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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. And a size 16 is hardly "gross".
  2. I think you are old enough to own your actions and your reactions. Stop blaming mom and take control of your own life. If her comments are hurtful, either tell her so or stay away from her. You're a grown woman. Go live your life.
  3. LipstickLady

    Too much food?

    Protein will fill you up faster. That "side of mash" isn't nutritionally sound nor will it keep you full.
  4. LipstickLady

    Can't you smell that smell?

    Ketosis. Wait it out. It will only last a phew (see what I find there!?!?) weeks. In the meantime, mints and Listerine are your friends. It will pass.
  5. LipstickLady

    Slipped big time! How's everyone else doing?

    Why in the world would you keep eating if you were in pain and throwing up after every bite? Genuinely curious. I truly see no bright side in this behavior.
  6. LipstickLady

    New to forum

    Welcome! Poke around. Lots of great support here.
  7. LipstickLady

    Devil Eggs

    I do faux crab chopped with sriracha mayo, chopped cucumber and avocado. Tastes like sushi. Yum.
  8. LipstickLady

    It's so WEIRD not looking fat.

    Thanks, y'all! I wasn't fishing. It's seriously weird. Good, but weird. xxxooo
  9. LipstickLady

    It's so WEIRD not looking fat.

    Looooook at you! Wow!!!
  10. Woooohoooooooooooo! I'm excited for you!
  11. I want to approach her and hand her literature on the benefits of WLS. I want to urge her to drop that doughnut. those fries, that frappaccino and start a lowcarb/high Protein diet NOW NOW NOW while she still has good knees, a strong back, a great metabolism. I want to tell her to get that weight off NOW so she can spend her 20s and 30s looking great in the latest fashions, enjoy shopping at ANY store, maintain her healthy heart. But I won't and it kills me. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I have two girls in high school and I just see teens getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I remember when I was "curvier" than most of the girls in my high school and I was a size 2! I wasn't fat by any means, but most of the girls had stick arms and legs, no boobs, no hips. Now these girls have big bums, huge boobs, muffin tops that make Dunkin Donuts jealous. There used to be 5 or 6 heavier teens in a grade, now about 40% of them are in the overweight range if not almost obese. I am not saying WLS is the answer for teens, but I am wondering when we are going to get it together and teach our children good nutrition NOW so they don't suffer with obesity later. I seriously worry about the future of our kids' health.
  12. LipstickLady

    Shoes without backs

    Don't buy anything expensive. My feet shrank in size and width. I have at least $1000 in Danskos and other great shoes that no longer fit, some brand new. Argh!!!!
  13. LipstickLady


    Cabbage may be a tad too fibrous at this stage. I had to wait three months for some veggies like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower...
  14. LipstickLady

    Not losing anything? ?

    I've read you say this before. I'm genuinely curious what your daily menu was typically that got you to this point. coffee in AM. dinner probably Pasta with sauce and veg, or a pizza. To much bread/sandwiches on the go. WAAAY too much cheese. It really was 50% disordered eating and 50% health issues. Tumor plus early onset menopause to name just a few. Although I was a vegetarian for years, I cleaned up my diet about 4/5 years ago as my allergies progressively got worse. Joined a gym. 3mths after joining gym & quitting soda, swollen feet went down. However I got sick less, but still got sick. I got facial shingles. I gained and lost the same 35 -50lbs over the course of 3 years. Ack! I "liked" it for your response, not for your health issues. Thank you for answering a personal question candidly. You know me well enough to know that if I was being judgey, I'd have included a LOT more sarcasm.
  15. LipstickLady

    Not losing anything? ?

    Sleeves don't stretch. Your capacity will increase as the swelling goes down leading many people to believe that they've stretched their sleeves. When a sleeve is done, most of the stretchy part, or the fundus, is cut out, leaving the muscle. The muscle will not stretch. The fundus that is left over could stretch a bit if too much is left behind and there is a pattern of chronic overeating/abuse but that would be a lot of work and take quite a bit of time. Where do I get this idea? Via the multiple surgeons I visited and the research I did for the 2 years prior to my surgery. Also, at almost two years out, I've had no increase in capacity. I can eat 1/4-1/2 cup max. Where did I say I think overweight people sit around and eat all day? I simply asked how one would get to over 300 pounds eating only when hungry. I was a fat person, too. I've lots of fat friends and family. I know how it happened to each of us. What was your typical daily diet? I'm curious.
  16. LipstickLady

    Not losing anything? ?

