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Everything posted by LipstickLady

  1. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    Absolutely, @@Babbs . I treat people with kindness, live with good ethics, do nice things for others, embrace people for their differences and "tolerate" those differences because I CHOOSE to, not because someone (or some book) tells me that I will go to hell if I don't. I live in the bible belt, so i understand how you feel professionally. I just keep my head down and go with the flow.
  2. LipstickLady

    Your weirdest breakfast?

    Now THAT sounds like my kind of breakfast.
  3. LipstickLady

    5:2 Links and info

  4. LipstickLady

    drink Soda after surgery?

    Carbonation will NOT stretch your sleeve. It's AIR. Just like too much Water will not stretch your sleeve or eating broccoli, Beans or cabbage (all of which cause GAS) will not stretch your sleeve, air bubbles from a drink will NOT stretch your sleeve. It's a scare tactic, people. Sleeves that are done correctly will not stretch. They will relax over time. They will give a little over time. Excessive overstuffing it will "stretch" the leftover fundus over time, but your stomach should never stretch out to even 1/4 of what it was pre-op and it certainly won't do it because of a liquid, even one with bubbles. Carbonation will cause discomfort and lots of burping if you are lucky. In fact, it will cause me to hurl if I drink it too close to a meal. It can be hateful. Follow your doctor's orders. If he doesn't allow it, don't drink it. Mine allows it. I drink it. I have to drink it poured over ice with some of the carbonation stirred out, but not flat by any means. If I drink it out of the bottle, I am ginormously uncomfortable until I burp and even then, I feel urpy. I am two years out. I waited to drink it until I I was told I could and I only drink diet or SF. I'm not dead yet, I am at goal and have maintained it for over a year. It doesn't make me crave anything nor am I growing weird tentacles or horns. If you are afraid of the "chemicals", drink seltzer water or make your own soda at home if you are so inclined. I have a hard time with the "chemical" argument personally, as long as my doctor is also allowing me to eat pre-packaged anything. But that's just me.
  5. I will be two years out on the 15 of May and I still feel like a newbie! Year one was amazing. I hit my personal goal in 9 months and then lost about 6 more within the next few. I followed my doctor's orders to the minute and am so glad I did. It was almost as if I needed to prove to myself after a lifetime of failing at diet after diet that I could really do this. Year two has also been a treat. I have bounced around the same 6 pound range for the last year. I would REALLY like to lose about 10 pounds but that said, I've not made any stellar efforts to do so. Maintaining has been super duper easy -- way easier than it should be. When I eat like an asshole, I gain 2-3 pounds. I go back to eating all cheese, meat and almonds for a day or two and I lose it again. Wash, rinse, repeat. I am totally "blessed" with super tight restriction. I can barely over 1/2 cup and have found no true sliders. If I really want to limit my eating, I drink some (WTF!!?!) Coke Zero and then I am unable to eat for at least an hour. By then, the need to eat passes, and I'm good. I don't track as much as I should, and I feel as if all of this is too good to be true. I keep telling myself that I really need a bit more structure so that I don't gain 10 pounds, then 20, then... I am NOT going to let that happen. I can't. I am far too happy where I am to go back. @@CowgirlJane -- please check your messages. It's your help I need.
  6. Immediately post op, my doctor had a 60/60 rule. After 6 months, he changed it to 30/60. After a year, I am "allowed" to drink right up to a meal but am advised to wait 45-60 minutes after to drink. Real world experience at almost 2 years out. I followed his advice. I hit goal in nine months and I have maintained it for the last 15. I have found that if I drink right up to a meal, I am full when I eat and can only get in 3-4 small bites max. I am then hungry in an hour or so. I cannot do more than wet my mouth after a meal for at least 45 minutes or I will be extremely uncomfortable and will most likely hurl. If I am at a restaurant with friends and there is absolutely nothing I want, I will order a diet soda (gasp!!) or a beer (even MORE gasp!!!) and sip that while everyone eats. Why have a meal I don't want, right? As far as soup. I had the same question and my doctor told me to do what I felt was right for my body. He did recommend creamier soups at first and to strain them when I first started on solids. Now, when I have soup, I spoon in some of the broth and then eat the chunks. If I eat too much broth, I get very little solids in so I only order a cup. I rarely it. That's just MY experience. I like listening to my doctor. I picked him for a reason.
  7. LipstickLady

