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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. I lost like a demon my first three months on WWs every time. Losing was never the issue. I couldn't MAINTAIN it.
  2. I think it can. This is why I refuse to subsist on 800 calories a day of all Protein, no fat. Bring on the butter! Bring on the full fat sour cream and the good cheese. I am not afraid of calories, I am not afraid of fat, I am afraid of carbs. Not the complex kind, the sugary sweet refined kind. I did not want to maintain on 800 calories so I worked hard to get to 1200-1500 calories a day. That seems to be my maintenance point -- a point I can live with.
  3. Mmmmmm..... I don't agree. Disclaimer. I am not a doctor, a nutritionist nor do I have any formal training in what I am about to say. This is my opinion only. I have a REALLY hard time with the idea that some people hit 200+, 300+, 400+ pounds eating "normal" sized portions of good choices. I see that claim here all the time and I personally can't wrap my head around it. I am not saying that they aren't correct, but it is my opinion that they may be (MAY BE!) in a bit of denial on what they are eating, how much they are eating or what a "normal" portion is. I also wonder how many calories they are drinking. I do agree that 800 calories worth of doughnuts is going to affect you differently than 800 calories worth of lean chicken breast as far as building muscle, clogging your arteries, affecting your organs, etc. but as far as weight ... What I do NOT understand is how a surgery like the sleeve or band will help someone who is already eating a calorie deficit, yet we hear that here all the time. On more than one occasion I've seen people write that they never ate more than 1200 calories a day and they gained massive amounts of weight for (insert reason here), yet now that they are sleeved and eating 1200 calories a day, they are losing. How is that possible? I can see it if they have had bypass as that is malabsorbative, but the sleeve/band is only restrictive. I could easily (well, not easily but I could) eat 4000+ calories a day with my very tight sleeve if I ate crap all day without stopping. My ability to eat large portions has been reduced drastically. If I overeat, even by a bite, I am miserable. I am forced to slow down, eat smaller bites and chew they heck out of my food or I will slime and vomit. I think quality of food does affect us, but I think the overall science of calories in/calories out is on point.
  4. Go to another surgeon and ask them to check out your sleeve. They can do an xray and tell you from there what your best course of action will be. Find out from your insurance if they will cover a revision, too, and what you need to do to start the process. What is your typical diet? Do you log your calories and intake? What exercise can you do?
  5. LipstickLady

    really struggling

    I personally have never been one who could "listen to my body". That's exactly what got me into this mess in the first place.
  6. LipstickLady

    Sleeping/soiling Question

    I've had my share of productive farts, feel blessed yours weren't while you were out in public or in your car... Way too much fiber. Broccoli was the last veggie I was approved for. Eat nuts, cheese, jerky, avocado, boiled eggs... Protein is your friend. Broccoli, not so much.
  7. @@BLERDgirl is your woman to help! I can't live without red meat, sooo... And bacon. And crab...
  8. LipstickLady

    I'm going to flip a lid!

    A stall is no weight change **up or down** for three weeks. You are experiencing normal weight fluctuations. I regularly fluctuate 2-3 pounds from AM to PM. Increased exercise is good but muscle retains Water after a workout and it weighs more in volume. Use the scale as a guide, not as an overall indication of your health. Measure weekly or just let your loosening clothes be your guide.
  9. LipstickLady

    Think I goofed up...

    Hardboiled egg whites are solid protein and it took me a good year before I could eat them. It took me almost 18 months before I could finish an entire scrambled egg, so I'm betting you are eating too much or just aren't ready for egg whites yet.
  10. LipstickLady

    Almost 3 weeks WHAT TO EAT?

    YES!! This. Use a baby spoon and only take half of that at one time. Allow 30 seconds or more between each "bite". I walked a loop around my downstairs after every bite to force a burp. Slow, small, measured amounts. Key.
  11. You've lost a TON! Well, last I checked, I've never quite hit a TON. I mean, I was pretty fat and all, but...
  12. LipstickLady

    Almost 3 weeks WHAT TO EAT?

    eggs scrambled with a dash of milk, a pat of butter and VERY wet. A little cheese, too, if you can stomach that. Refried Beans with Water to thin them and a bit of cheese. Guacamole or hummus with a spoon. You don't need a chip!! chicken or tuna salad mashed to almost a paste. Lots of options and this phase WILL pass.
  13. LipstickLady

    I Want a Drink!

