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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Fear of STRETCHING Sleeve!

    Or that it will.
  2. LipstickLady

    Fear of STRETCHING Sleeve!

    You absolutely insulted someone IMO. As for my "famous run ins"? First, there is nothing "famous" about me. I'm a boring old mom. Second, as you can see from this thread, I (along with many others) am able to disagree without making personal insults and innuendos. Yes, your style and mine are COMPLETELY different and I can't help but shake my head at your need to come into a good AMICABLE debate/discussion and throw gas and a match on a fire that doesn't exist. That floors me. It's my OPINION that one should debate the argument, NOT the opinion holder.
  3. LipstickLady

    Food is not appealing

    That's what I was going to say!
  4. LipstickLady

    Fear of STRETCHING Sleeve!

    @@Stevehud This thread has gone on for 8 pages without "getting real bad real fast". If you read the entire thing, you will see that some people are able to discuss/debate/disagree without throwing out personal insults. You are actually the first to do so.
  5. Yup. I looked good today. That's my motivation to keep the weight off.

    1. IcanMakeit


      It's true for me. Sometimes, when I see my new figure in a mirror, I remind myself that if I don't keep working for it, I will lose it.

  6. Wait. You'll experience some hair loss most likely, so find a great hair stylist you love who can work with you to find a new style along with a way to minimize the loss of volume appearance wise.
  7. LipstickLady

    Fear of STRETCHING Sleeve!

    Because it stretches A correctly done sleeve should not give much. It will "stretch" slightly with continuous abuse. At least according to the research I've done and the surgeons I've consulted. We will have to agree to disagree.
  8. LipstickLady

    always feel sick

    I had to take two meds on top of my PPI for about 3-4 months. One was for nauseousness, the other to prevent cramping in the stomach. They helped a lot!
  9. Shut the hell up and woman up. You are doing this for YOU -- for your heart, your back, your knees, your kidneys. You deserve to live a long healthy, happy life, experiencing everything to its fullest. Don't worry about what other people think, they aren't walking in your shoes. Losing the weight is the easy part, keeping it off is where the work comes in. You're young. I wish I'd done this before I spent half my life being fat. Take control now before you lose any more years being overweight.
  10. That's a tough one. You should not have to tamper your joy and your success because someone else has not reached their goal. They should look at you as a role model and a source of inspiration. If they choose not to, seems to me that it's their problem, not yours. Find new groups. We should Celebrate each other.
  11. LipstickLady

    How bad is the hunger?

    Nor is it a counselor, a friendship, a partner or a good idea if you are depending on it as a source of soothing, comfort,or joy.
  12. LipstickLady

    How bad is the hunger?

    I did not start feeling hungry post op until about a year out. When I do feel hungry, it's a physical gnawing feeling and I do experience woozy feelings when my sugar drops. I carry almonds/cheese stick/beef Jerky in my car or bag most all the time just in case. I can't eat much at a sitting due to my restriction so I am more of an all day grazer. I do NOT recommend this to others, but it works for me.
  13. LipstickLady

    1,000 calories a day & not losing

    What are those 1000 calories comprised of? Are you eating your Proteins first, complex carbs second? Have you tried going to a strict post op diet for a week or so? liquid Protein only for a few days and then gradually reintroducing solid protein to "reset" your restriction?
  14. LipstickLady

    Freedom and more firsts

    Non scale victory!!
  15. It helps you lose temporary Water weight. When you stop using these wraps, the water will come back. You can make these at home. Google it.
  16. LipstickLady

    Ugh need to vent about a Husband that doesn't understand!

    No, really. You aren't doing this for him, you are doing this for YOU. If he can't wrap his head around it, that's not your problem. Tell him to sit there quietly if he can't say anything supportive. This is your health that you are bettering.
  17. LipstickLady

    Ugh need to vent about a Husband that doesn't understand!

    Ask him why he can't grow just one more inch. In length and girth.
  18. LipstickLady

    Freedom and more firsts

    Very cute!! Good for you!!
  19. LipstickLady

    Fear of STRETCHING Sleeve!

    Don't laugh ... I'm a counselor, I did pre and post surgery counseling and ran all the support groups. Why would I laugh?
  20. LipstickLady

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    WOW. A "final word" with some pretty heavy insults on the way out... Why aren't people able to disagree without being ugly about it?
  21. LipstickLady

    Stress and Disappointed

    Do you log your food? What is your average caloric/fat/carb intake? Exercise is awesome but you can exercise all day long and undo any progress made with a few moments shared with a box of doughnuts.
  22. LipstickLady

    Fear of STRETCHING Sleeve!

    @@Band07 You said you've worked with sleeve patients for years? What do you do?
  23. LipstickLady

    did insurance pay but you still had pay cash?

    I paid $1,000 out of pocket. My payments started the month after surgery and I paid $50/mo, no interest. They would have gone as low as $10/mo.
  24. LipstickLady

    Fear of STRETCHING Sleeve!

    I'm not sure why you refuse to believe this can happen but here are a few more for you that were not prior lap band patients and are not me. These are actually revision surgeries of those who had to be resleeved. ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1429317110.749143.jpgImageUploadedByBariatricPal1429317122.380683.jpgImageUploadedByBariatricPal1429317131.348455.jpg Never did I say I REFUSE to believe it's possible. It's my OPINION that if the procedure is done correctly, a sleeve will not stretch significantly. My opinion is based on my experiences and those of the sleevers I know, most of whom are 3-5 years out. This is also what I was advised by multiple surgeons. It's my OPINION that your opinion has been vastly influenced by your own experience (understandable). Your thread here - http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/334573-sleeve-to-mgb-low-bmi/ - opened my eyes to your situation. I do hope you find the success you are seeking.

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