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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Sick of the drama

    If the shoe fits....
  2. Yes! Runny scrambled eggs with cheese!
  3. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    Maybe we need a new ticker for this. A peter meter!
  4. WOW! Good to know. Now make a video showing us how.
  5. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    Agree. That's why we made THIS room.
  6. LipstickLady

    Sick of the drama

    It's my opinion that it's only drama if you allow it to be. If you can hit the back button because you don't like what you've read or reply to it without name calling and/or personal attacks and then FORGET ABOUT IT when you turn your attention to what's happening in your real life, it's all good. You cannot/will not control anyone's words/thoughts/opinions but you CAN control your reaction to it. What I read on the internet, who likes me and who doesn't, other people's opinions of me behind the anonymity of an online forum, affect my life in no way. Why should it? Why would I allow it? The only people that really matter are my real life friends and family and those I choose to interact beyond these boards. This forum could completely disappear in a year, a month, a week. If or when that happens, my world won't change.
  7. Like solid solids or pureed solids? My first pureed food was mashed potatoes (watered down) and chicken gravy. An whopping two tablespoons. My first whole food was a thinly sliced turkey, cheese, avocado roll up. I was able to manage about an ounce.
  8. LipstickLady

    Can loose skin be cute?

    I prefer this loose skin: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153274107813812&pnref=story
  9. LipstickLady


    Understood. Just didn't want another Red Robin incident.
  10. LipstickLady


    No one said she was told to eat a Lean Cuisine. She said she could eat one. My question wasn't directed at you. It was directed at a few others that seemed to infer she was.
  11. LipstickLady

    More on Crazy Penny

    I did nothing of the sort. I simply wished you better than you feel you can give.
  12. Personal (true) female (true) surgery. If they persist, tell 'em you're getting a labia lift and vaginal tightening. Or a penile implant. Or your hemorrhoids removed. Embarrass them into asking you nothing else. Or you can go my route and simply say, "I'm fine, but it's personal. Thank you in advance for respecting my privacy." That leaves no room for further inquiry.
  13. LipstickLady

    More on Crazy Penny

    I sincerely hope the people you encounter in your life's journeys are more capable of such. I honestly do.
  14. LipstickLady

    More on Crazy Penny

    I'm going to go ahead and throw out the thought that the title and the original post in this thread makes me really sad. I hated that episode. I hated her life and I hated what she did to herself and her family. That said, all we were shown were snapshots of her life for the sake of ratings. We don't know the real story, why she got that way, what she faced that wasn't shown... Is she "crazy"? I don't know. Is she very very mentally ill? I'd wager yes. She has taken a beating on this site so many times as well as in hundreds of other forums. What if she's reading this? Do you think it's helpful in any way? Is this form of fat hate any different just because you (general/plural) also experienced WLS with more success? If anything, I think it's worse because you (general/plural) should be able to empathize... I'm out.
  15. LipstickLady

    More on Crazy Penny

    Meh. I have friends and family that loves me. Maybe my resting b!tch face discourages and "fat hate". Any negativity that may exist in my world about my weight never registered with the exception of that I felt for myself. Lucky? Oblivious? Who knows....
  16. LipstickLady

    More on Crazy Penny

    That particular doctor does all the surgeries for this show. I bet he does them for free and profits off the publicity and notoriety.
  17. LipstickLady

    More on Crazy Penny

    Mmmmmm....I'm not one for blanket statements or generalizations. I don't think it's fair to say she "makes us all look bad" or that anyone one group thinks all WLS patients are "just like that". I think most people know that show goes for shock value and is usually quite a train wreck. Just my opinion.
  18. LipstickLady


    Where did it say the OP was told to eat Lean Cuisines?
  19. LipstickLady

    More on Crazy Penny

    She doesn't make me look bad. She doesn't reflect on me in any way, as a matter of fact. I dare say she reflects on no one I know who has had WLS. She's a very extreme example of WLS patients in general.
  20. ...and my hackles rise. Seriously. That back button. Sometimes I can't hit it fast enough.
  21. LipstickLady

    Some things I read here make my eyes roll...

    Kiss my big old bouncing booty!
  22. LipstickLady

    Some things I read here make my eyes roll...

    Wait, what?!!!?!? You're not one of my many stalkers? I'm hurt.
  23. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    Can I just clarify that the singles forum is not just for hook-ups or meet-ups. It was created for both men and women to discuss dating and WLS. I don't want any misunderstanding of what the forum is for. Thanks! Darnit!! I've been married for 20 years so I was hoping to eavesdrop on some good old fashioned hooking up. Sigh. Thanks for clarifying!!
  24. LipstickLady

    Some things I read here make my eyes roll...

  25. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    Guilty, too. If you click on a title, scroll to the top of the page and it will tell you what forum you are in. This one is "Where Venus and Mars Collide".

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