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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    Well, I guess that all depends on how..uhm...HAPPY it is!
  2. It surprises me that people are surprised when topics go off topic.

  3. It surprises me that people are surprised when topics go off topic.

  4. LipstickLady


    Do you track your food daily? Are you inputting everything you eat? Are you getting in your fluids? How many carbs/fat grams do you average? Do you feel restriction? How many ounces of Protein can you eat in a sitting? 70gr of protein for 1300 calories seems low, but without your typical diet, there's no way to see if what you are eating is affecting your weight loss. Are you still losing? Do you take your measurements as well as weigh yourself?
  5. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    In there? In here!! You're here!!
  6. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    But MORE of their stuff exists with every 10 pounds lost.
  7. LipstickLady

    Amazed at the damage the lap did...

    Wow. Scary stuff. Wishing you ALL the best of positive results.
  8. LipstickLady

    I cheated

    Why is it crazy?
  9. LipstickLady

    I cheated

    Pre op? Post op? Cheated with? Do you feel ok? Are you planning on changing that behavior? All you can do is recognize your bad choices, decide that you and your health are worth more than that and move forward.
  10. LipstickLady

    How have you changed?

    What a great question! I'm going to think on this and end up adding stuff later, I have no doubt. I don't think I've changed much as far as personality. I've always been strong, confident, extroverted, cheerful, an overachiever. I'm a leader and I enjoy teaching people, speaking in front of others, bossing people around... I think with the weight loss, I'm still me, but I'm ME magnified (or as my BFF says, "on crack". HA!). I'm a bit louder, a little sassier, less patient with foolishness and I move a lot faster. I want to catch up on everything I've missed out on. I work and play harder than ever and I pity the fool who gets in my way. I've always been active -- swimming, hiking, kayaking, martial arts, etc., but now on top of all that, I do mud runs, Zumba, power yoga. I look for opportunities to push myself because I want to challenge myself, not just to prove to others I can regardless of my weight as I used to. I liked myself before, I have a total crush on me now. My ass has gotten smaller, but my head has gotten bigger (to accommodate my mouth maybe?). I was happy before, I am thrilled now. Instead of just picking out an outfit that fits, I look forward to decorating my new body with cute (little!) clothes. I no longer wear mostly black with pops of color, I wear COLOR and sometimes black. My heels have gotten higher, my jeans have gotten skinnier, and my handbags have gotten smaller. (Was I hiding behind it before? I don't know!) I actually WANT to run into people I knew in college, I want to be in pictures, I want to grace everyone with the pleasure of my company. My world is shinier, the sky is bluer, the birds sing louder, and my bubble will not be popped. This girl is ec-freaking-static.
  11. Which is WHY I asked you directly if you were speaking to me -- you know, trying to communicate effectively and all that jazz. But, never mind. It's all good. You have a great night, too.
  12. Nope. Not bickering, just clarifying. I don't see where you said that your comments were or were not addressed to me or anyone else. I actually asked you outright in an effort to understand but no answer was given. Never did I say you had no right to express your opinion, nor did I say I agreed/disagreed. It's so funny that you seem to be a bit perturbed at me when my opinion pretty much goes along with yours.
  13. LipstickLady


    And at that, I am locking this topic. OK with you, @@Alex Brecher?
  14. Yeesh! Today is a day ain't it!?!?!
  15. You obviously didn't read my posts completely as I said in my original post and a follow up post that I would never approach someone about their weight. I might want to, but I wouldn't. Here you go: Nope. Nope. Nope. I can't imagine the blow to one's self esteem that would be if a perfect stranger handed you such literature. (You being general/plural.) It's not as if these young women don't KNOW they are fat. It's not as if they don't KNOW they are making bad choices. It's not as if they know ME or know my intentions. Nope. For me that's a big nope.
  16. LipstickLady


    You said "I knew we would never get a truthful answer out of you". IMO, and maybe I'm wrong, that's no different than calling her a liar. And no. I NEVER condone name calling by anyone on ANY side of an argument/debate/discussion. I didn't call you a name, please don't try to goad me into your argument here. I'm not playing.
  17. LipstickLady


    Really? You are calling someone a liar? A coward? A hypocrite? Rude and nasty?? All because she won't call out someone BY NAME just because you WANT her to? What happened to being nice? Being kind? It seems to me that the OP was venting, you assumed to know who she was venting about and you were incorrect. That's it. I highly doubt @@Alex Brecher condones name calling of any sort. Someone liking a post in another thread (or even this one) does not mean they condone any and all behavior that you choose to exhibit thereafter.
  18. Wait, what? Who are you talking to? Before I address your comments, @@Jendroppinglbs, I want to make sure I understand whether or not you were scolding me.
  19. Yup. At times, I DO feel this way, too, and I have to look at my old pictures and remind myself that I was that chick once. It's imperative that I keep myself grounded or I have no doubt that I could become that person again. ARGH!! What a freaking mind f**k, right!?!?!
  20. Nope. Nope. Nope. I can't imagine the blow to one's self esteem that would be if a perfect stranger handed you such literature. (You being general/plural.) It's not as if these young women don't KNOW they are fat. It's not as if they don't KNOW they are making bad choices. It's not as if they know ME or know my intentions. Nope. For me that's a big nope.
  21. LipstickLady

    Please Tell Me It Gets Better...

    I have a stricture (which I chose NOT to have corrected), which kept me from moving along my food stages as most people do. I also had a LOT of nausea every time I ate or drank something. My surgeon put me on two meds that I stayed on for the first 3-4 months. I had to take both every time I ate and they helped immensely. Unfortunately, I do not remember what they were called, but talk to your doctor. One was for nausea, and the other -- the one that "cured" me-- was for stomach cramping. It kept my stomach from spasming the moment I ate or drank and once the food hit, the anti nausea meds kept me from feeling sick. The two together were a life saver. Once I got past the mental hurdle that I wasn't going to vomit every time I tried to eat, I stopped psyching myself into doing exactly that. Despite what one person said above, this is NOT normal, and not EVERYONE goes through this. You shouldn't have to either. It's not all sunshine and roses, but you can get relief. To this day, almost two years out, I still struggle with slimies and vomiting if I eat one bite too many, a bite too big, or don't chew enough. I have a really tough time with cold poultry, hamburger that is not cooked crumbled, and red meat cooked passed medium rare. You will get the hang of this and it IS worth it. Promise.
  22. LipstickLady

    Weight gain after Gastric Sleeve?

    I, too, am curious what type of job one might have where you are FORCED to drink alcohol. How can that be? What if you are diabetic? Driving home? A recovering alcoholic? Seems like a liability to me. I am not a prude by any means. I loved a glass of wine (terrible heart burn now, I can't do it) before, and I drink a few beers or hard ciders on the weekends now, but there is no way in H E double hockey sticks that someone is going to tell me I **HAVE** to drink alcohol if I don't want to. Educate me!!
  23. You had to drink 5 shakes a day!?!??!! :faint: That sounds worse than all broth and Jello.

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