and lose it. For the first time, I am TRULY in control of ME and I love it. Stop worrying and just do. You can do this. If I can, anyone can.
  10. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    No worries, Eli! I'm certainly not saying I'm right. I can only speak from my experience, the advice I was given by multiple surgeons and the experiences of friends who went through this procedure before me. As I stated before, I am only an expert on ME. I can't eat an entire cup at a sitting. I drink carbonation regularly. I was given no restrictions on caffeine after 6 weeks. So far, I've been successful. I hope everyone else is as well, no matter what path they choose to take.
  11. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Ok Hun Have a good night. Ahhh....choosing to stick with being condescending? That's fine. No skin off my nose. I've no doubt that if you are THIS much of an expert at only two weeks out, you are going to be wildly successful. It's an interesting journey, for sure, and I was definitely surprised at how much my mindset evolved as the months went by, but I'm sure your story will differ greatly from mine. Best of luck to you! I'm looking forward to hearing great things from you. See I told you at 24 months you know it all. Oh, you got me!
  12. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Ok Hun Have a good night. Ahhh....choosing to stick with being condescending? That's fine. No skin off my nose. I've no doubt that if you are THIS much of an expert at only two weeks out, you are going to be wildly successful. It's an interesting journey, for sure, and I was definitely surprised at how much my mindset evolved as the months went by, but I'm sure your story will differ greatly from mine. Best of luck to you! I'm looking forward to hearing great things from you.
  13. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    I'm only quoting my surgeons honey. But you are a whole 24 months in so you know best. Goodness, no, not at all. I'm only an expert on ME and my experiences. I, too, am only quoting my surgeons and my experienced along the way. Oh, and please, no need to call me "honey". It sounds so condescending and I'm sure you don't mean it that way. So, you aren't interesting in telling me how long ago you had your surgery? Fair enough.
  14. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Sleeves don't stretch. They will relax over time from the initial surgery, but it's not because of soda or carbonation. I've heard from many sources that sleeves can stretch. I don't know for certain, but I was told by my RN that carbonation is never allowed again because it can stretch the sleeve. It's the only thing they said I have to cut out permanently. I've seen experiments on the discovery channel where they put carbonation in a pigs stomach (not attached, after being butchered) and they blew up like a balloon. Makes sense the membrane can stretch over time if blown up too frequently. But I don't know it as fact. You are absolutely right. My multiple doctors told me the same thing. An occasional sip will not have a huge impact. But for those sleevers who drink soda often it will impact their sleeve. But some folks have a sip and go yay I can tolerate soda, which means I can drink it every day.. Before surgery, I could tolerate BBQ ribs doesn't mean I should have it every day. The toleration of bad food/drinks will hurt some folks. Just curious. How far out are you surgically?
  15. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Yup! I have no doubt that pig's stomach stretched just like ours did at our biggest sizes. When we have VST, most of the stretchy part (the fundus) is cut out, leaving the muscle with a small bit of fundus attached (varies by surgeon). So while there is still some stretchy bit left, the muscle does not, so there is very little room for "growth". It would take a whole lotta' consistent overeating to stretch out the little fundus that is left behind. I consulted three different surgeons before my procedure, and all three were consistent on this one fact so I am going to go with it as it makes sense. Before, my stomach was the size of a football. If I had tried, I probably could have eaten an entire Chipotle burrito, some chips and a drink (COKE ZERO!!). Now, I can barely manage 1/2 cup-3/4 cup of food in a sitting. I can't drink for about 45 minutes to an hour after or I will vomit. My surgeon told me pre-op that most sleeves he does top out at 2 cups max. At my 1 year appointment post op, he told me I had most likely hit my max (see above) and I would have to work really hard to eat much more. My two year date is in May and so far, he's been correct.
  16. I know it's heartbreaking to be discover that your health insurance does not cover WLS. I know it makes no sense that they will cover complications due to heart disease, diabetes, back and knee problems, etc. I know it can be very costly to pay for all, half or part of the surgery yourself. It's frustrating and it's not fair. That said, insurance companies don't choose to cover or not cover WLS, your EMPLOYER does. It's truly a bum rap that insurance companies take when people take their anger out on them because they can't get the medical procedures they want. ***IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT*** No, I do NOT work in the insurance industry, nor does anyone in my family. I don't have stock or any other investment in insurance and I don't benefit in any way for sticking up for them. It's simply not true. BCBS VA covered mine 100%. BCBS VA denied my bestie because her company chose a different package. Our old insurance Aetna would only cover 75% five years ago. When our renewal came up, they covered 90%. For some people they cover 100%, for county and state employees in my area they do not cover it at all. Companies pick insurance packages based on the cost to them. If they choose not to cover WLS, that's on them. Your insurance company will cover anything the package covers. If you have an issue with the coverage that you are offered, contact your employer. Fight/petition/beg/plead/pester your human resources and benefits director until they make the change. When you fight the insurance company, you are fighting the wrong party and you are wasting your time. I am NOT talking about denials, I am talking about no coverage. Please do not get the two confused. Big difference. Find out the reason, fight the reason, but fight the right fight with the right party.
  17. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    More power too you. Have a sip for me. WHAT!?!?!?! You trying to stretch my sleeve or kill me!??!?!
  18. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Not dead yet.
  19. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    A soda a day. My surgeon would never ever recommend that. Nor do I want a soda a day.. But if it works for your plan, no judgement. Phew! Cuz I was totally worried about you judging me. I am almost two years out, made my weight goal quickly and have maintained for over a year. I think it's working for me, my doctor is happy and so is the rest of my medical team. Do you, girlfriend! *sips water* I always do!
  20. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    A soda a day. My surgeon would never ever recommend that. Nor do I want a soda a day.. But if it works for your plan, no judgement. Phew! Cuz I was totally worried about you judging me. I am almost two years out, made my weight goal quickly and have maintained for over a year. I think it's working for me, my doctor is happy and so is the rest of my medical team.
  21. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Sleeves don't stretch. They will relax over time from the initial surgery, but it's not because of soda or carbonation.
  22. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Wellllllllllll..... I will be the lonely only that tells you to talk to your doctor. I was told no soda at the pre-op stuff, but after surgery, my NP said I could have it in moderation after 6 months. I drink a Coke Zero (through a straw *gasp*) almost every day. Usually a fountain drink over ice so it's not too carbonated, but it's still good. I never drank regular soda before and I will not now -- that's just empty calories that I won't waste. That's just me, though! Talk to your doctor.
  23. LipstickLady

    I Love Consignment Shopping!

    I'm not too great at the Goodwill because they don't sort by size and I have the patience of a flea, but I do love consignment stores. We have a franchise here called Clothes Mentor that is awesome. The teen version of them is Plato's closet. I bought most of my clothes on consignment on my way down and sell much of it back. Anything I can't sell goes to a battered women's shelter where I know it is very much needed.
  24. LipstickLady

    Your insurance company is NOT the enemy.

    That's the package your employer chose. That's the only BCBS provider in my area. I suppose they could have chosen one of the other insurers instead of BCBS, but I don't even know what else is available around here. BCBS is definitely the only big one. Excellus definitely doesn't offer any better WLS at least. That link on their website is for their general WLS policy, not specific to any plan. Your employer chose to go with Excellus, a low cost licensee of BCBS. They didn't have to do that. Your employer chooses how much coverage they want to provide you. In turn, you choose to go with that plan or go somewhere else.
  25. LipstickLady

    Your insurance company is NOT the enemy.

    Go big then! Fight with HR to choose another company.

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