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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. Wooooohoooooooooo! Love it.
  2. Two teeny bites of rich ice cream or cream Soup and I'm fine. And I mean baby spoons. A third one? Vomit city! Then the poo starts...
  3. When all else fails, there's always delusion.

    1. LipstickLady


      Yup. I love it that you recognize that, @Crosby. That's a sign of someone who WILL be successful.

    2. Crosby
    3. samuelsmom


      My laugh of the day! Thanks for that :)

    4. Show next comments  468 more
  4. And they say your mean @@LipstickLady lol Yup. I'm a real b!tch.
  5. LipstickLady

    Eating Too Much?

    Girl! Pull it together! Three ounces of chicken? The inside of sushi?! When you were fat, would you have been able to eat so little? You are still eating less than a normal skinny person! Track your food, drop the carbs for some veggies or complex carbs like Beans and breathe. Are you gaining? Maintaining? You sound like you're doing fine. Oh! And I can't eat the rice on sushi either. Did you know you can get it wrapped in thin slices of cucumber in many places if you ask?
  6. Personally, I'd tell the caseworker to suck it. Get that surgery done!! That said, if you are good with the new date, great! I would go to a consignment store and spend as little as possible. If you can make it in workout wear only, Walmart has great options at superlow prices. I find their workout clothes last the longest and at $8-$10 a pair, they can't be beat. They have full length and capri length, leggings and yoga (which is a bit looser).
  7. You are absolutely allowed to feel like a horrible mess of a failure for 3.......2.......1...... and STOP. It's completely normal to have a bad day, in my opinion. The fact that you recognized it and have the desire to fix it is what's key here. Cookies and brownies may give you a temporary "energy" surge but that will be followed by a sugar crash and next day hunger. Instead, reach for a bottle of Water and go for a quick walk. Fresh air and a cool drink will get your blood moving and clear your head to make better choices. As for your doctor's goals? Tell him to suck it. You are doing AMAZING. Seventy pounds in 7 months is great. Keep up the great work and don't give up on yourself. You are totally worth more than that. No more pity parties. Trust me, they won't help and it will only waste a few precious moments towards your new self.
  8. LipstickLady

    It's so WEIRD not looking fat.

    I am an 8/10. Thank you!
  9. This entire thread escalated quickly but as someone who trains in women's self defense, I do have to comment. If you feel AT ALL as if you are in danger, call for help. Carry a rape whistle, download (free) apps on your phone like SafeTrek and Life360. Look for women's self defense classes in your area. Don't just BUY pepper spray, have someone teach you how to use it. I carry a whistle, stun gun, and a kubaton at all times. I am aware of everyone around me and how close they are getting to me. Awareness is a HUGE piece of keeping yourself self. I highlighted the above post not because it is wrong or "bad" but simply something I see women do and it scares me in relation to previous discussion in this thread. If it's dark, if you are in a shady area, if you are walking down the street or across a parking lot, have your keys out, phone away and earbuds off. Distracted women are the first women attacked. Truth. See what's around you, hear what's around you, all your senses should be on alert. Don't be a walking target.
  10. LipstickLady

    Issues drinking water?

    I will be two years out in May. I frank my first full bottle (20oz) of Water two days ago without vomiting. It took an hour,but I did it. I have to add a crystal light pack, a splash of Gatorade, a squeeze of lemonade drops, anything to water to be able to drink it without being sick. It totally :thuds: in my stomach.
  11. LipstickLady

    really struggling

    I am one of those weirdos that's never mourned food. Instead, I mourn the healthy body I should have had when my kids were toddlers, elementary aged, in middle school. I mourn the years of missed family pictures because I hated being near a camera. I mourn the irreversible damage I did to my knees from being heavy for so long. I mourn all the times I chose not to go skiing, or to the top of the dunes, or for a hike through the mountains. I mourn all the money I wasted on food that was slowly killing me. I am almost two years out and I can eat anything I want. I am released from the constant need and desire to eat crap. I can spend my time outside with my kids, not overheated or panting for breath after a run down the trails. I can shop in the same stores as my two teens and I get a thrill every time they borrow something from my closet. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I have more energy than ever before. I can do anything I want. I am no longer the fattest person in the room. It's a amazing feeling. Hold on, chicky. You will get there!
  12. LipstickLady

    Rough week got rougher

    Ack!!! Glad you went in and got checked. I hope to hear great news from you soon.
  13. LipstickLady

    When were YOU allowed to go solid?

