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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    So tell me how you REALLY feel...

    Well...that gave me some interesting visuals...
  2. LipstickLady

    Long term data

    Titanium has been used for years. I have 2 titanium plates plates in my head (most of my skull) as well as a handful of titanium screws. By the time I kick the bucket, I might be 75% titanium.
  3. LipstickLady

    How Do I Delete / Close Account

    Virtual kidnapping? What?!
  4. LipstickLady

    Carbonated beverages

    If you're going to drink it, drink diet. Regular is a slippery slope, IMO.
  5. LipstickLady

    Carbonated beverages

    Six months was my rule, almost all carbonation stirred out. Now at almost 2 years out, I can drink a Coke Zero fountain soda over ice. Go ahead. Beat me up.
  6. LipstickLady

    So tell me how you REALLY feel...

    The only thing that bothers me is how long and flat my boobs are when released from my bra. That said, my husband still loves 'em and I don't care enough to go under the knife so...
  7. I absolutely will, @@proudgrammy!!!
  8. LipstickLady

    Thanks to WLS I'm finally pregnant!

    At some point, you will get so constipated that when you finally "deliver", it will feel like a baby is arriving. You're welcome for that visual. Congratulations!
  9. I was hot before, I'm on fire now!
  10. LipstickLady

    Warrior Dash

    I've done a few Rugged Maniacs. It's hard. You need to work on your upper body strength, your balance and endurance. A lot of teamwork is involved and other participants will help you over obstacles if you need it. So much fun!!
  11. I ate Spam for breakfast. Disgustingly delicious!

    1. Elode



    2. LipstickLady
    3. BayougirlMrsS


      Wait don't be hating on Spam... that's good eating... in the south, everyone eats spam, Vienna sausage... and potted meat... That's Hurricane party staples..... hehehehehe

    4. Show next comments  486 more
  12. LipstickLady

    Who will you tell that you are having WLS?

    I've only told a few family members, a few friends and a handful of random strangers. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed, and I am not afraid of being judged. I am a mom of two brilliant, beautiful kids. I've been married to the same man for 20 years (and two weeks!). I own a successful business that I am recognized nationally for. I recently authored a book. I volunteer in an abused women's shelter and I teach women's self defense. I recently earned my black belt and go for my second Dan in July. I zumba, I do mud runs, I kayak and swim. I survived a lemon sized brain tumor and I run a support group for people experiencing the same. I have so many more interesting things going on in my life than being a former fatty and a WLS patient. I don't feel the need to advocate, educate, and explain. I am more that my former weight, my current weight, my clothing size. I don't want my life to center around how I lost weight and advising people how they can lose theirs. I made a personal decision to correct my issue and who I share it with is also personal. Forgive my wall of text and the repetition of my words above if you've heard them before. I'm not dishonest, I'm not a liar (as I've been called here in the past), I'm not a coward. No one should be bullied or shamed into sharing this decision and that's how these threads always seem to go. If I can stop that here, fabulous. If you want to attack my character for my choice, have at it. My panties are smaller than they used to be, but they are still big girl panties.
  13. LipstickLady

    Why we hate fat people

    So. Like me, you are freaking tickled with yourself.
  14. Many people blame rising obesity rates on the high costs of food and I have to (go figure!!) disagree. Is fast food really less expensive than "real" food? I know it's easier, but let's talk cost. Sure, I agree that buying a week's worth of food at one time feels like you are spending more overall, but broken down by meal, your savings can be pretty good especially if you shop store brands and watch for coupons and sales. Fresh eggs are inexpensive as is a loaf of whole grain bread, generic Cereal, quick cook oats, applesauce. Frozen concentrated OJ, apple juice or grape juice is cheap and I've always watered it down by half to lower the sugar per serving and my kids don't know the difference. coffee Beans cost almost nothing, too. Bags of brown rice, dried beans, whole grain Pasta, potatoes. They are all complex carbs, healthy, and pennies per serving. Frozen veggies are much better than canned, are picked and frozen at their peak of freshness and great for you. Fresh veggies in season cost pennies per serving, but go for frozen for off season choices. Fruit in season is the best. Bananas are always cheap, as are apples if you buy them by the bag. Canned beans, jarred tomato sauce, canned Soup, and Peanut Butter are great staples and if you read the labels, there are healthy options. meat is a tough one, admittedly, but tuna and canned chicken are often on sale and can be stocked up on. Whole chickens are inexpensive as are whole pork loins. I buy ground beef on sale and freeze it. As far as dairy, blocks of cheese can be grated or sliced, the family sized containers of yogurt aren't expensive, and cottage cheese can be bought for pennies per serving. Real food is NOT much more expensive it's simply not as convenient. It takes longer to prepare, it takes more planning, and utilizing leftovers is usually involved. Cooking and prepping in bulk is a great option as well as using that freezer for something other than ice cream. What other options are out there that I missed?
  15. LipstickLady

    true confessions; how I invaded the "mens room"

    Did you pick up two poles or three?
  16. LipstickLady

    I just realized that Weight Loss Surgery has ruined my life.

    I do them with my two teen daughters!!
  17. LipstickLady

    I just realized that Weight Loss Surgery has ruined my life.

    It looks SO MUCH fun. Those obstacles are exhausting, too, so it should be a lot of work but a good time.
  18. When eating out? Absolutely. Eating at home or on the go, not so much.
  19. LipstickLady

    I just realized that Weight Loss Surgery has ruined my life.

    I can add 112 to your bucket!! I have been doing mud runs regulary since my surgery. Who'd a thunk it?? I am doing the Rugged Maniac in May and then this crazy event in the fall!! http://insaneinflatable5k.com/
  20. LipstickLady

    Non-Food Relaxing Actitives

    When I need to keep myself from eating but I don't want to do anything more taxing than watching tv, I paint my nails. Wet nails = no hand to mouth for at least an hour.
  21. LipstickLady

    Non-Food Relaxing Actitives

    Pinterest. ALLLLL darn day.
  22. LipstickLady


    I'm with you, girl!
  23. LipstickLady

    I just realized that Weight Loss Surgery has ruined my life.

    And how the HELLLLLLLL do you not know how to make fire!?!?!? I'd love to go on Survivor. WLS ruined that, too. Rice makes me hurl.

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