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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Not annoyed or blowing you off. I answered you several times. You are given Protein goals to help heal your body and help you lose effectively. If you think it's best to do otherwise for whatever reason, that's your personal decision. Repeating myself for a fourth or fifth time makes little sense, don't you agree?
  2. It's better than what you are doing right now. You need Protein to heal your body. You doctor should have given you your protein goals. Mine was 60-75g a day and it took me at least 3 months to reach that, but I could get in a protein shake each day, 1/2 at a time. I blended it with ice to add liquid and just sipped at it all day. I thought the whole point of being sleeved is to teach us to listen to our stomachs? So that we do not overeat and lose our old habits... You just do what you think is best, ok?
  3. It's better than what you are doing right now. You need Protein to heal your body. You doctor should have given you your protein goals. Mine was 60-75g a day and it took me at least 3 months to reach that, but I could get in a Protein shake each day, 1/2 at a time. I blended it with ice to add liquid and just sipped at it all day.
  4. You should still try to get a full one in per day. Less loss of muscle and your body will heal faster.
  5. LipstickLady

    Spanking by mentor

    Eating out was a bit rough at first because I didn't tell most people about my surgery. I usually just said that I had a big (previous meal), I wasn't hungry, my stomach felt unsettled, etc. All true, just not for the usual reasons.
  6. Try getting in the full one. If that's too much, try the EAS carb advantage. It's a little less Protein and easier to drink.
  7. You're fine. Drink what you can handle, get in some protein shakes, and drink as much liquid as you can. Seriously. You won't break in two weeks.
  8. LipstickLady

    Spanking by mentor

    Mmmmm ....no.... I did better going out more. I knew I couldn't eat, so I didn't. I really needed to relearn better habits right away and for me, social events were a huge obstacle. Turned out, they were quite easy. I spent much more time talking to everyone so I didn't feel the need to eat.
  9. LipstickLady

    Feel the need to go "Hog Wild"

    @@donald0717 One of my favorite dinners now is steak and cheese! I buy really thinly sliced rare roast beef and chop it, caramelize some onions, throw in the beef and then top with whole milk mozzarella and provolone. I eat it without bread because bread makes me gag, but when I really want the sandwich, I roll it in a low carb tortilla. It's delicious. They taste even better because my pants don't feel too tight and I'm not bloated the next day.
  10. LipstickLady

    It's so WEIRD not looking fat.

    I did. It's still not all back but that's OK. I'd rather have thinner hair and a thinner ass than the opposite.
  11. LipstickLady

    Feel the need to go "Hog Wild"

    Awwww....thank you. You will totally get there.
  12. LipstickLady

    Feel the need to go "Hog Wild"

    I've eaten enough food in my lifetime for SEVERAL people and I was completely ready to stop being fat. I chose to do my pre op for a month instead of the prescribed 2weeks, no food funerals. It's my opinion that gorging on all your favorite foods will make it so much harder to stop completely. I know I was always starving for days after a food binge. That's just me, though.
  13. Your crazy is showing. You might want to tuck that back in.

    1. BLERDgirl


      GIRL! tell me about it!

    2. wannaBthinsoon


      What'd I miss?

    3. borg/assimilated


      The thing about crazy is that it's so hard to tell when it's untucked.

  14. LipstickLady

    Wow. I really changed a habit.

    Oh, that ass that you'll have!
  15. LipstickLady

    Spanking by mentor

    Print this out and give it to her. Tell her you're concerned about her but that you also need her support. If she can't give that to you, give yourself some distance. Good luck to you!
  16. Head up, shoulders back, confident smile, take no sh!t attitude. You'd be amazed at how effective a good resting bitch face can be.
  17. LipstickLady

    Not telling anyone

    "Thanks for your concern, but it's personal and I'd rather not discuss it." Big smile. Change subject.
  18. Take ownership of your choices, your words, your actions.

    1. IcanMakeit


      Thanks for the reminder. When it comes to selling BS, I'm my best customer. "To thine own self be true."

  19. LipstickLady

    Anyone else feel WEAKER?

    As far as lifting, climbing, exercising, I'm definitely stronger but I work out a lot. As far as pushing weight, pulling it, moving heavy carts, pulling down the minivan hatch, etc., I'm a "weakling". I have 112 less pounds of force behind me so what I used to be able to move is a huge struggle now.
  20. LipstickLady

    Silly question

    It's the mental math you see them doing that irks me.
  21. LipstickLady

    Silly question

    My answer. A lot. Then I smile and change the subject.
  22. LipstickLady

    Slipped big time! How's everyone else doing?

    Ahhh... You are reading a judgmental, condescending tone when that's not what I intended at all. Funny thing about the Internet. As I said, if my words don't pertain to you, ignore them. You won't hurt my feelings. Someone in your same situation may think twice about continuing to eat despite pain and vomiting and if so, that's a good thing. Have a great day! I wish you much success.
  23. Me. I went in at 7am and was out the next day at 3pm. That was considered outpatient for reasons I don't get. They wanted me to stay another night but I wanted to get home. Outpatient is defined differently be each insurance company.
  24. LipstickLady

    Slipped big time! How's everyone else doing?

    Nope, you're right. I sure don't. I do know that no amount of exercise, weight loss, adherence to plan, butt working, etc. will EVER "justify" continuing to eat despite pain and vomiting with each bite. I have a stricture. I have had more than my share of vomiting and pain. I am smart enough to know that at ten weeks out, your stomach is still healing. Excessive vomiting causes damage to your esophagus and teeth. It can damage your new sleeve and cause you to pop blood vessels in your eyes and face as well as lead to dehydration. Continuing to eat despite pain and vomiting and justifying it that "at least you can't gain" from what you ate also smacks of bulimia, a serious eating disorder that I fear for myself at times. I can't imagine that there is a doctor out there that would approve of continuing to eat despite pain and vomiting with each bite. I know when I have an episode, my doctor wants me back on liquids for the next few hours minimum. I'm not judging you and if my words don't pertain to you, ignore them. They may spark a level of understanding in someone else reading that might be experiencing the same. Good luck to you. If your habits work for you, have at it!
  25. LipstickLady

    Too much food?

    You aren't in a stall if you are losing. This is your time to maximize weight loss and learn good habits. As for a "limited" menu? You found chili, no reason to add the mash.

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