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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    Discouraged, not losing!

    I've got news for you...it's not realistic for ANY body. I wish I could grow wings and fly.
  2. LipstickLady

    My First Roadblock

    I'm sure he has your best interest at heart. He wants your surgery to be as safe as possible and for your recovery to be easier, I imagine. That said, I'm sure this was very hard to hear and it seems like a monstrous task. Can you seek a second opinion? Find a surgeon who specializes in larger scale obesity? Did he offer you assistance in losing that weight? Did he give you a plan?
  3. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    I agree. I think the OP was simply expressing her thoughts in an appropriate forum. If it was in the general area, that would not have been appropriate at all. Just my opinion.
  4. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    HA!! Didn't even notice. I will message the powers that be!
  5. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    Now if I came into the Christian forums and started in about my beliefs, would that be ok? Please respect this room.
  6. LipstickLady

    My Little Piece of Heaven

    It's a great under boob balm when you're doing outdoor stuff, for sure!
  7. LipstickLady

    What do you say when.....

    Thanks! You look great, too!
  8. Here I go again. The meanie of the joint. Yeesh.

    1. LipstickLady


      HA! I'm counting the days until it is. Perhaps people around here will RELAX a bit.

    2. CowgirlJane


      Uh oh... what did you do now? :)

    3. LipstickLady


      Nothing new.

    4. Show next comments  450 more
  9. LipstickLady

    Pre-op diet is a b***h

    Listerine is your friend. It's nasty but it works. Gargle with it, use the pocket spray, suck on the breath strips. NOTHING tastes good after a healthy dose of it so it will kill your cravings for sure.
  10. LipstickLady

    Discouraged, not losing!

    Good thing my intention was not to give you a snarky response then. As for being unhelpful? It's YOUR choice to read my words in whatever tone you choose. It's a shame you are choosing to see them as negative. Oh! And to answer your "point"? Seven pounds in 3 weeks is still over the average expected weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week, so yes, you ARE losing at a healthy rate. Good luck to you! I won't make the mistake of giving you honest feedback again.
  11. LipstickLady

    Discouraged, not losing!

    So....... 27 pounds in five weeks isn't a great result? That's "not losing"? Are you tracking your foods? Moving your body? Following your dietary plan? If so, you are doing everything just right. Relax. This isn't going to be the miracle cure where all the weight you've gained over the years magically falls off. You are losing at an average of 5+ pounds a week. Relax and do your thing. Stressing about it certainly isn't going to help you. If you do your part, surgery works. Seriously.
  12. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    You didn't know what WHAT meant?
  13. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    WHAT?!??!!? My lack of religious beliefs does not equal worshipping Satan. If your opinion mattered to me in the slightest, that would be totally offensive. No, darling, I don't worship Satan. I don't believe in Satan or hell so not a lot there to "worship". @@Aliyah14
  14. How much more drastic? You think what you're doing isn't pretty extreme? Interesting. Leaks happen. Infections happen. Missing your biggest weight loss window happens. You are going to be really angry with yourself if you don't make this surgery a success. Aren't you worth better than this?
  15. LipstickLady

    Your weirdest breakfast?

    I rarely eat breakfast for breakfast. Seafood salad, shrimp and avocado, slices of roast beef, and my favorite, Oscar Meyer cheese dogs.
  16. LipstickLady

    Anybody not saggy?

    My tummy, hips and back are not saggy. My thighs and arms are. I did not use lotions, creams, potions. I did do a lot of exercising before surgery and after -- cardio mostly -- but I believe it's all about age, genetics, how much you weighed, how long one was obese and luck.
  17. LipstickLady

    Im scared

    My new normal is amazing.
  18. LipstickLady

    Im scared

    Your definition of normal will totally change. I don't know your fat stats, but I can tell you mine. My new normal is fitting into size 8 jeans instead of size 20. My new normal is my two teen daughters searching through my closet for a top instead of telling me that I need to wear something other than black. My new normal is eating in public without feeling like everyone is looking at the fat lady gorging. My new normal is putting a few treats in my grocery cart without feeling self conscious about it. My new normal is being the thin, fit mom at events instead of the fattest lady in the room. My new normal is being able to squeeze down crowded aisles, fit in theater seats, fly comfortably, cross my legs, tie my shoes, paint my toenails, complete a mud run, climb a lighthouse, ride a horse, fasten the safety belt of a roller coaster... Yes, I can eat a bit of dessert if I choose to, but that's so not important to my new normal.
  19. LipstickLady

    Legs (pictures encouraged)

    My legs look pretty bad around the thighs. They are seriously flappy and saggy, and they look bizarre in shorts. If I were to ever consider plastics, that is my problem area, but I honestly don't care too much. I wear 5" shorts but 6" would probably be better. Those are terribly hard to find in a fashionable cuts and fabrics so I just suck it up and savor the fact that these fat, saggy, floppy thighs can carry me any where I want to go, they allow me to climb walls and trees, run 5ks, hike mountains and sand dunes, I can cross my legs easily and they look great in skinny jeans. After decades of obesity, I can't expect perfection, so if this is the biggest problem in my life, I'm pretty freaking blessed.
  20. LipstickLady

    Confused about Carbs...

    Don't overplan and don't get hung up on any food desires. I used to love fruit but now, not so much. Oranges -- more than one wedge makes me feel nasty. Bananas make me vomit because they are so sweet. pineapple is good for a bite or two and then I am over it. I can handle a few grapes and then I am done. I still enjoy fruit, but I can't eat much of it. I don't even want to anymore. Same with bread, Pasta, rice, ice cream (gasp!!!)... They all make me feel horrid so the desire to eat them has diminished to almost none.
  21. LipstickLady

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    As many of you know, we have a "powder Room" for our chickies. Those rooms are meant to be "safe places" where the boys could discuss their issues (do you really grow an inch with each 10 pounds lost!?!!) and the girls can discuss theirs (oh my gawd, the never ending period). Often times, we've noticed that the boys tiptoe into the girls' room inadvertently and vice versa. Some people get a bit touchy about it and others LOVE the input/ideas/opinions that the opposite gender brings. So here we are! Feel free to discuss any issue you want that's adult related and might not belong in the view of those who are more "delicate" or easily offended. The other forums still exist, but this room will allow us to monitor that one a bit more closely. Just remember, this is not a hook-up room or a meat market. We have the singles room for that. Have fun and learn from each other!
  22. LipstickLady

    Good bye, my love

    Too much bread. I still eat them once in awhile. I discard half of the muffin and most of the other, eating mostly the stuffing.
  23. LipstickLady

    compliments that are not compliments....

    "You are SUCH a treat to be around."
  24. LipstickLady

    What is your TRUE weight loss goal?

    I have no "target", just a bit of thinking out loud. I think that sometimes we focus so hard on a number, we forget about the reality of our situation. The whole perspective thing gets lost. But again, just my feelings on the subject.
  25. LipstickLady

    Mad at myself

    Tell me what good all this self directed anger is doing for you? Is it helping you lose weight? Is it helping your stress levels, your blood pressure, your tics? Is it good for your self esteem, your mood, your sense of well being? If you had a bad appendix, would you be mad at yourself? How about loss of hearing? Would you be mad at yourself if you needed brain surgery for a tumor? Eye surgery for a cataract? You need help. WLS may very well be your answer. If losing/maintaining weight was that easy for every person, we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic. Stop beating yourself up and be thankful that this opportunity is available to you. Use it. What you are doing to yourself emotionally is not at all helpful and is most likely detrimental to your good health and efforts. Stop it. Fix it. Move on with your life.

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