    Per the doctor: Two weeks liquid. At week three, puréed. At week four, soft/mushy. At week six, solids. Per my sleeve: Two weeks liquid. At week three, puréed. At week five, soft/mushy. At three months, solid. Stricture and sensitive tummy here. Solids were not my friend.
  14. LipstickLady

    Appreciation for the Vets

    I used to be fluffy and then I had WLS. I certainly don't try to show "wrath". I'm simply not a sugar coater. I seriously should have been a man. I am not good at reading emotion, I am not good at taking a hint, I forget that some people want an emotional response and instead, I am trying to FIX something. Eh. You can't please everyone, right?
  15. Anyone can go back through this entire thread and see how "rude", "mean", "know it all", "chastising", and (my personal favorite) "short and stank" I've been with you. I would bet that most people here would disagree that I tried to be anything BUT nice and helpful. If you chose to read it differently, that's on you, not me. As far telling me not to respond in a thread anymore? Ok.
  16. Really? I answered your questions patiently. When my answers were no longer to your satisfaction, I stopped. Why in the world are you calling ME out when I've done nothing but try to help you? You really think your words about me AFTER I left this conversation were "nice"? Interesting. You have a great day.
  17. LipstickLady

    Contact sports after getting a sleeve

    I was cleared to do full body contact sparring (martial arts) after 12 weeks. Kicks to the stomach aren't a good idea after stomach surgery. I'd assume roller derby can be pretty rough on your guts, too.
  18. If someone is eating maybe one Italian ice a day (no nutritional value) and half a shake a day (all liquid), what exactly would they have to poop out? Serious question.
  19. LipstickLady

    Not losing anything? ?

    Due to the gas it can expand it back out! How do u think we expanded our stomachs in the first place! The one I see is extremely renounced in his profession has 12 different clinics and is called all over the world to do the operations on people so I think I may just listen to his advice as he wud clearly know what he is going on about I wud of thought lol! And we met one of his failures the other day at support meeting as they r coming back again 2 try a by pass instead, and they admitted that they lived on fizzy drinks and beer and take aways and regained the lot! I don't think you understand the difference between a sleeved stomach and a regular stomach or a sleeved stomach and a RNY. But no matter what, you just do what you think is best, OK?
  20. LipstickLady

    Not losing anything? ?

    How in the world would "fizzy drinks" stretch muscle? That' a scare tactic and illogical. Air won't stretch a sleeve. It can cause discomfort and gas, but stretching? No.
  21. LipstickLady

    Not losing anything? ?

    really? after 3 months since the surgery I can eat more than before and I feel like my stomch stretched? should I be worried Really. Eat your Protein first, veggies second, complex carbs last. I rarely get to the carbs.
  22. LipstickLady

    Walking nauseates me

  23. LipstickLady

    Walking nauseates me

    Are you taking some sort of snack with you? Almonds or a protein bar? Maybe some watered down Gatorade? I get nauseated when my sugar drops, maybe that's happening to you.
  24. Tell me what you want to hear. I probably won't say it, but at least I'll know.

    1. Elode


      Nope I'm only in it with some of you...some I don't like! Sorry not sorry! Lol!!!

    2. LipstickLady


      @Elode ... Girl, yessssss.

    3. Elode
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  25. No worries. I shan't make that mistake again. Good luck to you!

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