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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    I'm done going through this procedure

    Cool! And good luck to you! I mean that sincerely. If you'd like to block me or anyone else, just go to their profile and block them. Easy cheesy!
  2. LipstickLady

    I'm done going through this procedure

    Cool. I won't even be insulted that you called those of us who went through with this process "ridiculous". I also won't point out that the reason I pay for insurance is so that I can utilize it to benefit my health. I certainly didn't have my stomach cut out "just to get money from my insurance company". If you "just stopped", more power to you! If you don't think it's a must, I agree with you! If you feel like a "lab rat", you made a great decision for yourself. You are right! Millions of people have lost weight without surgery and millions have lost weight with it. I wish you the best. BYE!
  3. Answer: No. Question: Will drinking carbonation or through a straw stretch my sleeve?

    1. IcanMakeit
    2. wannaBthinsoon


      @LipstickLady did you piss somebody off today? A newbie who feels like a lab rat? Sorry, But I had to laugh out loud!

    3. LipstickLady


      I don't know why! I supported his/her decision completely. :D


    4. Show next comments  501 more
  4. LipstickLady

    2 Tablespoons of Food. Really?

    Then stick with that.
  5. LipstickLady

    Dumping and sleeve

    Sleeve here. I dump when I each anything really rich. Ice cream, more than 2-3 small bites and I'll be vomiting shortly. Rich cream Soups will send be to the bathroom with explosive poo. Frozen yogurt gets me, frosting from a cake, cheesy rich mashed potatoes... I can have a baby spoon or two, but that's it. Works for me. I can take a taste but I don't want more than that. It's not pretty if I do.
  6. LipstickLady

    A New Love!

    Shrimp and cheese grits! Yum.
  7. LipstickLady

    2 Tablespoons of Food. Really?

    Yup. And that's plenty. Use a baby spoon. It will help you slow down and will make your meal feel like more than it is. I couldn't finish 1/2 an egg much less 2tbspns at your stage.
  8. LipstickLady

    Have I failed if my fat apron won't go away?

    Girl. You have lost over half your body weight. You have taken yourself from being MORBIDLY OBESE to a normal BMI. Not only are you in a healthy weight range, but you have wiggle room. You saved your own life by having this surgery and losing MORE than the average WLS patient. You BEAT the odds by a whole heckuva lot! If you are a failure, then I am a freaking train wreck and I am no train wreck! Be proud of your accomplishment and consult another surgeon. I think your misspoke, personally. You are a rockstar in my book!
  9. I followed it 100%. I actually followed it for a month instead of the two weeks my doctor prescribed. I was to drink 2 Protein shakes a day, have one piece of fruit, one cup of Greek yogurt, and one meal of a 4oz serving of a lean protein and veggies. I was working out heavily during my preop, and I felt weak, so I called my surgeon who gave me permission to add another 2-4 oz of lean protein a day.
  10. I've got mad straw drinking skilllllllzzzz, yo. I can actually breathe out through my nose while sipping through a straw. I get much less air in this way than sipping Water directly from a glass. That said, air won't stretch a sleeve. It will fill you up, make you burp, possibly cause discomfort, but it won't STRETCH your sleeve.
  11. I'm the rebel who is sipping my coke zero through a straw as I read this. Drinking through a straw will not stretch your sleeve nor will carbonation. I'm fairly certain I'm proof of that as I am almost 2 years out and still only eat 1/4 to a 1/2 cup at most meals. It's rare that I can eat a full cup of food and never if it's all Protein. Go ahead, tell me how horrible I am. I can take it.
  12. Bleeeeeech! Now that I can only eat 1/2 cup or so, I want full flavored, tasty, yummy bites of real food, not frozen, bland, artificial globs of mush. I couldn't finish an entire LC or WW meal if I wanted to. And I don't. If you are looking for convenience, I totally understand. Ask your deli to slice you 5-10 super thin slices of your favorite beef, ham or poultry and the matching amounts of cheese. Make roll ups. I like horseradish cheese with roast beef, prosciutto and mozzarella, turkey and pepperjack with avocado... I make 10 or so and eat them as lunch or Snacks over 3-4 days. Cooked shrimp, seafood salad, crab cakes, chicken salad... there are so many tasty options. Real food is the best.
  13. LipstickLady

    Finally I can actually see a difference...

    LOOOOOK AT YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! You, my friend, look AMAZING!!! Wow. I am so happy for you. Now I want to see a picture of your with a big, fat, cheesy SMILE! XXXOOO
  14. Me, too! That was bugging the crap out of me. I forgot I could fix it. HA!
  15. It amuses me that some can't "wrap their heads around" other's differences.

  16. LipstickLady

    Coke / Pepsi

    Well, I guess I'm screwed.
  17. Trust me, you won't. Make it a new habit to eat on a schedule, measured amounts, at regular intervals. Retrain your body to eat healthy REAL foods instead of grazing on crap all day. Your appetite will come back. Hopefully it will never come back at the level it was, but you will enjoy food again.
  18. Wait. Do you WANT to want food?!?!!?
  19. LipstickLady

    Losing Friends :(

    So you lost a couple hundred pounds fast! Victory!!! She wasn't a friend. Go out and make some real ones.
  20. LipstickLady

    Still cant eat

    It's MY normal. I don't eat until full because I don't like the discomfort. 1/4 - 1/2 cup at a time and done. Perfect.
  21. LipstickLady

    What's your opinion of Low Fat?

    Why does there have to be a "right" or "wrong"? Your body, your choice.
  22. LipstickLady

    What's your opinion of Low Fat?

    @@LipstickLady aww man bud you took the wise words right out of my mouth @@Swampdoggie i will not eat low fat this, or that "they" add more sugar to make it taste better decisions, decisions, decisions good luck bud kathy That's not ALWAYS the case. It's good to read nutrition labels. I eat Reduced Fat string cheese every day. If I compare the nutrition labels from the full fat version to the reduced fat version, the reduced fat has: 10 less calories 2 grams less fat 10 mg less sodium same Potassium same carbs (1g) same sugar (0g) 1 gram more Protein 5% more calcium So why on earth would I choose the full fat version over the low fat version? The reduced fat is better for me in every way. I think blanket statements like "only eat full fat" or "only eat low fat" are equally foolish. Read your labels! Please note that I said TEND to be higher in carbs, I did not say they ARE higher in carbs. Very FEW things are ALWAYS the case. But yes, as a rule, I usually only eat REAL foods. And I eat full fat cheese over reduced fat for several reasons. First and foremeost, they taste better. They are richer and because of that, I eat less. The fat also keeps me full longer. Double win.
  23. LipstickLady


    It's all a matter of perspective. I heard in the news the other day that a lady was shot at the bank and I need to go make a deposit. Eeeek! I heard that a family was killed by a drunk driver on their way to church. Well....I'm not religious, but I *am* out of milk. A plane went down but I've already bought non refundable tickets to Disney. Crap. I'm not making fun of you, I promise. I think it's normal AND healthy to have some rational fears. Any surgery is a risk and it's good to know the statistics of what you are facing. Me? I was fairly certain my chances of death were higher related to obesity than from surgery. I went in healthy as a horse, just fat as one, too. My surgery added decades to my life, I have no doubt. Unless I go get milk....

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