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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady


    NO FREAKING KIDDING!!! If all the internet superheros would stop fighting all the battles for the masses, there would be a lot less battle to fight. I'm still looking for the mass bullying/trolling/hate in the original original post three posts ago but I'm missing it.
  2. LipstickLady


    For the record. Not only did I ***NOT*** reply in that thread, I did ***NOT*** say/type/text/email/private message/mime/smoke signal/morse code/etc. any of the above. I take full credit/beat downs for any and all comments I make but the above are NOT those.
  3. LipstickLady


    At almost two years out, I think it's not a BAD idea to check yourself every month or so for a few days. When I feel as if I am losing track, I spend a day or three eating only lean protein and drinking lots of water. It resets my thinking and rids my body of the carb cravings.
  4. LipstickLady

    Attention from opposite sex..I'm clueless

    Look at you! I'd pay for your groceries!!
  5. LipstickLady


  6. LipstickLady

    Share your Costco staples!

    It's really good, it's just far too sweet. It will NOT be a staple, that's for sure.
  7. LipstickLady


    I'm not deep nor am I introspective. I do like to name why I've made food choices that weren't so great, though, so when my pants give me wedgies all day I know what to cuss about.
  8. I saw them yesterday at the Vitamin Shop. Way too expensive IMO.
  9. LipstickLady


    I so wish I knew who you are talking to. Or maybe not! Ha!
  10. LipstickLady


    Girl...we've all been there. We've all done it. It's OK!!! Get your cute lil patoot back on the wagon and .... Nope. Can't do it. What the holy heck? You know better! Thankfully this was only a one day thing and you've pulled yourself back together today, right? RIIIIGHT!?! Any idea what pushed you over the edge? Boredom? Stress? What are your plans next time you feel this way? Who knows? One day of not so great choices may trigger a great loss. It does quite often for many people. Just don't let it happen again. Or, if you do, at least spend that binge on something worthwhile!
  11. LipstickLady


    You are absolutely right! I did get the former therapist (who isn't) confused with you (who is). Phew! That makes me feel SO MUCH better. I own that error 100% fo'sure! That said, you have a few of us confuzzled, too. I never said "sorry for your loss". Nope. Twasn't me. Nor did I say anything about heat and the ktichen. Never did I tell anyone to leave NOR did I even participate in either of the threads that spurned the OP in the first place. I dare say your words above were directed at me unfairly. That, or you can't keep track of who you are disagreeing with. Easy to do, for sure.
  12. LipstickLady


    How bizarre of you to put words in my mouth. And you were a therapist? You have a great day, too.
  13. Today I learned that I am perfect. And so it shall be. :D

    1. IcanMakeit


      Oh, I see. I was out of the loop for my previous comment. I'm caught up now.

    2. Keeper


      your status makes me happy! i just grinned ear to ear! :-D

    3. Elode


      I miss everything! Geez all I did was go to my DIL baby shower!

    4. Show next comments  495 more
  14. LipstickLady


    Isn't it funny how differently we all see things? I remember a poster who, not too long ago, went into a thread, interrupted an intelligent discussion about exercise by a few people who are trained athletes, called them a few choice names, and then started not one but TWO flounce threads when he was called on it. I can't fathom how that was justifiable, but if you do, good for you! I must say that one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone goes into a thread and patronizes someone by saying "we've ALL done that" or "EVERYONE feels that way" or any other sweeping generalism. It makes my teeth hurt to keep my mouth shut on those. Can you honestly speak for everyone? Huh? Uhm, ok. I don't know what "my way" and "your way" is, but thanks for giving me permission.
  15. LipstickLady


    Happy to move it. I do think by some people's standards, your personal commentary about what you perceive to be the OP's intentions aren't that kind. But hey, that's another perception call.
  16. LipstickLady