    I've read you say this before. I'm genuinely curious what your daily menu was typically that got you to this point.
  17. Sleeves don't stretch.

    1. blondebomb


      this concerned me as well but after reading this article It helped and explained and put my mind at ease..http://www.melbournebariatrics.com.au/laparoscopic-sleeve-gastrectomy.html

    2. Elizabeth21


      Thank you for this information! Also, thanks @blondebomb for the link. That is also good info!

    3. blondebomb
    4. Show next comments  474 more
  18. LipstickLady

    Not losing anything? ?

    Eventually you will be able to get in your Protein and liquid goals. No, sleeves don't stretch, but the swelling will go down so you can consume more. You say you've never eaten when you're not hungry? Serious question for you (not judgey, genuinely curious). How did you get to 300+ pounds eating only when you're hungry? I'm fascinated by this "listen to your body" theory. I listened to my body and ended up needing WLS... My body isn't too bright.
  19. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    yes, please! While bad grammar and punctuation do grate a bit on me, I can easily ignore that if there is just some space. I'll admit I just backspace out of posts which are 5 inches long on the monitor with no white space. If in doubt, hit return Now, I don't hold it against anyone who's done this; just be aware that it makes it hard for people to read and you may not get answers as quickly. Oh, yes..... I skip'em all together.
  20. First and foremost, I have never had a single second of regret. Despite the stricture, the constant nauseated feeling I had for the first few weeks (meds fixed that), my inability to drink plain Water (still! almost 2 years out!), and the constant diarrhea (still! almost 2 years out!). That's all the bad stuff, all completely tolerable as it replaced the constant guilt for cheating on whatever diet I was on at the moment. The gassy, bloated feeling I had from whatever "bad" foods I had gorged on that day. The dread I felt about stepping on the scale. My size 8 wardrobe has replaced my size 20. Brightly colored clothes have replaced most of the black in my closet. Heels are comfortable now. I may have poop Soup, but I no longer have to wait for the handicapped stall because a regular stall is too small. I was able to do any exercise I wanted before, but now I can exercise without sweating profusely the moment I start, I can breath comfortably, I don't have to stop to "get a rock out of my shoe". I no longer wear capri pants when it's cold outside because they are the only pants I could find that fit. I don't care if my hair and makeup is perfect and I can go out in workout clothes because I no longer feel as if I look like the fat lady who just didn't give a ****. I can eat in public without being self conscious. I don't feel the constant stares (all in my imagination, I'm sure) when I walk through a mall full of teens. I am no longer the fat mom. Hell, I am no longer the fattest person in the room, hoping someone fatter will show up. (Ha! It's been so long, I've forgotten about that until this very second.) I thought I would miss food. I don't. I don't miss the fat lady stores, I don't miss buying wide shoes, I don't miss the looks when I get on an airplane, bus, train or theater -- you know, that look that says, " PLEASE don't sit next to me!!". No, no regrets. The little blips on the radar are were all worth it. I am most surprised about how much I was fooling myself when I thought I looked and felt great. Let me tell you, it's was nothing like I look and feel now.
  21. LipstickLady

    Only Slightly Freaking Out

    I had a brain tumor. I couldn't fix that on my own. The brakes on my car were bad. I couldn't fix that on my own. I got pregnant. I coudn't deliver my babies without a whole staff load of people in the room looking up my hoo-haw. TWICE. You are having surgery. To fix a problem that could KILL you via heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. You are still going to have to eat right, exercise, plan your day, drink your Water, follow up with your doctor. You will be doing it "on your own", because I can tell you this for sure. Unless you have a whole 'lotta money, there is not going to be anyone following you around, slapping the bad food out of your hands for the rest of your life. There is not going to be anyone walking for you and giving you caloric credit. There is no one going to be putting in an IV while you sleep so you stay hydrated. No guilt allowed. You have a lot of work ahead of you. Save the energy you would use on guilt and focus on planning out how you are going to enjoy the life you are giving back to yourself after you take care of this health problem of yours.
  22. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

  23. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    @@sarahbeth3569 Ask any question you want. If someone doesn't like it, they can SUCK it.
  24. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette


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