    I had my first drink at 3 months out. It was a glass of wine and it hit me HARD. When you do have your first, don't have it while you are out, have it at home so you can see what impact it will have on you. I am almost two years out and I still get loopy after a beer or two and I lived in a sorority house for two years -- I can (could!!) hold my alcohol. I cannot eat after I drink or vice versa, so if you do feel buzzed, don't plan on food sobering you up like it used to and don't plan on being able to drink Water to pass it through faster. Another reason to have your first few drinks at home. Wine and other sweeter drinks give me heartburn that feels like death is trying to claw it's way out of my chest. I do like a bloody mary, or a vodka cranberry or vodka lemonade either made with 0 calorie "juice". I am not advocating drinking against your doctor's plan, but I am saying that if/when you do, do it smartly (is that even a word??) and cautiously.
  14. Skinny jean capris. In single digit sizes!!

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Will you puleeeeese ! quit being so darn sexy ? Save some fabulousness for the rest of us !!! Congrats !!!

    2. Elizabeth21


      That's awesome!! Good for you!! Good on you!! :)

    3. jane13
    4. Show next comments  465 more
  15. LipstickLady

    Yoga? No-ah

    Have you tried pilates? I love yoga but I ***L.O.V.E*** pilates.
  16. LipstickLady

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    Good for you for standing up for yourself! You deserve to be treated well.
  17. LipstickLady

    Hate eating

    I, too, hate the full feeling I used to crave. When I have one bite too many, I am miserable for hours. I have found it's better for me to eat lots of mini meals instead of three "regular" meals. I eat tiny bites, chew well, and rarely eat more than 1/2 cup at a sitting.
  18. LipstickLady

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    I guess I've been really fortunate in my life. I've only had one instance where someone clearly treated me differently after I lost my weight and I called her on it. None of my friends or family treat me any differently, none of the parents at my kids' schools act differently around me, my circle of besties hasn't grown or shrank. I'm very lucky. As for someone touching my hair? I'd cut off their hand. I hate that more than anything and because I have long curly hair, people reach out and try to touch it all the time. Never more than once, though.
  19. LipstickLady

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    It was implied. She does not know me personally. I just did bank business with her. No she answered quickly and as she commented on my body and looks. The implication was that he left me for that reason. When a person is face to face with another some of us can pretty much tell what another is thinking as I saw the color change when I said it. She is not the first person to think that Roy left me because I was fat and he found someone who wasn't. Ahhhh.... I see. I'm not one of those who can "pretty much tell what another is thinking". Perhaps that is why I'm considered a bit more forward or abrasive? I tend to ask people outright what's on their minds. They don't always like it, but there is no room for misconceptions. I did have a cashier ask me once if I was getting a divorce because I had lost so much weight and was in the market all dressed up/made up. I was actually on my way home from a conference I was speaking at and it was my 19th anniversary. People are strange birds...
  20. LipstickLady

    So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?

    Did she say she thought he left you because you were bigger or are you assuming that? I'm confused.
  21. LipstickLady

    Feel the need to go "Hog Wild"

    Deal with it. You WILL have wings again. (Said with empathy.)
  22. You don't think it is?? I guess im being unrealistic . I was just thinking if this is the big loss period, and I did ten, what will it be later? Pound a week??? Maybe. A pound per week would be more than 50 pounds per year. That's great. I bet you will lose more if you stick to plan but you didn't gain it overnight, you won't lose it overnight. Look at your long term and go with it. You will amaze yourself.
  23. LipstickLady


    I can get to work by walking, by driving, or by telecommuting. I can wash my dishes by hand or by dishwasher. I can fix my heart disease/diabetes with meds, with exercise and diet, or by taking pills. I can lose weight by dieting or with WLS along with a great new diet and by moving my body. I work harder AND smarter. It's a personal choice. Don't apologize for yours.
  24. Ten pounds in two weeks is a slow start? Really? Oyyyyy.... REALLY??
  25. LipstickLady

    Eating Too Much?

    Tracking my food is great not only to keep me on point but also to give me perspective. If you aren't already doing so, consider it.

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