    For everybody else, here is a more readable version of the internet trolling case study I posted above, I know that scientific papers can be kind of dry. Its an interesting look at individuals who like to troll, or just like to create drama/stir up trouble. Generally speaking, it is the anonymity of the internet that drives people to behave this way. Intellectual honestly has nothing to do with anything. That term doesn't apply to the situation, because no one is accusing people of being bullies/trolls/rude/whatever because of an intellectual disagreement. We are addressing someone's online behavior, not an intellectual opinion. Now I don't see any trolls in this thread, but I am seeing people who like to stir up trouble, who feed off of the drama. If you create drama wherever you go, that says a lot more about you than it does about the posters where you go. Being rude and confrontational is not something to be proud of. It's one thing to post your opinion in the original thread, but starting an entirely new thread, with such a dramatic title, is just a desperate plea for attention. Are you substitution confrontation on the internet for something else in your life? I'm not going to go ad hominum and guess what it is that might be lacking, but just suggest that you look at why you feed off drama. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140217/05122426247/psychologists-internet-trolls-are-narcissistic-psychopathic-sadistic.shtml Let me be clear. Nobody here is a troll. But I see some people who are willing to be deliberately hurtful if it gets them confrontation and attention. There is overlap between trolls and people who hurt others in pursuit of drama. Causing trouble wherever you go is not something to be proud of, but if it is, there are places on the internet where you'll fit right in. Cruelty is easy, compassion and empathy are hard. I bet the same people who are slamming people with depression as being thin-skinned and weak would struggle on the fat people shaming boards of the internet. There are people for whom destroying the psyches of other people is a life's calling. This place is supposed to be a haven for people like us. If you're so proud of being divisive, if you think it's sink or swim and everyone who has trouble transitioning shouldn't be here, I might as well link this thread over at reddit and 4chan so you can see what you look like to the rest of us. But again, all this is YOUR OPINION. It's YOUR DECISION to see posts as "cruel", "psyche destroying", "hurtful", "trouble stirring", "feeding off drama", etc. I choose not to see most posts that way unless there is name calling and like personal attacks. I rarely see that here. When I do, I call it out no matter what side of the argument they are on. An amusing phenomenon to me? For the most part, feelings don't usually seem to be hurt until four or five people jump in and tell someone that they should be. Bottom line, I will choose to post the way I want as will you. I will continue to interpret the posts the way I want, as will you. If someone thinks I am "cruel", "psyche destroying", "hurtful", "trouble stirring", "feeding off drama", etc., so be it. They will be absolutely wrong, but it is what it is.
  17. LipstickLady

    Wondering if I'm the only one...

    I feel you. That's a hard number to see again. Move your ass, lady! You will lose it fast.
  18. LipstickLady


    "Intellectually dishonest"? HAHAHAHAA!! That's much kinder and supportive than what I call this behavior.
  19. LipstickLady


    Wait, what?! You are the ultimate judge of who and what is rude? It's my opinion that what YOU think is rude and what I think is rude may be two totally different things. What makes your opinion of what is rude, FACT? Genuinely curious. Not trying to be "rude". Like the judge who was asked to define pornography said - "I'll know it when I see it". Same goes here. I'll know a rude comment when I see it and obviously the person(s) who complain about them do too. People who make them can continue ad infinitum, ad nauseum to try to defend them with all kinds of excuses about using back buttons, staying off here, freedom of speech and blaming the victim. Notice how no one has to defend nice, helpful, supportive comments? That speaks volumes. I disagree completely. You can't go from being the ultimate judge of what is or is not rude to "I'll know it when I see it". You don't know the intent behind the comment, you don't know the tone and you don't know the history of the poster or the reader. All of these factors play a HUGE part in the perception of the comments. Nice is kind of relative but helpful and supportive? Not so much. If I tell you I drank a few beers on Saturday, ate 2 donuts yesterday and am upset because I didn't lose any weight this weekend, and you say, "Oh HONEY! That's OK. You just get your cute little patoot back on the wagon and you will be fine..." , that is not helpful or supportive to me. If instead, you say, "What a dumbass decision. You should know better than that. Go back to your Protein, shake your ass in kickboxing a little extra, and don't whine about eating stupid s**t if you are going to make stupid decisions!", I would consider you helpful and supportive. You might not think so, someone delicate might not think so, but the first answer--the patronizing one-- will only help ME justify my actions and repeat my behaviors. I got fat justifying my bad behaviors because everyone was too "nice", "supportive" and "helpful" to give me the tough love I needed. I hate to break it to you, but you aren't the ultimate judge of what is kind, rude, helpful, supportive, snarky, etc., nor am I. Only the author of the post knows their intent. Everyone else is simply making the choice of how to perceive it, and whether to heed it, embrace it, ignore it and/or be "devastated" (yes, that was said the other day) by it.
  20. LipstickLady

    Wondering if I'm the only one...

    Two pounds? Was that a typo? You consider two pounds a setback? WOW!!! No seriously. I fluctuate by five pounds every few days. It could be sodium, it could be Water, it could be your menstrual cycle, it could be the time of day. Seriously. Two pounds is nothing. For real.
  21. LipstickLady


    Wait, what?! You are the ultimate judge of who and what is rude? It's my opinion that what YOU think is rude and what I think is rude may be two totally different things. What makes your opinion of what is rude, FACT? Genuinely curious. Not trying to be "rude".
  22. LipstickLady


    If someone is this "off kilter" and something as simple as a post on website can throw them into a tailspin, perhaps they should....STAY OFF THAT WEBSITE. It's not up to me, or you or anyone else here to guard their every word or opinion because someone may or may not be depressed, hangry, claustrophobic, gluten sensitive, Republican, pre op, post op, high, stoopid, blah..blah..blah. If we are all here because of the opinions of others, as you stated above, why should I have to censor myself? There are plenty of words/opinions/thoughts here that I don't care for. That's what the back button is for.
  23. LipstickLady

    Tell me what makes YOU special.

    There is truly no more important job in the world than being a great mom. The only one that even compares is being a daddy.
  24. LipstickLady

    Tell me what makes YOU special.

    I love everything about what y'all said!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
