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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Some things I read here make my eyes roll...

    I will. I promise. That said, I hope if and when I do, someone calls me on it, too.
  2. LipstickLady

    help I'm up 13 pounds

    This surprises me. Does everyone with a WLS experience a noticeable lessening of their restriction over time? I'm only 10 months out but I still feel full on portions that would have been an appetizer pre-surgery. Almost 2 years out. I can eat 1/4 -1/2 cup max.
  3. LipstickLady

    Tell me what makes YOU special.

    I started training in martial arts with my two daughters almost four years ago. I am passionate about women's self defense and I wanted my girls to be confident that they could take care of themselves if there was ever a need. The three of us are testing for our second degree black belts and instructor licenses in July! I am so proud of them and ME!
  4. Google translator is an awesome tool!
  5. LipstickLady

    Some things I read here make my eyes roll...

    Absolutely. It's not the uneducated that gets to me.
  6. LipstickLady

    I feel let down!

    Fixed for you!
  7. LipstickLady


    I cared far too much about improving my health to cheat on my pre-op, especially with alcohol. I did call my surgeon because I was tired and weak from heavy work outs and he gave me permission to add lean meat and veggies to my diet due to my exercise regimen, but I stuck to his plan 100%. I did it for a month instead of the prescribed 2 weeks, too.
  8. I try to be a nice person but sometimes my mouth doesn't cooperate.

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Sounds like if you want the truth, go to Lipsticklady. No shame in that.

    2. wannaBthinsoon


      You always manage to make my day!


    3. borg/assimilated


      I think that is a common malady for all of us . I actually look forward to your comments, they often make me smile!

    4. Show next comments  498 more
  9. Day 2 will suck more. Day 3 will suck more-ER! Day 4 will be a turning point. Hang in there!
  10. LipstickLady

    Get so sleepy after I eat.

    Almost two tears out here snd it happens to me once a week or so. I get terribly sleepy after a meal but the feeling passes in about 30 minutes or so. I thought it was just me.
  11. LipstickLady

    3 days in...

    Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk.
  12. LipstickLady

    11 Signs you've had WLS

    And last but not least: 12. You learn to NEVER trust a fart.
  13. It's almost like being in high school and watching the kids get picked on for actually doing their homework and trying to get good grades.
  14. LipstickLady


    Cry. It's ok. It's normal to be emotional and upset and hangry. The time will pass, you will survive and it WILL be worth it. You can do this. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time.
  15. LipstickLady

    Ate too much!

    NO!!!! If you don't throw up naturally, don't MAKE yourself throw up. That leads to really bad habits and it's not good for your esophagus, throat or teeth. Walk, walk, walk. Climbing the stairs is best. That will get things moving more quickly. Measure your food, chew really well and SLOW down.
  16. LipstickLady

    Surgeon sums it up.

    It's not.
  17. LipstickLady

    Surgeon sums it up.

    Yup. Your last line is ON POINT. Every surgeon is different. These are great general guidelines, but they are not "THE RULE". I am allowed gum/straws/alcohol. Six months was the rule by my doctor, I was given clearance at three. I had a catheter as does everyone else in our practice. No complications. 60% is the worldwide average MAYBE, but of all the sleeved people I know, ALL have exceeded 60% weight loss. I think that's an extremely low estimate. Everyone I know hit their goal, or are within 10 pounds of it. I know you said it, and I agree with you. Everyone's surgeon is different. Follow your team. After all, you entrusted them with your life.
  18. You were put on psych hold immediately after surgery? Huh?
  19. LipstickLady

    I'm done going through this procedure

    I totally agree @JamieLogical. It is VERY valid to discuss the whys and why nots. What I do NOT understand here is who the OP has such a beef against (besides me, for reasons I am also unclear on). What is ridiculous about the process? I am genuinely curious. Is it the the approval process? If so, is she railing against her employer who chooses the insurance package or the insurance company whom she also seems to be defending when she states that someone (I am not clear who) is just "trying to get money from" them via the process. Who exactly is making her feel "like a lab rat"? Is it the doctor? The insurance company? The process? Again, I have no problem with discussing why someone would or would not go through this process. I have discussed and debated this topic many times and like I stated earlier, I support anyone/everyone who makes this decision no matter what they conclude. That said, there are a lot of highly inflammatory accusations in the original post as well as name calling and rude behavior from the OP in subsequent posts. I disagree that it "took a bad turn" as I think it started out that way. Perhaps I simply misunderstood the OP's original intent in her initial post but I certainly think she cleared up any misunderstanding there might have been in her follow up. She proved me right, in my opinion.
  20. LipstickLady

    I'm done going through this procedure

    Name calling? Really? girl/boy why are so obsessed w/ my post? You and your bariatric peers who definitely feel away towards what I posted are like somewhat mad and I'm not sure as to what or why. Dont agree w/ my post or decision ok, such is life. I think the sleeve is cool but it wasn't for me nor did I want to go through the process any longer I feel it's ridiculous simple They found a huge growth on my liver that could have been disastrous if gone undetected. This surgery saved my life in a few ways. that's great. . . .Girl/boy? Obsessed? Mad? Nope, nope, nope. I was sincere in my posts to you. I'm certainly not obsessed, I'm simply chatting on a public message board. There's only one person here casting insults and name calling and it's not me! I wish you great luck! I mean it.
  21. LipstickLady

    I'm done going through this procedure

    They found a huge growth on my liver that could have been disastrous if gone undetected. This surgery saved my life in a few ways.
  22. LipstickLady

    I'm done going through this procedure

    Name calling? Really?

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