    Angry and easily irritated

    Totally normal. Your body is healing. It's exhausted physically, and emotionally you are going through a boat load of changes very quickly. Your hormones are on a roller coaster right now. If what I've read is true, there is a high correlation between fat storage and estrogen. As your body breaks down fat, your hormone levels are all whacked to hell and your reactions to everyday happenings are processed differently. Apologize to your family. Start remembering to breathe before you react. Think before you answer. Give yourself a break and your family a hug. It will all be OK...
  8. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    I am not nearly as well spoken as @@VSGAnn2014, especially before my first cuppa, but I will say that I find it quite interesting that believers have no problem coming into this forum and condemning/proselytizing/offering up "prayers" to those who do not hold the same beliefs. Some of those prayers seem to be offered as a mockery or out of pity instead of what I believe the true spirit of prayer should be based on. Never on these forums do I see non believers entering into the Religious forum or even the general forum and railing against religion, publicly condemning God or offering piteous words to those of religious conviction. The whole idea of tolerance seems to be a very one way street when it comes to believers/non believers.
  9. LipstickLady

    I no longer like chocolate

    French fries and milkshakes weren't such a great idea either, apparently.
  10. LipstickLady

    How do you manage family gatherings?

    Be ready with your arsenal of excuses and stick to your plan. "I ate before I came." "No thanks! It looks great but I am not hungry." "I'm watching what I eat. Bathing suit season is almost here!" "My tummy is feeling a bit off today so I'd rather not eat." "Oh, thanks!! It looks great! Maybe in a bit..." Sip your tea, ice Water, and enjoy the company!
  11. LipstickLady

    I no longer like chocolate

    Ice cream, on the other hand, still makes me vomit after the second bite.
  12. LipstickLady

    I no longer like chocolate

    My first bite of chocolate post op was at about three months. It tasted like I had just licked an ashtray the morning after StPatty's Day. BLURP. Unfortunately, I like it again.
  13. LipstickLady

    The lady at the pool

    All our pools are equipped with portable stairs that can be moved to any side of the pool where they might be needed in case of elderly/injury/obesity. That's a HUGE safety issue, IMO. What if she had a heart attack?
  14. LipstickLady

    What is your TRUE weight loss goal?

    One of the many reasons I switched from my first bariatric surgeon was because he was morbidly obese. During our third appointment, he asked me why I gained 5 pounds over the Christmas holidays. I looked at him and asked why he appeared to have gained 20. Needless to say, we weren't a match.
  15. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    Hmmm... So you're telling me that name calling or throwing out a pretty big insult based on something you know nothing about is mature? Ok!
  16. LipstickLady

    Omg I'm going crazy

    Oh my gawd!! It's AMAZING how much more there is to life than food and excess weight. Do a mud run, learn to Zumba, climb a mountain, buy a camera and explore your world, go paddle around a lake, strap on some roller blades, volunteer to walk dogs at the animal shelter, play some golf, ride a roller coaster, plant a garden, mow some lawns for the elderly, explore your city, go white Water rafting, zipline across a mountain top... Go out and LIVE your life as you never have before. Food is fuel, that's it. Once you figure that out, you will be SO MUCH more free.
  17. I love Spaghetti Squash! I just poke a bazillion holes in it with a skewer, put it on a paper plate and microwave it until it's soft. Easy cheesy! Cut it in half, scoop out the seeds and then the flesh and serve it with olive oil and Parmesan. Love it.
  18. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    Says the person who commented on two words she didn't know the definition of.
  19. You CAN, you are just choosing not to. I hope your choices don't lead to complications. Eating what you wanted when you wanted got you into this place of needing WLS. No reason to believe that eating what you want when you want will find you equally as successful in losing it, right?
  20. LipstickLady

    What is your TRUE weight loss goal?

    I'm always right. Yeeeesh.
  21. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    You truly do work in mysterious ways.... You're welcome.
  22. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    Ah, er, Oh nothing, Oh Mighty One..... Dear Lipsticklady, Can you please use your magical powers to stop offending people with your practical yet mysteriously offensive advice? In this we pray, Amen. No. Next?!
  23. I am the real princess.

    1. Fireflea


      Absolutely, your majesty!

    2. IcanMakeit


      You think so, eh? I'll have you know that I have been princess of the galaxy for years. Just ask my husband.

  24. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    What's funny?
  25. LipstickLady

    "Thank God for My Sleeve!"

    Dear Lipstick Lady...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
