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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Ladies, some help please?

    I had my period randomly, several times a month for the first two years post op. It's the only sucky part of all this.
  2. I am one of those people who has always walked head up (not with my face buried in my phone) and I smile and speak to anyone who makes eye contact. I've noticed that I get a lot more RESPONSE now instead of the startled "why is a stranger talking to me" reaction. The attention I get is from both males and females but i do think I come across less "threatening" than some because when I encounter a couple, I ALWAYS address the female first with a compliment before I even acknowledge the male. (It's the salesperson in me.) I love the attention. It truly lifts my mood and brightens my day. Because I know how good it feels, I make sure I pass that same attention on to random strangers throughout my day.
  3. It does suck. But that said, this is YOUR body, YOUR life, YOUR health. It would be awesome to have his support, but you don't NEED it. You've got 50 or 60 years left on this earth, you deserve to live those years out at your very best.
  4. LipstickLady

    Unjustly kicked out!

    You were removed for name calling, vulgar language and inappropriate private messages. People make poor food decisions on a daily basis and that's never been grounds from removal from this site.
  5. LipstickLady


    Air won't stretch a sleeve.
  6. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    I'd definitely say you MORE than "struggle" with carbs by what you describe, and I agree. You should abstain all together. Have you considered seeking support from a counselor or a support group like OA to figure out why you can't stop?
  7. LipstickLady

    Suddenly very hungry...

    That doesn't mean anything to me. What foods are you allowed to eat? Soft? pureed? Full diet?
  8. LipstickLady

    Suddenly very hungry...

    Nailed it. I don't eat because I THINK I'm hungry. @@Butterflywarrior What food stage are you in? You're not eating much dense Protein.
  9. LipstickLady


    I'm three years and a half years out and thrilled. I've been maintaining for a little over two and a half and my restriction is very good. I still have issues with drinking enough Water and my stomach occasionally lets me know it didn't like my food choice by rejecting it violently (eeeek!). I have never had one second of regret. It was a lot of work to lose the weight and it's even more work to maintain the loss, but for the first time in my life, I have a tool in place that allows me to be successful. Here was my story at a year out and I still feel exactly the same way: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/308645-i-was-a-super-healthy-fat-person-until-surgery-changed-my-life-was-it-worth-it/page-17?hl=%2Bwas+%2Bsuper+%2Bhealthy#entry4318441
  10. LipstickLady

    Suddenly very hungry...

    @@Butterflywarrior What is your normal daily diet?
  11. LipstickLady

    2 days preop and so sick.

    Nope. I was just as sick. My surgeon ok'd OTC meds and surgery went on as scheduled.
  12. LipstickLady

    Suddenly very hungry...

    @@Butterflywarrior I was 6-9 months out before I could hit my Protein goals. I definitely didn't have room for empty carbs like Melba toast or crackers of any type.
  13. LipstickLady

    Suddenly very hungry...

    Are you able to eat dense protein yet? I disagree with the "slow burning carbs" thing as carbs just make me crave more carbs. chicken, eggs, cheese, almonds, tuna, shrimp... I love a piece of deli meat and cheese rolled up. Beef Jerky, hummus with veggies... Any of these should help the salt cravings. For sweet? SF pudding is my go to.
  14. LipstickLady

    New to posting :)

    Welcome! Best luck to you!
  15. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    Well, that would mean no Protein drinks, no coffee with creamer, no milk... I "struggle" with carbs. (Well, not really, I just avoid them.) A few beers a week won't kill me, though. I'm fairly certain I'm not the minority. Most vets I know drink wine, beer or mixed drinks occasionally and are still successful. My surgeon ok'd it once I hit maintenance so I'm fairly certain I'll be fine. I'm so far out I no longer take meds, but if yours say to abstain, you absolutely should!!
  16. LipstickLady


    @@Butterflywarrior Your initial post said it was a forever no thing. That's not true and that's what I was addressing.
  17. LipstickLady

    No longer answering these questions:

    Says who? I'm over 3.5 years out and maintaining beautifully. My restriction is super tight to this day. I drink a beer or two on the weekends easily and without issues.
  18. LipstickLady


    I was given a straw in the hospital and the Water bottle my surgeon gave me utilized a straw. Keep in mind that YOUR plan doesn't apply to EVERYONE.
  19. LipstickLady


    I've been using a straw since day -100. My surgeon made light of anyone being able to use a straw without sucking wind. **MY SURGEON** HA!! Go figure that.
  20. LipstickLady

    Mozzarella stuffed meatballs

    I'm lazy! I make my regular meatballs, stick my thumb in, push in 1/4 of a cheese stick and reseal. Oh! And use oatmeal instead of panko (which I love) for added grains and fiber.
  21. LipstickLady

    Annoying annoying

    I was going to say the same thing. Wait until you hit your goal weight and you gain 5 pounds. You feel HUGE, even though you know you're not, lol. It's a really weird thing that happens. I'm hoping all of you will get to experience it Agreed. I've turned into the smaller one who complains about every ounce gained. Bitterly. I try to be aware, but sometimes it just creeps out. And to people who never knew me 112 pounds ago? I am sure it sounds like I am fishing for compliments when in reality, I know exactly how THEY feel and exactly how I do.
  22. LipstickLady

    Let's all brush up on our critical thinking skills!

    Y'all. I'm using this.
  23. LipstickLady

    My work here is done

    @@gowalking I died. And I died happy.
  24. Hot sauce is fine as long as it doesn't give you heartburn. Salsa, if chunky, is not. Ask your surgeon about that.
  25. LipstickLady

    Stuffing and bread

    I can! I'm three and a half years out and maintaining. I love stuffing but only eat a few tablespoons at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's definitely not on my regular plan and it takes away from my ability to eat my Protein, so it's not the best choice. I can't tolerate bread and I choose not to indulge in empty carbs regularly. That whole mentality of wanting to stay at a healthy weight...

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