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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    So on an online forum, how do you know?
  2. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    Speaking only for myself, I focused on that one because the other two have merit in my opinion. Neither bother me as much as they appear to bother you, but I find the vent concerning grammar to be "unfair" for lack of a better word. Perhaps because I was a special education teacher for children with learning disabilities or because my father is dyslexic and has trouble communicating correctly via the written word, I have more empathy.
  3. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    Want me to point out the glaring grammatical errors in this post? Nah... I'm just funning you. I would never do that. It's rude.
  4. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    Well then, it seems to me that we will see a lot of you correcting a lot of people on this forum. Otherwise, it would just be coddling them, wouldn't it?
  5. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    Aaaaannnnd I am going to jump in. (I am sure I am going to regret this.) I am a total grammar queen. Nothing makes me crazier than the wrong your/you're, to/two/too, etc. except maybe text talk. Loose/lose, sale/sell. their/they're/there...GAHHHHHH!!! I don't even allow my kids to use bad grammar/text talk when texting. That said, when it comes to public forums, I have to put my biases away. I have to realize that I am very fortunate to have had a good education, teachers who forced me to use good grammar and the knowledge to know the difference. Some people are completely ignorant of their errors. It makes me crazy and I do judge them in my head, but I would never do so out loud. To me, that's just mean. I may criticize your thought process and I may criticize your tone and manner of speaking, but I have no right to judge your lack of ability to communicate to my standards. This is not a college class, this is not a business forum, this is not a a job interview. I care much more about how one treats another being more than I care about the words they use when doing so. Now if you want to rant about that cursive font, I'm all over that.
  6. LipstickLady

    I want salad please!

    When I told my NP I wanted salad, she asked me exactly what I missed about it. It was the crunch, the variety, the texture. She suggested (BRILLIANT!!) that I go to the salad bar at the grocery and make a container of just the toppings. As she said -- that's the yummy part and lettuce is simply non-nutritious filler. So I did. Red onions, red peppers, olives, grape tomatoes, scallions, bacon bits, shredded cheese, etc. She did tell me to avoid seeds, croutons and broccoli for the first 6 months, but other than that... I added a bit of my favorite dressing, stirred it and YUMMMMMMM!
  7. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    <~~~~~~~~tiptoes out quietly.
  8. LOL. Just trying to add a little levity to the discussion. Thanks for clearing that up. My kids always tell me that I'm way too old for Internet lingo. This discussion has gotten far off base. Unfortunately, the initial message was lost in the discussion. I'm going to lock it now.
  9. Question avoided. I assume it's less than complimentary. Flatulant mom? Fat mess (said Urban Dictionary)? Flowing menses? Fierce mammeries? Funky monkey? Former Morman? Any input, friends?
  10. LipstickLady

    2 Tablespoons of Food. Really?

    That wasn't a judgmental question, I simply missed her prior statement. Yeesh. Still wondering what mince is.
  11. Good! It should. Dying of diabetes or a heart attack or any other obesity related disease scared my ass even worse. You?
  12. My apologies. No offence, but it has been a struggle to get you and the other FM to realise that I wasn't talking directly about you. If i wanted to directly call you out or challenge your viewpoint, i would, there's nothing stopping me from doing that but i didn't need to. No offense taken. What is an FM?
  13. @@Miss Mac Hugs to you, too. Heartbreaking.
  14. LipstickLady

    2 Tablespoons of Food. Really?

    What is mince? You aren't US, are you? I'm eating ice cream because my consultant told me to as I can't keep much in there! Interesting! I'd love to know what the rest of your plan looks like. Ice cream makes me hurl. Two bites and I am face down in the toilet. Cream of tomato soup, oxtail soup, any sorts of soups as long as not got big lumps in it! I am now on soft foods so I can have things like mash potato with some cheese on it, I'm allowed mince with sauce as long as it's smashed down
  15. @@SoulGlo Oh, forgive me! I assumed you meant me as I'm the only OP of this thread. It's a real head scratcher that one would feel the need to say that they "ain't scared of the OP". Why would you be?
  16. Thank goodness you have no way to read my mind, nor could you ever speak to my intentions.
  17. LipstickLady

    I just realized that Weight Loss Surgery has ruined my life.

    Girl, you're going to be just fine! Best decision ever.
  18. LipstickLady

    Trader Joes Meal Hacks?

    Me! The fish is decent. I'm picky about seafood but this isn't bad. Not great, but not bad.
  19. Someone clearly has a crush on me. Can you blame them, though?

  20. Wait...whuuuuuut?!? Why in the world would ANYONE be "scared" of me? This conversation is getting even more ridiculous. Hahahahaha! Anyone else smell something fishy going on here?
  21. That, my friend, is the best thing I've read all day. All week! Hell, all winter!!!
  22. Wait, what? It's wrong to have the desire to tell people about it? As I stated earlier, I would NEVER actually approach anyone, but I have to disagree with you that my desire to reach out to them is motivated by my own self esteem, bolstering of ego, etc. That's nonsense. That's like saying it's wrong to WANT a piece of chocolate cake or a bowl of ice cream while relearning good nutrition. Actually consuming something off plan might be a bad choice, but the desire is normal and natural. No offense but you have stated this various times throughout the thread, I get it. My post was talking about in general about people who do this, not you specifically!!!! Well, your entitled to think my opinion is nonsense, I personally think that your assertion that people who approach fat people has nothing to do with bolstering their own esteem or ego is bull roar. We'll have to agree to disagree! Regardless of whether one considers it natural or not, imo still wrong. If you want try and normalise this behaviour that's your prerogative. It's hard to know to whom one is speaking when no one is quoted. That said, you did say that the DESIRE to approach someone is wrong which is bizarre to me. I totally agree with you that actually acting on that desire is wrong, even if I don't agree that it's motivated by ego/self esteem. I think some people are genuinely trying to help, not realizing how detrimental their actions might be. It seems that you have desire to act and actual ACTION confused.
  23. LipstickLady

    2 Tablespoons of Food. Really?

    I'm eating ice cream because my consultant told me to as I can't keep much in there! Interesting! I'd love to know what the rest of your plan looks like. Ice cream makes me hurl. Two bites and I am face down in the toilet.
  24. First and foremost... HUGS. It's going to be OK. Second.... I totally feel you. I never considered myself a WLS candidate because I had NO health issues, I was always great at losing weight, I was happy, I'm successful, my husband was happy with me, I could do almost anything I wanted to do and I didn't feel THAT fat. (5'3" 264#s) I could have written your story word for word. I never wanted to admit defeat, I was always positive that the next time I did WWs or Atkins or whatever would be the **MAGIC** time -- the time I would finally lose my weight and keep it off. WRONG. About 4 years ago, a best friend had VSG. I followed her journey very closely. I vacationed with her, I stayed at her house for a week, she stayed at mine for the same. I watched what she ate, what she couldn't, how fast she lost, what her skin looked like after. I then waited another year to see how well she would keep it off. Then I had mine. I've never been happier. Best decision ever. I lost the weight before I could develop diabetes, before my back started hurting, before I needed knee surgery. I wish I would have done it 15 years ago. Vanity or not, it fixed a lot of issues I was developing Healthwise and I am thrilled I finally made the plunge.

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